2014-09-23 Public Hearing Solid Waste Permit Mid Florida Materials

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Transcript 2014-09-23 Public Hearing Solid Waste Permit Mid Florida Materials

Zoning Division -and- Environmental Protection Division
BCC Called Public Hearing on
BZA #SE-11-08-061, April 4, 2013
Solid Waste Management Facility
Permit Modification Request
APPLICANT: Hubbard Construction Company
dba Mid-Florida Materials
September 23, 2014
Presentation Overview
 G. Special exception
10. Applicant: Mid Florida Material Co., Case # SE-11-08-061,
April 4, 2013, District 2
 H. Solid Waste Management Facility
11. Applicant: Hubbard Construction Company dba Mid-Florida
Materials, modification of a Solid Waste Management Facility
Permit for a Construction and Demolition Debris Disposal
Facility to a Class III Landfill, District 2
Presentation Overview
 Communication
 Request
 Background
 Waivers
 Additional Conditions
 Recommendation
Prior to this afternoon’s hearing, EPD Staff met with
Commissioner Brummer to review the staff report and
recommendation that is found in your agenda packet.
Presentation Overview
 Communication
 Request
 Background
 Waivers
 Additional Conditions
 Recommendation
Applicant requests approval to modify an existing
permit for a Construction
and Demolition (C&D)
Debris Disposal Facility
(landfill), to allow vertical
expansion and transition
to a Class III Landfill.
Presentation Overview
 Communication
 Request
 Background
 Waivers
 Additional Conditions
 Recommendation
Date Event
Development Review
Aug 24, 2011 Committee
Sep 26, 2011 Community Meeting
Development Review
Sep 26, 2012 Committee
Oct 11, 2012 Community Meeting
Board of Zoning
Apr 4, 2013 Adjustment
Board of County
Jun 4, 2013 Commissioners
Apr 30, 2014 Circuit Court Decision
Board of County
Sep 23, 2014 Commissioners
~ 50 attendees
Recommended approval
subject to 9 conditions
~ 100 attendees
Recommended approval
subject to 9 conditions
Denied special exception
Denied solid waste permit
BCC decision quashed and
Kelly Park Rd
Ponkan Rd
Haul Routes
Golden Gem Rd
Parcel IDs:
Kelly Park
Golden Gem Road
Class III Landfill
Orange County
Borrow Pit
Golden Gem Rd
Mid-Florida Materials
C&D Debris Landfill
Class III
North 100 acres
Cells 7 - 10
South 120 acres
Cells 3 - 6
70 ft
145 ft
Natural High
Point at 143 ft
120 ft
 continue C&D debris
in Cells 3-6
 Class III above C&D debris
in Cells 3-6
– 2 ft soil final cover
– no bottom liner
C&D Class III
Proposed Class III
Permitted C&D
Class III
– 2 ft soil final cover
– no bottom liner
 Class III waste
in Cells 7-10
 C&D debris
in Cells 7-10
– soil and top liner final cover
– no bottom liner
– soil and top liner final cover
– bottom liner with leachate
collection and treatment
Presentation Overview
 Communication
 Request
 Background
 Waivers
 Additional Conditions
 Recommendation
 Wekiva Study Area “Presumptive Prohibition”
 Third-Party Consultant Review of Cell 3-6 Liner
 Less than 5 Feet Between Landfill Base and Seasonal
High Water Table, Cells 7-10
 Final Elevations Above Original Grade
 Reduced Setbacks on Southern and Portion of Western
 Reduced Landscape Visual Buffer (Trees)
 Plans with Grades Depicted at Lines at 2-foot Instead of
1-foot Contour Interval
Factors to consider for waivers:
Location of real property;
Distance of the proposed solid waste management facility from
improvements on adjoining real property;
Effect of the proposed waiver on adjoining property;
Current physical conditions on the real property whereon the solid waste
management facility is proposed to be located;
Whether the waiver would be contrary to the public health, safety and
welfare and/or adopted plans, policies or ordinances of the county;
Any special conditions applicable to the real property whereon the solid
waste management facility is proposed to be located; and
Whether the waiver would diminish the level of environmental protection
provided by this article or would otherwise nullify the intent and the
purpose of this article.
Presentation Overview
 Communication
 Request
 Background
 Waivers
 Additional Conditions
 Recommendation
Additional Conditions #59-64
 In addition to required surficial aquifer wells, install
Floridan aquifer monitoring wells
 No disposal of regulated asbestos containing material
 Additional visual buffering between trees along Golden
Gem Road and along north property line
 Reiterate prohibition of Class I landfill
 Add north 100 acres to Agreement To Offer Donation, to
include the entire 220 acre site
 Recycling goal of 50% in two years, and 75% by 2020, to
the extent economically feasible
Presentation Overview
 Communication
 Request
 Background
 Waivers
 Additional Conditions
 Recommendation
BCC Action Requested
 Approve the request consistent with the Board of
Zoning Adjustment’s recommendation and the 9
conditions of approval.
 Approval of modification of the Solid Waste
Management Facility Permit #SW-232027-LFCD-85/1212
to a Class III Landfill for Hubbard Construction Company,
dba Mid-Florida Materials, with waivers and with
conditions, for the current permit duration of December
3, 2017.