Introduction to Financial Management - B-K

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Transcript Introduction to Financial Management - B-K

Introduction to
Financial Management
Bill Klinger
Introduction to Financial Management
• Introductions
– Me
– You
• Syllabus
• Class procedures
• Class expectations
– A recent study showed that 83% of people who lost
their job, lost it because of attendance or attitude.
• Daily
– Listen to 1130 AM
– Watch CNBC
Goal of the Firm
• Goal of the firm – “Maximize shareholder wealth”
– Why not maximize profits?
– Why not maximize sales? Market share?
• How will we measure this?
– Stock price
• What influences this measure?
– Profits
– Future expectations of performance
• How does this goal benefit society?
Five Principles of Finance
1. Cash flow is what matters
Difference between profits and cash flow
Care about incremental cash flow
2. Money has a time value
Dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. Why?
Opportunity cost
3. Risk requires reward
Return for delaying consumption
Return for taking risk – investors & business people hate risk
Risk requires expected return
Exp return
Five Principles of Finance
4. Market prices are generally right
Markets fully reflect all available information at any instant in time
Efficient market hypothesis
Stock prices can be used to measure the value of a firm
5. Conflicts of interest cause agency problems
“Agents” are managers who act on behalf of the owners
Problem due to separation of ownership and management
May result in conflicts of interest
E.g. managers may try to keep jobs rather than max firm wealth
E.g. managers may work to get a bonus
Should be monitored by Board of Directors
Recent Lessons
• Cash flow is what matters
– Dot com bubble
• Money has time value
– Daily purchase decisions
• Risk requires reward
– Financial crisis and over-leveraging
– Long-Term Capital Management, Lehman Brothers
• Market prices are generally right
– Many hedge funds bet against the market… and lost
• Conflicts of interest cause agency problems
– Runaway executive compensation
– Enron
• Primarily about managing money
• Also about management and interpretation of data
• Chief Financial Officer, CFO
– Controller
• Accounting
• Data processing
– Treasurer
• Cash management
• Financial planning
Corporate Forms
• Sole proprietorships
• Partnerships
– General
– Limited
• Corporations
– Legal entity separate and apart from its owners
• Limited Liability Companies, LLCs
Financial Markets
• Capital markets
– Financial institutions that help raise long-term capital
– Long-term means longer than one year
• Ways to transfer capital
– Direct transfer
• Angle investors, Venture Capitalists
– Indirect transfer using investment banker
• Syndicates will buy entire issue of securities and re-sell them
– Indirect transfer using financial intermediary
• Intermediaries hold investments for individuals
• E.g. insurance companies, mutual funds, pension funds
Financial Markets
Regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Public vs. private placement
Primary vs. secondary markets
Money markets
– T-bills, CDs, commercial paper
– Mature in less than one year
• Spot vs. futures markets
• Organized security exchanges
– Have a physical presence
– E.g. NYSE, AMEX, …
• Over-the-counter markets
– Informal network of broker/dealers
Investment Banking
• Investment banker
– Specialist who underwrites new securities
– Consultant on new offerings
• Underwriting
– Purchase and resale of new security issues
– Risk of resale at a profit assumed by investment banker
– Syndicate – group of underwriters
• Spread
– Difference between price paid to company and price sold at
Intro to Excel
• Basics
– Arithmetic
– Cell references
– Color
• Practical usage
One period with interest rate
Multiple periods with interest rate
Multiple periods with interest rate and constant additions
Name cells
Income statement
Multiple period income statements with growth rates