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Community Led Housing
Our experience to date
• More Homes More Choice
4,500 homes
200 new homes planned
Mixed tenure
Flexible solutions
• Working for Sustainable Communities
Ethically run – corporate environmental ambitions
Charitable status – helping communities “thrive” not
just “survive”
228 homes
Mixture of providers (12)
£25 million funding pot
£4.9 million allocated
- 107 homes
- 3 main partners
• Longhurst Group
• Westleigh Developments
• Shropshire Housing
Our Approach
Marches CLT partnership
31% of national funding
68 new homes across the Marches
Returning value to communities
Compliments neighbourhood planning
£1,305,600 allocation
What is Community Led?
“Communities can collectively own, develop
and/or manage their own land and
Barriers ?
Complexity of development
Availability of funding
Reducing grant per unit
Access to expertise
Risk adverse approaches
Our Offer
• Marches Community Land Trust
- Network of communities
- Access to expertise
- Peer support
- Trusted partner
- Asset strength – borrowing capacity
- Flexible on going stewardship
Strategic Partners
Local Authority
 Housing Enablers
 Planners
 Councillors
Town and/or Parish Councils
 Councillors
 Our customers – new
- existing
 Our future customers
Home and Communities Agency
Shropshire Council
– NHB Funding revenue
– Incentivising communities with
– Local plan
– Enablers
Herefordshire Council
– National leader on
Neighbourhood Planning
– Enablers
Our Schemes
Lyonshall, Herefordshire
Neenton, Shropshire
Church Stretton, Shropshire
Orleton, Herefordshire
Onibury, Shropshire
“Community Led housing
enabled Lyonshall to
provide affordable housing
on terms that the
community wanted. At long
last we were able to start a
housing project targeted at
the community which also
had the support of the
community” – Paul Avery,
Chair of Lyonshall Parish
“The way SSHA has engaged with our
community to deliver affordable housing as an
integral part of a major community project that
has helped make it happen has been crucial in
winning over the doubters” – John Pickup,
Chair, Neenton BenCom.
Church Stretton
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping
together is progress, working together is
success”. This quote from Henry Ford sums
up what the Ashbrook II Project Board is all
about. We came together in the beginning as
a group of enthusiastic people from all walks
of life who wanted to be involved in producing
the best affordable housing project for the
community of Church Stretton. We have gone
out to seek people’s views, deliberated over
architects, builders, site layout, design details
and building materials. We have agreed,
disagreed and compromised but in the end we
have a planned development which
encapsulated all our input. I now look forward
to it being a success” – Hilary ClaytonSmith –
Project Board Member and local architectural
quality champion
“From the first instance, the local community were consulted of the
proposed development, this is in the interest of good communications.
Our experience is one of an open agenda in public meetings and
committees, where all aspects of need, planning and design were
discussed, this has been welcomed by all” – Ray Jeavons, Onibury
Parish Councillor and Project Board Member
Long Term Stewardship
• Work for 2014
• Legal model agreed ‘Marches CLT’
• Community options
– Scrutiny
– Engagement in housing management
– Engagement in maintenance contracts
– Both
– Leasehold
Discussions regarding CLT or equivalent
– Ownership
What an organisation needs?
•An open mind, build trust
•A willingness to do more than housing
•Good communication
•Commitment to the journey
•Excellent innovative problem resolution
•Community at the heart of its actions
•Dedicated staff who understand the ‘more than bricks and
mortar business’
What you need to avoid!
•Over promising
•Not recognising time and resource implications
•Not joining up housing management and development
•Not engaging strategic planning and development control
Why would you get involved?
•Approached in the right way it delivers:
Better scheme
Better community engagement
Sustainable communities
•Empowers people and communities
•There is funding!
•It’s fun!
Thank you for listening