Commodity Profile and Strategy

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Transcript Commodity Profile and Strategy

Commodity Profile & Strategy
Agreement Title: [insert]
Reference: [insert]
For info – delete prior to issue
The strategy is used in the planning stage of any procurement to determine how key issues will be addressed
e.g. route to market, CSR issues, pricing strategy etc which is then translated into the procurement process
and documentation
It identifies and minimises risk and assists in ensuring all key factors have been taken into account when
conducting the procurement leading to fit for purpose and VFM.
Version Control
Date Completed
When drafting and amending the Profile & Commodity Strategy, the Procurement Officer should complete the above table to ensure changes can
be tracked and queries can be directed to the appropriate UIG member/others as appropriate
Except where stated as optional the slides contained in this template are the recommended mandatory minimum contents of the
Commodity Profile Strategy. Other slides can be added on a commodity specific basis as appropriate . Further slides are contained in the
Scottish Public Sector Toolkit
Contents (complete as appropriate)
Slide Number
V10 13/04/2015 Slide 3
Mandatory consultation with the Head of
Collaborative Procurement (HOPC)
If consultation with HOPC is required detail outcomes here;
For info – delete prior to issue
Procurement Manager must consult with the HOPC in the following circumstances:
where Single Tender Action (non competitive action) is proposed
where a procurement has a strong potential to influence CSR issues
where an extension to a contract or framework agreement is proposed
where the negotiated procedure, competitive dialogue, or dynamic purchasing system is the proposed tendering option
where it is proposed to shorten the EU minimum tendering timeframes or use the Accelerated Restricted procedure (NB use of the
Accelerated Restricted MUST be highlighted in the Contract Notice. For further information about the Accelerated Restricted Procedure
please refer to this Scottish Procurement Policy Note (SPPN 1 2009):
where it is proposed that the duration of a framework agreement will exceed 4 years
where TUPE may apply
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Executive Summary
Procurement Manager to complete this slide after completion of the Strategy and prior to forwarding for sign off by the UIG/HOPC
Current status: [list]
Spend – total versus addressed: [list]
Scope: [detail]
Strategic recommendations and reasoning: [detail]
Benefits – how much, how, by when?
Price parity opportunities:
- £a achievable by DATE
Benchmarking opportunities:
- £b achievable by DATE
Market competitiveness:
- e.g. new player breaking into the market, driving pricing down but want commitment , £c by DATE
Product standardisation/ rationalisation potential:
- £d, assuming xyz by DATE
Supply chain redesign, moving to ex-works,
- £e by DATE
Any major barriers to success:
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UIG Role & Input
Procurement Manager to agree with the UIG their role, responsibilities, input and actions at each stage in the
strategic sourcing process
Agree with the UIG who will agree the final draft of the key stage documentation e.g. all or a nominated number of UIG members re the strategy,
award recommendation etc
Agree with the UIG the role UIG members will play in PQQ and tender evaluation and how Tender Evaluation Board scores for PQQ/ITT results
will be collated e.g. overall weighted results or the average of score.
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Stakeholder (& UIG) Contacts for
[Contract/Framework Agreement]
List names and contact details of all stakeholders relevant to this commodity:
Job Title
Contact Tel
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Business Need and Functional Requirements
Sector Requirements
Where we are
What does the commodity do, standard v customised,
level of customisation, quality requirements, real v
perceived function, service requirements, user perception,
value to institution, specific specifications
Where we want to be
NB use of generic specifications – if these don’t exist the
UIG needs to start working on them as soon as possible
Consider the procurement innovation issues for highly
complex procurements
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Scope of [Name of Commodity]
Scope the commodity to be covered i.e. what is included in this commodity group, breakdown into sub-commodities, which products fall
under which sub-commodity
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Expenditure Analysis - Spend Distribution
In scope spend distribution by universities and colleges, supplier, by sub-commodities: [detail]
What is the value of the requirement? How does this inform the procurement process?
Procurement Officer to add an acknowledgement, for future reference, of the source(s) of data used:
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Future Expenditure Trends
Demand profile: [insert]
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Spend Analysis & Conclusions
Demand profile: [insert]
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[Commodity] - Typical Cost Breakdown
Profit %
Complete the breakdown for
the commodity
What are the recommendations?
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Total Cost Model [Name of Commodity] (Optional)
 List the activities carried out under each step of the product life cycle.
 Determine the impact of each step on the total cost of ownership in terms of High, Medium or Low.
 Brainstorm the cost drivers associated with the activities under each step and determine the opportunities in each area.
 Which costs can be reduced (savings)/avoided (cost avoidance)?
 Identify Low, Medium and High Savings Opportunities
 Identify the barriers and enablers related to realising the opportunities
Raise Need
Acquire / Order
Impact (on TCO):
Cost Drivers:
Savings Opportunity:
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Total Acquisition Cost (OPTIONAL)
Example acquisition costs:
Supplier Costs
 Labour
Special tooling
Driven Costs
Organisation’s Costs
Total Acquisition Costs
Quality specifications Inventory handling
Defects/rejects/returns Transportation
IT Costs
Picking & Packaging
Customer support
Requisition to P/O
Order Transmission
Invoice Reconciliation
Timely Payment
Storage costs
Goods receipt
Cost Drivers e.g:
•Product specification and range
• Delivery frequency and location
•Order frequency
•Order value
•Lead time
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Supply Market Overview
 Market Trends – detail what is happening in the market for the commodity, current and future technologies, changing customer demands,
new players, mergers and acquisition
 Supply Market Share – detail the key players within the industry, identify size in terms of turnover, sales, number of customers and capacity
NOTE: trends can reveal: who is winning/ losing business, who’s trying to win market share in the UK, whose business objectives
match the sector, what do profit margins typically look like for the industry.
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Current Contract Position–
[Contract/Framework Agreement]
Contract Value
Contract Start/End Dates
(plus any extension period (s)
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Current APUC/Sector Suppliers of
[Name of Commodity]
Current APUC/Sector Suppliers
Total Revenue
Background on the Supplier
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Main Suppliers in the Market in Context of their
Total APUC/Sector Business
APUC/Sector Spend
on Commodity
APUC /Sector Total Spend
Other commodities supplied; recent APUC/Sector
business awards or losses; other business they are
tendering for…etc
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Benchmarking Opportunities (Optional)
Look to understand opportunities from: internal APUC price parity I.e. if different Institutions pay different prices and all move to the
lowest price point; and, from benchmarking with other organisations e.g. PASA, Value Wales, N Ireland Procurement Service, OGC,
Scotland Excel, councils, fire and police service, private sector etc
X Price
Y Price
V10 13/04/2015 Slide 20
Risk Analysis for [Name of Commodity] Inc
Barriers To Change
Risk Analysis
Description of Risk
Probability of Risk
Implications to APUC/Sector
Measures to Minimise / Eradicate Risk
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Procurement Officer & UIG to consider CSR issues relevant to this procurement:
 General issues:
 Result of the Risk Coding Analysis for [goods/services] regarding relevance and risk:
 Completion of the Sustainable Procurement Risk Assessment Tool (SPRAT) for [goods/services]: Are
there any resulting actions are required to be managed. NB: areas may already be adequately covered by the
existing CSR questions.
 Which areas in PQQ CSR Questionnaire or ITT CSR Questionnaire are required.
 Is EAUC assistance required? If ‘Yes’ approach EAUC via the standard letter of engagement.
 Specific CSR Requirements for ITT:
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CSR -SMEs, Supported Businesses & Social
Enterprises and Community Benefits:
 Detail barriers to participation for SMEs and proposals for removing:
 Can this be let as a Reserved Contract under Regulation 7 of the EU Procurement Regulations:
 Identification of any social clauses or community benefits relevant to this procurement:
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Race Equality – Impact Assessment
To determine whether race equality is a core requirement in a contract or framework agreement for goods, services or works, the following
questions should be considered:
What is to be provided under the contract or framework agreement? [list]
Is the provision of the goods, services, or works one of the functions or policies relevant to meeting the duty to promote race equality?
[Yes/No]. Refer to Appendix 3 of the Procurement Manual
Is the provision of the goods, services or works likely to affect (directly or indirectly) the ability to meet the duty to promote race equality?
Is it necessary to include requirements for promoting race equality in the contract to make sure the duty is met? [Yes/No]
What race equality requirements are appropriate for the contract or framework agreement? [list]
If the answer to questions 2, 3, or 4 is ‘Yes’, race equality is a core requirement. Refer to paragraph 3.7 of APUC’s Procurement Manual
which details how and where race equality should be implemented into the strategic sourcing process.
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Strategic Tendering Options
On the basis of the internal and external analysis, plus opportunity assessment, detail the available options and the pros/cons of each.
Several examples are detailed below:
Option 1: Negotiate and extend current contract
Pros: analysis shows limited opportunity in this area compared with rest of portfolio, would achieve savings whilst
minimising resource effort; would also allow APUC to approach the market jointly with PASA next year
Cons: will not optimise savings as suppliers looking for volumes commitments which is dependant on extended work with
Option 2: Use OGC framework for next 12mths to allow quick win and gathering of better management information
Pros: initial assessment shows saving of 3% on OGC contract, this could be quickly implemented and allow management
information to be collated as currently data is poor
Cons: comparisons with industry suggest savings of 20% if had APUC commitment contract
Option 3: APUC tender and contract for x years, with the aim of being in y position in z period of time e.g. product
rationalisation as part of contract requirements. Intention would be dual supply award to maintain competitive
tension etc
Pros: Maximise savings
Cons: Resource effort involved given other portfolio opportunities have higher potential
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Strategic Tendering Options
 Lead-In Period - detail period required: NB: consider the period for implementing the commodity onto PECOS agreed with Supplier
eEnablement during the project start up stage
 Extension Period: detail proposed period (s):
 Tendering route to demonstrate competition: Detail and insert justification
 A framework agreement will be established as follows:
Framework route: [single supplier/multi-supplier]
Multi-supplier framework lots: [insert number proposed]
Call off contract mechanism: [direct/ranked/ mini competition]
V10 13/04/2015 Slide 26
ITT Considerations
(particularly relevant to consider at this stage in more detail when the Open
Procedure is proposed so as to reduce the time taken to compile the ITT at the ITT composition stage)
 Statement of Requirements (SoR): Detail the main areas and issues needing to be inserted into the SoR
 IPR: Does IPR apply and what is the impact.
 Access by institutions: detail the number of institutions, affiliated bodies, and if APUC requires to access the contract or framework
agreement. Estimate number anticipated to access the contract/framework agreement from commencement date
 TUPE: establish if TUPE is likely to apply. If yes, obtain the detail of name(s), sex, employment location of individuals who may be
subject to TUPE and consult with the HoP or Human Resources or seek legal advice
 Pricing Strategy: detail the how the commodity will be priced (taking into account whole life costing and cost avoidance). Can an eAuction be utilised for this commodity? State the period of price stability (e.g. 1 year etc) and the reasoning for this.
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ITT Considerations
 Mechanism for addressing variation in the charges e.g. via RPI/CPI etc: More info can be found at
 Payment period: The default position under the Late Payments of Commercial Debts Act 1998 is 30 days
 Parent Company Guarantee/bond: state if either is to be included in the ITT for the framework agreement and/or call off contracts or a
contract and why use would be beneficial.
 Ts&Cs: list any clauses required over and above the standard ts&cs.
 For Part B services: If the procurement is considered to be high risk/high value, a standstill period should be considered (with reference to
Federal Security Services Ltd vs Police Service of Northern Ireland).
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Information re Evaluation of References, Site
Visits, and Presentations
In a Restricted procedure, ascertaining an applicant’s past experience in terms of “technical or professional ability” (as determined by
Regulation 16(7)(b)(ii) of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2006) can be included in a Pre Qualification Questionnaire as a
section criteria. Written evidence of past performance, which can be objectively evaluated, can be used but it is not recommended written
evidence is used as a Minimum Standard. Standard forms can be used to request references , but returned references should then be
used for information purposes only.The above also applies to an Open procedure.
Site visits:
If a site visit is required before tender return i.e. to be used to inform tenderers more clearly regarding the outputs of the requirement e.g.
visit to an Institution's property or visit to a new build, then this is not evaluated.
If a site visit is deemed to be required post tender return and as part of evaluation process (because the information to be ascertained from
the site visit directly relates to the subject matter of the Contract or Framework Agreement), this must be detailed as an award criteria in
the Contract Notice or ITT, be capable of evaluation, and make clear what is being assessed in the site visit.
If a presentation is deemed to be necessary as part of tender evaluation and/or bid clarification, it can only be used for information
purposes and cannot be detailed as an award criteria in the Contract Notice or ITT and used to evaluate tenders because it is
subjective, and not capable of objective evaluation i.e. performance at interview is not an evaluation criteria.
Evaluation of a presentation’s written output is permissible where as part of bid clarification tenderers are requested to present on common
areas in the submitted tenders (which following tender evaluation have been revealed to be areas where clarification would be
needed). These areas cannot be in addition to the award criteria detailed in the Contract Notice or ITT.
Ensure any area of concern remaining after the presentation is followed up in writing as part of bid clarification.
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PQQ Selection Criteria
Further information OGC Selection/Award criteria PPN
Selection Criteria
Part A – Background Information
Part A - Section not scored – for info only
Part B – Economic & Financial Standing
Part B - Insert minimum standards in the Contract Notice or list
as objective criteria in section III.2 in the Contract Notice .See
APUC’s of Financial Analysis of Accounts for recommended
levels. NB: if minimum standards are set and aren’t met, the
applicant should be excluded from the process
Part C – Conviction of Criminal Offences
Part D – Business Probity
Part C - If the applicant answers ‘Yes’ to any question they
MUST be excluded from the process
Part E – Technical & Professional Ability
Part D - If the applicant answers ‘Yes’ to any question they MAY
be excluded from the process
Part E - If minimum standards are set and aren’t met, the
applicant should be excluded from the process otherwise use
objective scoring criteria to shortlist those applicants meeting
minimum standards
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ITT Award & Weighting Criteria
Further information OGC Selection/Award criteria PPN
Price Quality Ratio:[insert]
Award Criteria: award criteria is based on [MEAT/lowest price]
Weighting Criteria:
Minimum Standards (if necessary)
Service Delivery – Detail Requirements
Service Delivery – Detail Requirements
CSR – Detail Requirements
Supplier Stability & Viability – Detail Requirements
Award Criteria
In this example the headings below are for six award criteria. All questions to be asked
Weighting (%) of tenderers in the ITT must relate to this criteria and have corresponding weighting.
Any sub-criteria and weightings must also be listed. Refer to ITT Schedule 6 for
further info.
Service Delivery
Design Scenarios
Project Planning & Implementation
Warranty & Support
Continuous Improvement
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ITT Call Off Contract Award Criteria
Award Criteria:
Price Quality Ratio:[insert]
award criteria is based on [MEAT/lowest price]
Weighting Criteria:
[insert criteria]
[insert weighting]
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Contract Implementation – Lead-In Period
 Detail what will need to happen, when, and who has responsibility
– Communicate with universities and colleges to prepare them for any changes
– Conduct product trials (if applicable)
– Start running down stocks of current product ranges (if applicable)
– Prepare/ complete any required training
– Clarify supplier change management/ implementation expectations
– Ensure smooth transition
– Follow-up on progress
 Note requirements for completion later in the strategic sourcing process:
–Systems updates, CUPID, SharePoint
–Savings notification to individual institution
–Notification and award letters
–Buyers Guide/ Commodity Action Report (CAR)/ ePS Bulletin etc
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ePS Trading Strategy
 Detail how End Users will see and access the Framework Agreement content in PECOS:
1. Use APUC’s Supplier Report showing ePS active suppliers through Institutions & ePS Supplier Report to determine PECOS:
– Content Availability
– Connection Type
2. Develop a list of specific and general ePS issues / requirements relevant to the commodity: [list]
Plan how these will be accommodated on PECOS: [detail]
3. Decide PECOS trading strategy:
– on catalogue
– Catalogue
– Punchout
V10 13/04/2015 Slide 34
Strategic Contract and Supplier Management
 All contracts or framework agreements will be contract managed by the Procurement Officer. Refer to ITT for Procurement Officer
and User Group roles and responsibilities. Detail considerations for Contract and Supplier Management
GuidanceScotland strategic contract and supplier management guidance, processes, and templates are available at These are currently being develop and once finalised will be
incorporated fully into strategic sourcing documentation.
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Prior Information Notice (PIN)
 Use of PINs is not mandatory. PINs can be published through OJEU in order to alert the market to forthcoming contract opportunities.
 Once a PIN has been published, reductions in timescales for competitions identified in the PIN are possible.
 PIN should be published at least 52 days before and not more than 12 months before the contract notice.
 The PIN should contain details of supply and services contract for which the public body expects to seek tenders in the next 12 months.
 PINs must be published on OJEU website (this can also be done through the Public Contracts Scotland website).
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Commodity Strategy Sign-Off – UIG & HOPC
Profile & Commodity Strategy approved by HOPC,
APUC: …………………………….
Date: ……………………………...
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