AMP DTC 10-21-2014 - Alaska Measures of Progress

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Transcript AMP DTC 10-21-2014 - Alaska Measures of Progress

Measures of Progress
District Test Coordinator Webinar
October 21, 2014
James Herynk
Webinar Logistics:
• Audio will be streamed through Adobe Connect.
• Audio is also available by calling 877-278-8686 Pin: 961449
— If using the phone as the audio source, MUTE the Adobe connect sound to prevent
feedback. On the phone, press *7 to mute yourself.
• Please hold questions until the end.
• All questions must be asked through the chat box in the bottom right corner.
District Test Coordinator Role
KITE™ System
Educator Portal
Data Upload
Organization and Roles
Adding Data
Editing Data
Test, Exit, Clear (TEC) Template
Technology Practice Tests
Technology Director: LCS and KITE Client Install
Educator: PNP and Technology Practice Tests
Dynamic Learning Maps
Upcoming Webinars
Important Points
Help Desk
District Test
Coordinator Role
• The District Test Coordinators (DTCs) are presumed to be at the
district or school level (Building Test Coordinator).
• District Test Coordinators (DTCs) play an important role in
delivering the new assessments for Alaska Measures of Progress
via KITE. The key duties of the DTCs are to upload data for
— Users/Educators
— Enrollment/Students
— Rosters/Student-teacher pairing
— TEC/Test, Exit, Clear
• The DTCs also oversee the assessment process, including manage
user roles and responsibilities, develop a schedule for test
implementation, monitor and support test preparations and
administration, and develop a plan to facilitate communications
with parents and staff.
Three Types of Tests
• Technology Practice Tests
—Generated by AMP
—Universal usernames and passwords
• Testlets, Assessments for Learning, Formative
—Generated by teachers for their rostered students
— Unique usernames and passwords
• Summative
—Generated by the system through TEC record
—Unique username, password, and ticket number
KITE™ System
• KITE™ is a platform developed to meet
the needs of the next generation of
large-scale assessments.
—KITE Client
• Delivers assessments to students
• Download and install from the AMP website
KITE™ System
• KITE™ is a platform developed to meet
the needs of the next generation of
large-scale assessments.
—KITE Client
• Delivers assessments to students
• Download and install from the AMP website
—Educator Portal
• Manage student, user, and assessment data
Educator Portal (EP)
• Introduction
• Supported Browsers
– Firefox 24.3 ESR (recommended) and above, Safari
6.0.5, and Internet Explorer 8 and above
– Google Chrome is NOT supported
• Clearing cache
– Start, Control Panel, Internet Options, Delete, Check
Top 4-5, Delete, Okay
—Getting Started
Logging in
Forgot Password
Security Agreement
My Profile
My Organizations and Roles
Uploading Data
1. Create .CSV Templates
• Organization Codes
• Templates
2. Upload on the Configuration Tab
—Users (window opened Oct. 6)
• Enrollment (window opened Oct. 17th)
• TEC (window open)
—Rosters (window opened Oct. 17th)
Organization and Role
• Organization >>> (Go to Organization tab)
—Think of levels
• School
– School Building
• District
– District Name
• State
– Alaska
• Role >>> (Go to Roles tab)
—Think of permissions
• District Test Coordinator
– Add and modify data
• Teacher
– View students
Adding Data in EP
• Users/Educators
—Add User Manually
—Upload User Template
• Enrollment/Students
—Add Student Manually (NOTE: School Entry Date)
—Upload Enrollment Template
• KEY to Overwrite: State_Student_Identifier (Col. K)
• Rosters
—Create Roster Manually
—Upload Roster Template
Editing Data in EP
• Users/Educators
— View User, Modify User
• Enrollment/Students
— Re-Add Student Manually (NOTE: School Entry Date)
— Upload Corrected Enrollment Template
• KEY to Overwrite: State_Student_Identifier (Col. K)
— Access Profile (Personal Needs and Profile or PNP)
• Rosters
— View Roster, edit by select and deselect
— Upload Roster Template
Test, Exit, Clear
• “Exit”
—to remove a student from Educator Portal
when a student moves out of the district.
• “Test”
—to assign a student to a summative
assessment by subject.
• “Clear”
—to unassign a student from a summative
assessment while keeping the student’s
enrollment record intact.
• Documentation:
Same Student ID
Organization Code
Assign Roles and Add Organizations
M == General
TEST = Student assigned to summative assessment
subjectzeros formatGN
NOTE: for
= Paper/Pencil
= English Language Arts
EXIT = Student removed from Educator Portal, unavailable to assign
CLEAR = Student unassigned from summative assessment by subject
Technology Practice Tests
• AMP Website:
—Front Page: Technology Practice Tests
• “Follow these directions”
• “Guidance for teachers with ideas on how to
introduce students to the Technology Practice Tests”
Technology Practice Tests
• Features to review with students
• Show how to navigate
• Model the flag feature
• Read the directions for each question
• Final review
Technology Practice Tests
• ELA passage and question navigation
• Drop Down
—Page Layout
• Passage and Questions
• Questions Only
• Passage Only
—Question Layout
• View One
• View All
Technology Practice Tests
• Features:
—Accessibility Features
• Activate by Default set on PNP (Access Profile)
means the feature will not need to be turned on in
the toolbox.
Technology Directors:
Easy Local Caching Server Setup
• A Local Caching Server (LCS) is a local
computer that is set up to store data from
students testing in KITE Client and then
send that data all at once.
Easy LCS Setup
• Installation Resources
1) Configuring the Properties File
• Identify the IP address
• Identify the port
2) Allowing Access through your Firewall
• Identify the port or application, allowing the testing
machines access to the LCS
3) Starting the LCS
• Open folder or application to run or start
• Note: may require administrator password
• Point the KITE Clients toward LCS
Bandwidth Usage Estimates
with and without the LCS
Educators: Data, Access
Profile, and KITE Client
• Educator Portal: Quick Links
• PNP, also known as Access Profile (p. 3.30)
• First Contact Survey (Dynamic Learning Maps only)
• KITE Client
—Technology Practice Tests documentation
—Navigation of Tests and Passages
Dynamic Learning Maps
• The DLM Consortium consists of 20 states and provides alternate
assessments for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
• For grades 3-10 in English language arts and math
• Dillard Research Associates delivers assessments for science
• Educators in Alaska access DLM via
9/24/14 and 10/1/14
10/13 – 11/19/14
1/5 - 3/6/15
3/16 – 5/1/15
Get Started Webinar for Mentors (and DTCs), 3:30 – 4:30
DTCs begin setting up district User (educator) accounts in
KITE system
Alternate Assessment Mentor Training
Teachers begin entering First Contact Surveys and Personal
Needs Profiles for students*
Districts participate in DLM Alternate Assessment Phase B
field testing
Districts participate in DLM Alternate Assessment Phase C
field testing
Alternate Assessment Test Window
Upcoming Webinars
Technology Director
November 4th, 2014
October 13th, 2014
District Test Coordinator
November 18th, 2014
Important Points
• Locate EP Manual, Templates, and Organization Tables
• Create and Upload Data
— User Template
— Enrollment Template
— Roster Template
— TEC Template
• Add Users, Students, and Rosters Manually
• Edit Users, Students and Rosters
— Re-upload Students
• Assign Roles and Add Organizations
• Be comfortable with Technology Practice Tests
• Understand the what Educators and Technology
Directors will be doing.
Help Desk
• Hours
—5:00 am to 4:00 pm Alaska
—8:00 am to 7:00 pm Central
• Email
—[email protected]
• Phone
—855-277-9752 (toll-free)
For questions, please contact:
[email protected]