Powerpoint: Chapter 5 - Discover Sailing Days

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Transcript Powerpoint: Chapter 5 - Discover Sailing Days

Discover Sailing
Club Implementation Plan 2013
Part 5.
Discover Sailing Days &
Discover Sailing Hosts
May 2013
Implementation Plan 2013
• You should now be hearing sound – if not check your
audio and ensure you are in slideshow (full-screen) mode
• This is Ross Kilborn, Sport Development Director at
Yachting Australia
• This presentation is the fifth of 11 in the
Discover Sailing Club Implementation Plan
The Monthly Topics
(1) Program Introduction & Purpose
(2) Planning & Prioritising
The gemba Report
Discover Sailing Days
Discover Sailing Hosts
Discover Sailing Experiences & Courses
Safety, Risk Management &
Membership Protection
The Sailing Pathway
Club Promotion
Measuring Results
Summary & Future Plan
1. Discover Sailing Days
 Free to participants
 Developed from best practice of similar past initiatives
 Try Sailing Day – BIA NSW
 Go Sailing Day - Victoria & WA
 Showcase how fun, safe and affordable sailing is and how
welcoming and social clubs are (Discover Sailing values)
 Promote & open the club or centre to the community
 Member get member – encourage family and friends to the
 Dinghy & keelboat clubs and centres – promote enrolment
in upcoming Experiences & Courses as the next pathway
Discover Sailing Days
 Why ?
 To send a message to your local community that your
club is open, accessible and seeking new sailors
 To present the opportunity to see that sailing is fun and
the pathway options to get into it
 When ?
 An Australia wide annual day at the start of the season
 As often as it suits your club, & your community
 How
 Register with your State Association and
 Follow the guidelines
Well before the Discover Day
 Read the Guidelines
 Organise the day
 Discover Sailing Host(s) – see later
 Club resources – people, boats, catering etc
 Promote the day
 Acquire signage, posters etc from State Association or
Yachting Australia on line shop (or your own).
 On line - including registration
 For your Club - with your State Association
 For participants
 Local papers, schools, community groups & councils
 Risk Management Plan reviewed, updated and
Just before the day - provide great
customer service
 Club or centre website has information about Discover
Sailing Days that is easy to find
 What to expect
 What times
 What to bring / wear
 Opportunity to pre-register or register on the Day
(including completion of an indemnity form)
 Phone contact to find out more about the Day
 Club or Centre is easy to find with clear signage
 Parking close to the club (or transport options)
Just before the day
 Brief the club members/volunteers
 Boats clean, in good condition, and suitable for beginners
 Provide choice over how much practical activity they do
(some may not want to sail on the Day)
 Arrange printed information about ongoing participation
On Discover Sailing Days
 Welcome to the club or centre
 Non-competitive sailing activities (all equipment
provided) for people to get out on the water (30 mins)
 Friends & family sailing together
 Off-water, fun activities for kids
 Tour of club facilities
 Explanation of ongoing opportunities for participation
(such as Discover Sailing Experiences & Courses &
Crewing) – provide booking forms
 Food & beverage available for purchase
 Feedback survey including requests for further
After the day
Thank all the Club volunteers
Promote the success of the day in local media, & papers
Review the feedback forms
Follow up all the people who expressed an interest in
further information – share this task amongst members
 Provide Feedback to your State Association including
number of participants
Australia wide Discover Sailing Day
 Sunday 27th OCTOBER 2013
 NSW – supported by the BIA
 Generate broad public awareness of the opportunity
to participate in sailing
 Power of clubs and centres working together to
increase impact of a National Discover Sailing Day
 High visibility of the sport when many clubs and
centres are welcoming large volumes of people
 Future national media including social media
Insurance for visitors
 Club Risk Management Plan applies
 Participant signs a Discover Sailing waiver when
completing an indemnity form
 Visitors and volunteer likely covered under the club’s third
party public liability insurance
 Club boats would be expected to be covered within the
club’s own policy for them
 Clubs advised to check policies with members if they
intend using members private boats
 More informationhttp://www.oamps.com.au/sports-associations/yachting-australia
Yachting Australia/ State
Resources for Clubs & Centres
Discover Sailing website to promote Days
Discover Sailing Brand and Guidelines - including logo
Discover Sailing Day Registration Form template
Media release template with draft local media release
Free from the Yachting Australia on line shop
 Discover Sailing Day postcards
 Discover Sailing Day posters
 Discover Sailing Host badges
 At cost from the Yachting Australia on line shop
merchandise such as banners, flags, polo shirts, caps
2. Discover Sailing Hosts
 The “ask me anything” person identified by gemba
 Relevant to club and centres
 A 365 days a year role
 First point of contact and face of the club or centre
 Helping new people into the sport and transition to
ongoing participation and ultimately club membership
 Proactively seek structured, ongoing opportunities to
broaden the local community’s interest and
engagement with club
 Maybe the organiser of the Discover Sailing Day or one
of the team
 Likely member of the club membership or marketing
Discover Sailing Hostsdesirable attributes
 Passion for sailing and growing club membership
 Understanding the barriers to participation and needs of
people new to the sport (have read the gemba report)
 General personal characteristics
 Knowledge of sailing, the club and its people
 Customer service oriented
 Organised and available
 “The Director of first impressions”
Where to from now?
 Talk to your State Association about Discover Sailing
Day in your State including how to register your club
 Review the resources on the Yachting Australia website
The Monthly Topics
(1) Program Introduction & Purpose
(2) Planning & Prioritising
The gemba Report
Discover Sailing Days
Discover Sailing Hosts
Discover Sailing Experiences & Courses
Safety, Risk Management &
Membership Protection
The Sailing Pathway
Club Promotion
Measuring Results
Summary & Future Plan