psychology and behavior Analysis Lacey Seymour, Ph.D., BCBA

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Transcript psychology and behavior Analysis Lacey Seymour, Ph.D., BCBA

psychology and behavior
Lacey Seymour, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Louisiana Psychological Association
Definition of Psychology
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. The
discipline embraces all aspects of the human
experience — from the functions of the brain to the
actions of nations, from child development to care for
the aged. In every conceivable setting from scientific
research centers to mental health care services, "the
understanding of behavior" is the enterprise of
psychologists. (American Psychological Association)
Theories of Psychology
Biological (focuses on physiology, genetics)
Psychoanalytic (unconscious mental processes)
Behaviorism (observation of behaviors, learning
Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB) and
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Cognitive (mental processing of information)
Sociocultural (focuses on social and cultural factors)
Examination for
Professional Practice in
In order to become licensed to practice psychology,
candidates MUST pass the EPPP which covers
information from ALL of the previously mentioned
theories (in addition to a wide variety of other
Therefore, all licensed psychologists have been
exposed to the principles of behaviorism
NOT all psychologists who are exposed to these
principles are qualified to practice them (training and
supervised experience is required)
American Psychological
There are 56 divisions of the American
Psychological Association.
Division 25 is Behavior Analysis.
Other examples include Educational Psychology,
Clinical Psychology, Exercise and Sport
Psychology and Industrial/Organizational
BCBA’s in LA
The BACB lists 66 individuals on their registry in LA.
7 individuals are assistant behavior analysts (BCaBA)
15 of the individuals hold PhD’s in psychology (4 in
other fields)
Will these individuals apply for licensure through a
new board? If not, what are the effects on the cost of
What about the individuals with Master’s degrees in
Psych? Should they be regulated by the Psychology
board or another board?
Who is providing behavioral
services in our state?
There are many licensed psychologists who are
practicing behavior analysis in LA who have chosen
NOT to obtain the BACB certification for various
reasons (not required to practice, length of time they
have been practicing, etc).
Who are they and what populations do they serve?
“Real Life” Examples
“I use or have recently used behavioral analysis for
treatment of gambling problems, geriatric selfmanagement, bipolar self-management, treatment
of alcohol and other addictive drugs, depression,
and chronic procrastination.”
• Bill McCown, PhD
• Interim Director Grad School,
• University of Louisiana at Monroe
“Real Life” Examples
“My training in ABA was in grad school in the 60s. I
used it with children, very rarely autistic, throughout
my practice. I also used it extensively in group
homes for individuals with mental retardation.”
• Dr. Thomas J Hannie Jr.
• Clinical Psychologist
• Baton Rouge, LA
“Real Life” Examples
“I was trained at LSU Baton Rouge where our training in
applied behavior analysis was extensive. I have used this in
school and clinical settings for a wide variety behavior
concerns. The behaviors have ranged from those related to
oppositionality and attention problems to those related to
more severe disorders, including autism and mental
disabilities. ABA influences also effect decisions I make for
typically developing children and for training appropriate
behaviors to prevent the development of inappropriate
behaviors. My training in this area has been applied on grant
development, district, school, class, and individual levels.”
Dr. Susan Gatti
School Psychologist
Shreveport, LA
“Real Life” Examples
“I’ve been involved with (applied behavior analysis)
extensively over the course of my career, though
much less in my current position than in my
previous job. Both of these have involved adult or
late-adolescent brain injury rehab inpatients. Very
early in my career I also worked with it in
developmental disability settings.”
John Fanning, Ph.D.
New Orleans, LA
“Real Life” Examples
“Applied behavior analysis was part of my doctoral training. I
used this approach as the basis for developing a token
economy in a residential treatment center for adolescents
years ago. I also worked in a training center for intellectually
disabled adults in which the entire program, designed by
psychologists, was based on ABA. Since then, I have used
these principles in my private practice in, among other things,
devising behavioral contracts between parents and teen
aged children.”
Larry J. Benoit, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Lafayette, LA
“I too was trained in Applied Behavior Analysis in the
90s, Tulane School Psychology program. Although I
don’t do the intensive 6 hours of day kind of work with
children with Autism, I use ABA for treatment of
children who have Oppositional Defiant Disordercoaching parents using programs like PCIT. I also train
teachers to use differential positive reinforcement for
classroom management. Also effective for children
with tantrums, school refusal, to develop school-based
interventions (Functional Behavior
Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plans), the list goes
on. Most if not all school psychologists use ABA in
their daily work. Although I’m in private practice, I
continue to use these methods. I’m definitely a
cognitive-behavioral psychologist, but behavior
therapy is very effective for many childhood
“Real Life” Examples
Because so many psychologists who are NOT
certified by the BACB are using behavioral therapy,
having a subcommittee under the psychology
board will assist in fostering a collaborative
relationship with the BCBA’s who are also
practicing in this state.
Working together will allow everyone involved to
continue to provide valuable services to the
populations mentioned above without conflict from
another board.