Evaluation of Integrated Circuit Power Supply Noise with Two

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Micron Technology Clinic

Evaluation of Integrated Circuit Power Supply Noise with Two-Phase Analysis Sze-Hsiang Harper, Michael Tomer, Kristian Blomquist, Jason Oneida, Ammon Hardcastle Advisor: Dr. Ken Stevens

Micron Technology Clinic Evaluation of Integrated Circuit Power Supply Noise with Two-Phase Analysis Presentation Order Sze-Hsiang Harper Michael Tomer Kristian Blomquist Jason Oneida Ammon Hardcastle

Micron Technology Clinic Analysis of the Two-Phase Power Estimation Method Using HSIMPlus and HSPICE Presented by: Sze-Hsiang Harper Advisor: Dr. Ken Stevens


►   Background Integrated Circuit Power Power Delivery Network ► Problems ► Solution  Industry Tools ► Estimation Method   HSIMPlus HSPICE ► Project Preview ► Conclusion

Integrated Circuit Power

Taken from “Micron Proposal 09” by Tim Hollis

Power Delivery Network (PDN) On-Chip Power Delivery ► Power Delivery Network (PDN) ► Characteristic of a PDN should provide a good complex multi-stage network supplying power to all devices in a system Vdd Vss Taken from “Micron Proposal 09” by Tim Hollis

Ideal and Functional PDN

► Ideal and Functional PDN will:    Deliver clean power to the Integrated Circuits Provide low impedance and low noise reference path for signals Does not contribute excessive Electromagnetic Interference

Ideal PDN vs. Non-Ideal PDN Taken from micron proposal 09” by Tim Hollis


► Transistors are faster but they operate at a lower voltage supply and at a higher overall chip power ► To fully simulate billions of transistors on the circuits requires an extreme amount of time ► Circuits need to be analyzed to ensure the circuit will operate reliably and their simulations are accurate

Current Solution in Industry

Model order reduction required due to design complexity.

► “Two-Phase" (or two-pass) method employed

Phase 1 :


I Ckt Phase 2:



V I Ckt

Z PDN Gnd Gnd

Current Industry Tools

► Apache    Totem Chip Power Model (CPM) Redhawk Tools ► Cadence’s VoltageStorm ► Synopsys’ HSIMPlus ► Hynix Semiconductor


► HSPICE is the industry's "gold standard" for accurate circuit simulation and offers foundry-certified MOS device models with state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms.


► HSIMPlus provides a complete set of analysis tools for device-level and interconnect reliability analysis ► HSIMPlus has Two-phase Method applied by it’s Power Net Reliability Analysis (PWRA) tool.


Project Preview Output with Single Layer Package vs. Output without Package in HSIMPlus

Project Preview Output with Single Layer Package vs Output Without Package in HSPICE

Conclusion ► Power delivery noise affects the performance and correctness of our circuits ► Evaluated the runtime and accuracy of HSPICE vs. HSIMPlus with various configurations   Too complex a problem to simulate with accurate tools (HSPICE) Model order reduction tools introduce some error (HSimPlus)