NASA GRC-Dr. Lou Povinelli ()

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Transcript NASA GRC-Dr. Lou Povinelli ()

NASA Glenn Research Center

Intelligent Propulsion Research

Presentation to the Center for Intelligent Propulsion University of Cincinnati


Dr. Lou Povinelli, Senior Technologist & High Speed Project Scientist, Fundamental Aero Dr. Jih-Fen Lei Director, Research & Technology May 17, 2013

Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field 1

Research and Technology Directorate (Code R) Directorate

Dr. Jih-Fen Lei, Director Dr. George R. Schmidt, Deputy

Management Support & Integration Office (RB)

Kathleen K. Needham, Chief

University Affairs Officer

Dr. M. D. Kankam

Structures & Materials Division (RX)

Dr. Ajay K. Misra, Chief Leslie A. Greenbauer-Seng, Deputy

Communications, Instrumentation & Controls Division (RH)

Dr. Mary V. Zeller, Acting Chief Calvin T. Ramos, Deputy for Comm Dr. Mary V. Zeller, Deputy for IC

Advanced Metallics Branch (RXA)

Dr. Michael V. Nathal, Chief

Ceramics Branch (RXC)

Dr. Joe E. Grady, Chief

Antenna & Optical System Branch (RHA)

Dr. Felix A. Miranda, Chief

Controls & Dynamics Branch (RHC)

Dr. Sanjay Garg, Chief

Durability & Protective Coating Branch (RXD)

Joyce A. Dever, Chief

Mechanics & Life Prediction Branch (RXL)

Dr. Steve M. Arnold, Chief

Tribology & Mechanical Components Branch (RXN)

James J. Zakrajsek, Chief Dr. Phil B Abel, Deput


Polymers Branch (RXP)

Dr. Michael A Meador, Chief

Digital Communications & Navigation Branch (RHI)

Gene Fujikawa, Chief

Electron & Opto-Electron Devices Branch (RHE)

Dr. Rainee N. Simons, Chief

Networks & Architectures Branch (RHN)

Denise S. Ponchak, Chief

Optical Instrumentation & NDE Branch (RHI)

Dr. George Y. Baaklini, Chief

Structures & Dynamics Branch (RXS)

George L. Stefko, Chief

Sensors & Electronics Branch (RHS)

Dr. Larry G. Matus, Chief

Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field

Space Processes and Experiments Division (RE)

Dr. Bhim S. Singh , Chief

Biosciene & Technology Branch (REB)

Dr. Jerry G. Myers, Chief

Combustion & Reacting System Branch (REC)

Dr. David L. Urban, Chief

Space Environment & Experiments Branch (RES)

Dr. Kurt R. Sacksteder, Chief

Fluid Physics & Transport Branch (RET)

Dr. Brian J. Motil, Chief

Power & In-Space Propulsion Division (RP)

Michael L.. Meyer, Acting Chief Robert M. Button, Acting Deputy

Michael Patterson, ST

Electrochemistry Branch (RPC)

Dr. Vadim F. Lvovich, Chief

Propulsion & Propellants Branch (RPP)

Mark D. Klem, Chief

Thermal Energy Conversion Branch (RPT)

Lee S. Mason, Chief

Photovoltaic and power Technologies Branch (RPV)

Michael F. Piszczor, Chief

Intelligent propulsion related research

Aeropropulsion Division (RT)

Dr. D.R. Reddy, Chief Dennis L. Huff , Deputy Dr. Ming-Sing Liou, ST

Acoustics Branch (RTA)

Brian B. Fite, Chief

Combustion Branch (RTB)

Dr. Chi-Ming Lee, Chief

Inlet & Nozzzle Branch (RTE)

Mary Jo Long-Davis, Chief

Icing Branch (RTI)

Mary Wadel, Chief

MDAO Branch (RTM)

Bob M. Plencner, Chief

Turbomachinery & Heat Transfer Branch (RTT)

Dr. Mark Celestina, Acting Chief




Turbomachinery Inlets Combustors Icing Heat Transfer Nozzles MDAO Propulsion Systems Acoustics Advanced Concept Access to Space Engine Tests Components Icing Physics Low-Noise Jets Advanced Propulsors System Simulations Alternative Fuels Combustion Diagnostics Low-Boom Inlets Combined Cycle Propulsion

Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field

Advanced Concepts Flight Tests


Communications, Instrumentation and Controls

Reflectarray Antenna EVA Comm-Nav propagation Flight TWTA SDR CoNNeCT Payload Robots

Communication and Navigation Devices, Components, System Concepts, Networks and Architectures for Earth, Near-Earth, Lunar and Planetary Missions

NexGen CNS Wirelss Testbed

Harsh Environment Electronics, Sensors, Instrumentation, Controls and Health Management Aimed at Enabling Intelligent Aerospace Systems

Propulsion System Controls Oscillator 270°C Mobile Router Network Arch.

SiC Sensors Electronics NDE Lab Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field Particle Imaging Velocimetry

Structures and Materials

Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Airfoil

High Temperature Structure and Materials

Long-life , “Corrosion Proof” Ni40Ti bearing Alloy Env. Barrier Coating

Long-Life Mechanical Systems

Hybrid Disk Multiscale Modeling

Multidisciplinary Themes Modeling

Nanocomposite Aerogel


High temperature alloys Smart materials Ceramics Polymers Composites High temperature reactions Protective coatings Mechanics of materials Life prediction Nanotechnology Structural optimization Probabilistic methodology Structural dynamics Rotordynamics Tribology Surface science Gears and bearings Terramechanics Seal s High Temperature


Shape Memory Alloy Actuated Structures

Smart Materials and Active Structures

Variable speed transmission for large tilt rotor Superconducting motor

More Electric Power and Propulsion

D Compact Solid Oxide T Fuel Cell Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field Piezo Damping of Fan Blade Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting

Fundamental Aeronautics Program

Conduct fundamental research that will generate innovative concepts, tools, technologies and knowledge to enable revolutionary advances for a wide range of air vehicles.

Fixed Wing (FW)

Explore and develop technologies, and concepts for improved energy efficiency and environmental compatibility of fixed wing, subsonic transports.

Rotary Wing (RW)

Develop and validate tools, technologies and concepts to overcome key barriers for rotary wing vehicles.

High Speed (HS)

Tool and technology development and validation to address challenges in high speed flight.

Aeronautical Sciences (AS)

Enable fast, efficient design & analysis of advanced aviation systems by developing physics-based tools and methods for cross-cutting technologies . Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Aviation

Advance Airframes Open Rotor Propulsor Geared Turbofan

Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field • • • • • • • • •

Enabling technologies

Novel architectures for increased lift over drag Lightweight structures Laminar flow to reduce drag Low NOx fuel flexible combustors Open rotors Ultra-high bypass turbofans Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Novel architectures for shielding airframe noise Distributed Propulsion

Environment Benefit/Goals

Fuel burn savings:

60% fuel burn reduction (ref B737/CFM56)

Emissions reduction:

80% less NOX (ref CAEP 6)

Noise reduction:

1/9 the nuisance noise around airports

Aeronautical Sciences Project

Enable fast, efficient design & analysis of advanced aviation systems from first principles by developing physics-based tools/methods & cross-cutting technologies, provide new MDAO & systems analysis tools, & support exploratory research with the potential to result in breakthroughs Vision

 Development of physics-based predictive methods for improved accuracy and design confidence  Breakthroughs in discipline understanding and system-level integration toward improved future air vehicles.


 Foundational research and technology for civil air vehicles  Discipline-based research and system-level integration method development Near body Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field Flap separation

Integrated Systems Research Program*

Program Goal:

Pursue innovative solutions to high priority aeronautical needs and accelerate implementation by the aviation community through integrated system level research on promising concepts and technologies, demonstrated in a relevant environment. .

Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) Project

Mature technologies and study vehicle concepts that together can simultaneously meet the NASA Subsonic Transport System Level Metrics for noise, emissions and fuel burn in the N+2 timeframe.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project

Capitalizing on NASA ’ s unique capabilities, the project will utilize integrated system level tests in a relevant environment to eliminate or reduce critical technical barriers of integrating Unmanned Aircraft Systems into the National Airspace System

By focusing on technologies that have already proven their merit at the fundamental research level, this program helps transition them more quickly to the aviation community, as well as inform future fundamental research needs

9 9

ERA Propulsion Technology (PT) Overview

Combusto r

FY 10 FY 11 FY 12

High Pressure Facility Development Low NOx , Fuel Flexible Combustor Development (GE & PW) Fuel Injector / NRA Testing CMC Combustor Liner Fabrication Development & Coating Eval


Phase II : Full Annular Combustor Tech Demonstration Propulsor OPEN Rotor Gen 1 9x15 OPEN Rotor Gen 1 / Gen 2 8x6 UHB design and

Open Rotor Gen 2 9x15

Fabrication / assembly Data Analysis and Documentation P&W GTF Gen-2 9x15 testing Embedded inlet / fan design and fabrication Phase II : Integrated UHB Propulsor Demonstration Core High OPR Compressor Facility Refurbishment High OPR Compressor Design and Fab CMC oxide –oxide Nozzle Development CMC 3D Vane Processing Assessment High OPR Compressor Testing Phase II : Integrated Front Block Compressor Demonstration ERA Phase II ( 2013-2015) builds on Phase 1 (2010-2012) : leveraging Integrated Technology Development / Demonstration coupled with systems analysis and

Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field

incorporation of Advanced Vehicle Concepts

Characterization of Aviation Alternative Fuels

Investigate and understand the potential of Alternative Fuels to reduce the impact of aviation on air quality and climate.

Ground and Flight Testing and Evaluation – Reduced particulate and gaseous emissions – Reductions or elimination of contrails – Reductions in CO 2 Particulate and Aerosol experiments Fuel characterization and laboratory scale emissions and performance testing, leading to full aircraft flight experimentation Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field Emissions characterization at altitude conditions