Comprehensive Plan Workshop - Presentation

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Transcript Comprehensive Plan Workshop - Presentation

Comprehensive Plan


Monday, November 14, 2011

John Manuel Environmental Author

Workshop Overview

• • •

Welcome and Introductions What We Tell You

– Comprehensive Transportation Plan – Comprehensive Plan

What You Tell Us

– Community Survey – Keypad Polling Exercise – Group Discussion Exercise •


Comprehensive Transportation Plan

• • • Purpose: – Identify existing and future transportation deficiencies – Generate information decision-makers can use to guide future transportation decisions

Primary Objectives

– Improve Mobility and Safety


– Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Comprehensive Plan

Road map for making future short and long range policy decisions

“Comprehensive” because it covers wide range of community issues

(transportation, land use, economy, environment, health, community, design, infrastructure, etc.) •

Three part planning process:

– Identifying Planning Influences and Opportunities – Developing a Community Vision – Constructing a Policy Framework and Implementation Plan

Tasks Tasks Task 6: Project Reporting Task 6: Project Reporting

Updated: August 11, 2011 Updated: August 11, 2011

Comprehensive Plan Project Schedule

July Aug.

2011 Sept.


SC SC PW SC BOC/SC 2011 2012 March Dec.


Public Workshop


Public Workshop

Comprehensive Plan: Community Planning Influences Report

Report sets out foundational information for plan

Purpose to provide factual basis for development of policy framework

Three parts to report:

– Part 1: Summary of Planning Initiatives – Part 2: Summary of Existing Conditions – Part 3: Summary of Key Planning Influences and Opportunities

Comprehensive Plan: Part 1 – Summary of Planning Initiatives

Solid Planning Foundation for Development of Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Infrastructure Economic Development

• • • 2005 Advanced Core CAMA Land Use Plan Camden County Hazard Mitigation Plan • Camden County 21st Century Community Strategic Plan • • Long Range Water and Sewer Service Plan CAMA Sea Level Rise Policy • Camden County / US 17 Corridor Master Plan • Green Industrial Park Feasibility Study • •

Transportation Plans

Comprehensive Transportation Plan Hampton Roads TPO Long Range Transportation Plan US 17 Great Dismal Swamp Corridor Study

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Facts and Trends • Broad array of community planning topics: • Regional Context and Planning Area • Population (historic and projected) • Economy / Agriculture • Natural Systems and Hazards • Land Use and Development • Transportation • Stormwater • Water / Wastewater • Recreation • Community Health • Public Services

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Key County Attributes: – Location in the Hampton Roads region – Natural features / resources – Affordable cost of living – Well educated workforce – Schools

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Population Trends: – The County had a very healthy rate of growth over the last decade –

3.78% annual average growth

– Significant considering the County had a 3.5 year moratorium on development during this period – Highest growing County in region

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Population Projections: – Projections vary by source – Growth expected but at slower pace

Source 2010 Pop 2030 Pop Change Annual Average Growth Rate

State Demographer 9,980 11,600 1,620 0.75% Woods & Poole 9,980 13,994 4,014 1.8%

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Housing – Housing stock in very good condition, but lacks diversity • 99% of homes are single-family units (detached, modular, manufactured) – National and state trends show changing market demands for more diverse housing products – Opportunity to create housing that reflects rural nature of community but provides new housing opportunities

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Economy – Few options for employment – Highly skilled workforce – Employment in the County represents approximately half of the jobs needed to employ the local workforce – Opportunity to expand local employment and provide new jobs “close to home”

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Agriculture – Farming Operations Grew Between 2002-2007

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Workers Commute Out of County – 29.3% to Pasquotank Cty and 23.6 % to Hampton Roads area

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Natural Features are Abundant and Limit Development Potential • • • • 21 out of 24 soil types severely limit septic system use 60% of County in wetlands 67% of County in floodplain 26% of County is designated Significant Natural Heritage Areas

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Land Use: Majority is in a natural state, agricultural, or low-density single family development (1 acre +)

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Development Focus on Northern US 17 Corridor

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Transportation Infrastructure Adequate but Limited to Vehicular Travel

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Stormwater Management is a Critical Challenge • • Key considerations: Low topographic relief, high groundwater tables, and poor draining soils These features limit the ability to employ best management practices and low impact development techniques

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Water/Wastewater – Raw Water Supply Needed to Meet Needs of Future Populations – Wastewater treatment is a critical challenge; may septic systems are inadequate and expected to fail – Water and Sewer Master Plan identifies the need for three localized wastewater treatment systems to expand needed service - may be cost prohibitive

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Parks and Recreation – Recreational opportunities have increased – Opportunities exist to expand further and provide a solid base for an eco-tourism industry sector in the County • Hiking/biking trails • Blueways and other water activities • Hunting/fishing • Sports and tournaments • Environmental education

Comprehensive Plan: Part 2 – Summary of Existing Conditions

• Government Facilities – Needed New Public Facilities • High school • Administrative office space • Expansion of reverse osmosis water treatment plant • Sewer system expansion • Parks and recreation – Also need long-term strategy for solid waste/recycling

Comprehensive Plan:

Part 3 –Influences and Opportunities

1. Camden Plantation 2. Camden Town Center 3. Eco Industrial Park 4. Hales Lake Wind Farm 5. South Mills Small Area Plan 6. Expansion of Dismal Swamp State Park and New Bike Trail Linking Park to Virginia

Are there others we should include?

Comprehensive Plan: Preliminary Topics to Address in Plan















Recreational transportation Community facilities (county offices, storm shelter, schools, recreation) Public appearance Water / sewer Economic development (waterfront, business development) Educational programs Curbing sprawl EMS service County representation on Planning Board Community building Public / traffic safety Zoning conflicts Adult living community Are there others to add?


Comprehensive Plan:

Community Survey

• Prepared joint CTP and CP survey • Available online or in hard copy • Deadline for survey: December 31, 2011

Keypad Polling Exercise

• Interactive, real-time polling • Anonymous, no pressure to provide true opinion • Learn what others think

Warm Up Question: Which team do you prefer?

1. ECU 2. UNC 3. NC State 4. Duke 5. Other 1 0% 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5

1. Do you live in Camden County?

1. Yes 2. No, but I work here 3. No, but I own property here 4. No, I live and work elsewhere and don’t own property here 1 0% 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4

2. If you live in Camden County, how long have you lived here?

1. 0-4 years 2. 5-9 years 3. 10-19 years 4. 20-29 years 5. 30-39 years 6. 40-49 years 7. 50+ years 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6 0% 7

3. For those that work outside the county, what is your profession?








Sales Manufacturing Military Government /Education Medical Real estate development / Construction Technology / Professional Services 8.


Hospitality Agriculture 10. Other 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6 0% 7 0% 8 0% 9 0% 10









4. What do you like most about Camden County?

Rural setting and low density development Small town environment and slower pace of life Natural features – rivers and Dismal Swamp Access to NC coast Access to Hampton Roads area Sense of Community Affordable Cost of Living Other 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6 0% 7 0% 8

5. What do you like second most about Camden County?

1. Rural setting and low density development 2.


Small town environment and slower pace of life Natural features – rivers and Dismal Swamp 4.

Access to NC coast 5. Access to Hampton Roads area 6.

Sense of Community 7. Affordable Cost of Living 8.

Other 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6 0% 7 0% 8

6. What do you like least about Camden County?

1. Lack of employment opportunities 2. Lack of commercial establishments 3. Lack of housing choices 4. Few places to walk/bike 5. Few places to have community gatherings 6. Other 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6








7. Which phrase best describes Camden County today?

Tranquil –

A place for peaceful living

Bedroom community –

Mostly serve people working elsewhere

Full service –

you need Provides everything

Fragmented –

It’s a fragmented collection of developments

My hometown –

It’s a great place to establish roots, to raise a family and grow old

Not home –

It’s a great place to live for a while, but it’s not “home”

Other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7








8. Which phrase best describes your hope for Camden County in the future?

Tranquil –

A place for peaceful living

Bedroom community –

Mostly serve people working elsewhere

Full service –

you need Provides everything

Fragmented –

It’s a fragmented collection of developments

My hometown –

It’s a great place to establish roots, to raise a family and grow old

Not home –

It’s a great place to live for a while, but it’s not “home”

Other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9. Future growth in Camden County should….

1. Be targeted (geographically) to minimize negative impacts on the natural environment 2. Be driven by the free market 3. Be managed to most efficiently use existing infrastructure 4. Be targeted through development of new infrastructure 5. Other 1 0% 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5

10. Camden County should grow in the following manner… 1. Continue Current Trend:

Expansion via dispersed, single-use developments

2. Become More Compact:

Higher intensity, more efficient, mixed-use developments in targeted locations


Don’t know/no opinion 0% 0% 0% 1 2 3

11. How strongly do you support the following statement? “In considering new development, quality and appearance are more important than the number of units or how intensely they are organized.” 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 6.

Don’t know / no opinion 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6

12. If Camden County offered a job for your skill set, would you work here?

1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree 6.

Don’t know / no opinions 0% 1 0% 2 0% 3 0% 4 0% 5 0% 6

Group Discussion Exercise

• Discuss 6 questions – 4 of which have mapping elements • • Facilitator and scribe for each table

[Insert color coding]

Thanks for your participation!

• Visit all stations and provide input • Fill in comment form and leave with planners • Survey online or at County Planning Department • Information on planning efforts and survey on County website