isaca m 09 heberer - Law Seminars International

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Unique Issues and Trends in Online and Electronic Contests and Games

By William Heberer

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP

The Basics


Lotteries are illegal under federal and all state laws

Lottery: a promotion containing all three elements of






Anything of tangible value, no matter how nominal


Random selection of winner


Product purchase

Any payment (except postage)

Substantial expenditure of effort

Sweepstakes v. Contests


Prize and chance are present

Legality depends upon eliminating consideration


Prize and skill are present

Consideration may be required except in a few states provided skill is bona fide

Eliminating Consideration: “AMOE”

Availability of a viable AMOE eliminates consideration element

AMOE must:

Be a free mechanism

Have “equal dignity” with pay method of entry

Be clearly and conspicuously disclosed

The Hypothetical


Lose Weight While You Snack!

Skinny Dip Campaign

Fully integrated marketing campaign targeted to adults

On pack instant win game

Daily text message sweepstakes

Music video contest

On Pack Instant Win Game

Five digit code inside specially marked packages of Skinny Dip

Codes entered online or via text message to S-K-I-N-N-Y to find out if you are an instant winner

Free game codes available online (only) - limit one game code per day

Bonus game codes awarded for e-mail referrals

On Pack Instant Win Game

Prizes range from $5.00 gift cards to grand prize trip to Final Four

Online and text message entrants must accept promotional emails from marketing partners

Daily Text Message Sweepstakes

One text message entrant randomly selected each day

Must respond within fifteen minutes of winner notification

Standard text messaging rates apply

Music Video Contest

Consumers invited to submit 3-5 minute music video showing folks enjoying Skinny Dip

5 proofs of purchase required to enter

Entries posted online

Public judging and cash prizes to entries with highest scores

The Issues

Internet Access Issues

On pack game entrants must use Internet to enter codes

Only way to find out whether you’ve won other than text messaging

Internet is being used as sole AMOE for on pack game

Only way to obtain free game pieces

Internet as AMOE

Skinny Dip On Pack Game uses Internet as sole AMOE

Only way to obtain a game piece without purchase

Can Internet be relied on as AMOE?

Internet Access as Consideration

Requirement that consumer have (pay for) Internet access = consideration?

Early view: Internet access could be deemed to constitute consideration; offline AMOE required

Today: Internet access as consideration not seen as an issue

• While no definitive ruling, fully integrated promotions are common • Lack of enforcement activity

Internet Access Issues

Disclosure of Internet Access Requirement

Internet access is a material condition of participation

If Internet access is required for promotion offered offline, must disclose prior to purchase

• On packaging • In all advertising materials

Internet as AMOE

AMOE Requirements:

Must be a Free Mechanism

Must Have Equal Dignity with Payment Method of Entry

Absence of consideration satisfies the “free” requirement

Issue is Equal Dignity

Internet as AMOE

Equal Dignity means free entrants have same opportunity to compete on same basis as pay entrants

AMOE universally available to all who would otherwise sign up via pay method

Parallel deadlines

Same odds of winning

Free entrants not disadvantaged in any way

Internet as AMOE

Last year NYS AG challenged similar Tylenol promotion where “free” game pieces only available online

New York AG: AMOE must be “universally” available – Internet is widely but not universally available

Other problems with promotion so unclear if AG would have challenged on AMOE issue alone

Internet as AMOE

Where are we today?

No new/recent challenges, but some risk remains, particularly in NY

• Assess risk tolerance level: i f risk averse offer second offline AMOE -

Practical risk may be lower for certain promotions:

- E.g., fully integrated promotion where Internet access is required anyway

Internet as AMOE

Equal Dignity: Equal No. of Chances

Skinny Dip cannot limit game pieces via AMOE to one per day

Those who enter for free must be afforded same number of chances as those who purchase or pay

• Limit of one free game piece per day is fatal, although a common mistake made by marketers

Text Message Fees as Consideration

Skinny Dip Daily Instant Win Sweepstakes

Open to text message users only

Daily winner randomly selected and notified via text message

Winner must claim prize within 15 minutes


Text Message Fees as Consideration

Text Message/SMS charges clearly constitute consideration

Unlike Internet access, each entry incurs a separate charge

Third party consideration is no defense (900 # sweeps)

Cost of text message is irrelevant-If its not a postage cost its consideration

Text Message Fees as Consideration

Thus, text message/SMS sweepstakes require AMOE

Internet can be the AMOE

Internet as AMOE is lower risk here than for offline game with product purchase

• Issue is “universal availability” • Vast majority of mobile users have Internet access

Text Message Fees as Consideration

Text messaging technology can create a challenge in structuring an AMOE with equal dignity

AMOE players can’t be disadvantaged

If it’s a daily game with daily prizes you must be able to enter for free every day

• Snail mail won’t work

Text Messages and Gambling Laws

Text message sweeps with a “premium” charge may raise gambling issues

Game-for-games sake and AMOE

Some regulators have suggested that those who “pay” to play receive no product or service in exchange other than chance to win may be engaged in gambling – even if there is an AMOE

Recommendation: offer a premium item to those who “pay” to play

Issue: Refer a Friend Program

Additional instant win game pieces earned for e-mail referrals

Key issue:

Can Spam- Is the referral e-mail a commercial solicitation subject to requirements of Can-Spam Act?

Refer a Friend Program

Can-Spam applies to any commercial e-mail message whether solicited or unsolicited

Status of Refer-A-Friend e-mails was originally unclear

Status was clarified in recent FTC Rulemaking

Refer a Friend Program

Refer-A- Friend e-mail message WILL be considered a “commercial” message subject to Can-Spam if any inducement is provided by the seller

A sweepstakes entry IS an inducement

Can Spam applies whether the “refer a friend” email is sent by seller or set up as E-Card that consumer sends

Can-Spam Requirements

Must provide Internet based opt-out mechanism-directed to seller

Must include seller’s name and address

Must honor opt-out within 10 days

Must clearly disclose that it is an advertisement

Waiver of Opt-Out Rights

Skinny Dip instant win games requires entrant to accept promotional e-mail/text messages

Does this constitute consideration?

Under traditional lottery law analysis answer is NO

No purchase

No payment

No substantial expenditure of effort

Waiver of Opt-Out Rights

However, entrant is giving up something of personal value a “privacy” right

NY AG indicated that waiver of rights under DNC is consideration

Query whether this is the emergence of a new “consideration theory -- the giving up a legally protected right?

• Proposed bill in NJ would prohibit waiver of opt-out rights as a condition of entry

Prize Issues

Types of Prizes

$5 Gift Cards as Prizes

• Gift Card Legislation • Post Consideration –

Final Four Trip

Types of Prizes - Gift Cards

Gift Card Legislation

State regulation of gift cards is steadily increasing

• Over 16 states currently regulate issuance and terms of gift cards –

Most states prohibit dormancy fees or expiration dates

Types of Prizes - Gift Cards

Post Consideration

Many states prohibit conditioning a prize on the purchase of a product or service

Value of gift card awarded as prize should be high enough to permit redemption of at least some items in the store

Types of Prizes – Final Four

NCAA and professional sports leagues aggressively enforce IP and other rights

Refer to event generally

Avoid prominent use of marks

Advertising of Instant Win Game

Two disclosure issues

Disclosure of AMOE

Full Rules Disclosure

Advertising: Disclosure of AMOE

General Rule: AMOE must be clearly and conspicuously disclosed

NY AG challenged AMOE disclosure in Tylenol promotion and CVS/A&P ads

Ads prominently highlighted purchase method of entry with “no purchase necessary” disclaimer in smaller type

Tylenol settlement requires disclosure of AMOE with “equal prominence” if product purchase is mentioned

Advertising: Disclosure of AMOE

NY AG: not looking to change standard; all 3 promotions had other problems:

A&P- promotion was not registered

CVS- website directed consumer to store for free entry-no entry forms were available in store

Tylenol- Internet used as the AMOE

Standard remains “clear and conspicuous” not “equal prominence”

Advertising: Disclosure of AMOE

Where are we today?

What constitutes clear and conspicuous will depend on the context of the ad

More prominent the emphasis on product purchase, the more prominent the disclosure of the AMOE should be:

• It’s the net impression that counts –

NY AG sued CVS for violating AVC

• Believes free entry disclosure must be available at POS

Advertising of Full Rules

Florida used to require, but no longer

Material terms and conditions must be disclosed in advertising for game:

Start and end date of promotion

Name of promotion and sponsor

No purchase is necessary

Disclosure of where promotion is void

Age/geographic eligibility restrictions

Skinny Dip Instant Win Game: Risk Management Issues

Risk Management: Patent

Consult patent counsel

Online game methodologies subject to increasing number of patents

Patents on wireless technology likely to be next

Tips For Game/Contest Rules

“Kraft Clause”

Limit liability in the event of error to offered prizes

Recent DL Blair/Daily News cases – if you follow the contingencies in your rules, the courts will support you

Skinny Dip Music Contest

Consumers invited to submit music video

Five proofs of purchase required

Entries posted online

Entries judged by the public

Is This a Bona Fide Skill Contest?

Consideration is required to enter

Status as bona fide skill contest is critical to legality

Criteria For Bona Fide Skill Contest

Tasks entrants are being asked to perform must constitute bona fide skill

Entrants must possess the requisite skill and have opportunity to exercise it

Standard of skill must be known to the participants

Criteria For Bona Fide Skill Contest

Must be objective entry criteria

Judges must be qualified to apply the criteria

If there is a hybrid skill/chance game, skill must dominate and control

Criteria For Bona Fide Skill Contest

Examples of bona fide skill contests:

Knowledge based games

Essay or jingle contests, creative submissions

Memory games

Athletic ability contests

Manual dexterity games

Criteria For Bona Fide Skill Contest

Games not general considered to constitute bona fide skill

Guessing Games

Predicting the outcome of a Single event

• Distinguish from fantasy games –

Fast 50/First xxx to respond

Criteria For Bona Fide Skill Contest

Hybrid games: review case by case

Trivia - depends on structure of game

Computer/video games

• Does practice improve scores?

• Are there random computer elements that impact game play?

Card games

• What type of game, does skill dominate

Skinny Dip Music Video Contest

Composing music video is a skill

Issue is in structuring the judging of videos and selection of winners

Objective judging criteria

• Need to set forth objective criteria by which entries will be judged

Skinny Dip Music Video Contest

If Public Judging is involved

Establish criteria that public can apply

• E.g. Audience appeal, entertaining etc.

Limit impact of public judging on final outcome

• Remember the dominant factor test • Limit public judging results to only a percentage of the score

Skinny Dip Music Video Contest

Scoring System

Pick winners based on highest average rather than total score

• Rewards “best in class” rather than those who are voted on most frequently

Public Judging: Risk Management

Limit entries to one per person to avoid ballot stuffing

Include strong disclaimers to deter violators

Prohibit use of robotic/automated devices

Skill Contests: State Issues

Skill contest requiring consideration prohibited in certain states

Application of state laws vary depending on nature of contest, consideration and media

Entry fee vs. Product purchase

Direct Mail vs. Mass media

Skill Contests: State Issues

• •


Gambling statute prohibits entry fees for skill contests California

Special disclosures for puzzle contests


Pay to play skill contests may violate gambling laws

Skill Contests: State Issues


Prohibits pay to play skill games in which sponsor benefits


Gambling statute prohibits fee-based skill contests


Gambling statute arguably prohibits fee-based skill contests

Skill Contests: State Issues

New Jersey

Appears to apply an “any chance” standard to hybrid games


Prohibits any consideration for skill contests

Issue: User Generated Content

Set forth clear standards for entry

Prohibit use of 3 rd party materials/likenesses

Strong warranties of non-infringement

Strong rights to disqualify



Unique Issues and Trends in Online and Electronic Contests and Games

By William Heberer

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP