- Portumna Community School

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Beyond Portumna Community SchoolOptions after the Leaving Certificate
Ms Denise Lyons
Guidance Counsellor
16th September 2010
Career Planning and Research
Wealth of choices for young people.
Very important to plan ahead for future career as someone once
said “to fail to plan is a plan failed”.
Career Planning and Research can be broken up into two areas:
 Self Assessment
 Pathways to Qualifications
Self Assessment
Honest and realistic
Must acknowledge strengths
and weakness
Skills, qualities and personality
Interests and Hobbies
Work environment
Family influence
Health considerations
Talents- academic and non
Career interests
Pathways to Qualification
Must consider:
The National
Framework of
Appropriate Level on
Third Level (6-10)
PLC (5-6)
Teagasc (5-8)
Failte Ireland (4-8)
Fas (5-6)
Available sources of
College websites
Open days/ Career
The internet- Eg Qualifax
Past and current students/
Career professionals
Guidance Counsellor
Work Experience/Shadow
Taster programmes
Third Level Education
UCAS: Universities Colleges Application System
Why study in the UK?
Popular choice for Irish students- 2010 almost 9,000 students
Hugh variety of courses/ colleges to choose from
300 + institutions
Back up to CAO application
Lower entry requirements in many areas of study
Applications admitted to courses on the basis of academic and
non academic achievements
Specialist courses that are not available in Ireland
UCAS continued
Fees for UK courses
£3,290/year for most UK colleges and Universities in England
and N. Ireland
Fees for courses in Scotland are around £1800/ year
however this may vary
Welsh colleges offer a non- means tested grant to EU
students which reduces fees to approx. £1600/ year.
Must carefully check with each college for actual fee
amount www.ucas.com.
UCAS continued
Student finance
The following options are available for student support/ fee
payment. All info can be found on www.ucas.com- student
Loan- student finance direct
Wales- non means tested grant
England- DFES( Education Authority for EU students
Scotland- SASS( Student loans, financial assistance schemes)
Higher Education Grant Scheme: grants can be obtained for
study in the UK by applying to Local County Council in Ireland
Other useful websites detailing the above
UCAS continued
Application dates:
1st Sept 2010:
27th Sept 2010:
30th Sept 2010:
8th October 2010:
15th Oct 2010:
3rd Nov 2010:
4th Oct 2010:
15th Jan 2011:
29th Jan 2011:
24th Mar 2011:
3oth June 2011:
Opening Date for receiving applications
UKCAT Deadline for test registration
BMAT Deadline for test registration
UKCAT Final date for test
Deadline for applications to medicine, dentistry
veterinary, veterinary science, Oxford and
BMAT test date
HPAT Ulster registration date
Deadline for applicants from UK/ EU
HPAT Ulster test date.
Deadline for those Art & Design applications not
using 15th Jan deadline.
Deadline for “late applications”
UCAS continued
Application Process:
Apply on- line www.ucas.com/apply
Max of 5 course choices can be made unless you are applying for the
following medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or veterinary science
in which instance you can apply up to a max of 4 courses.
 Some courses require you complete an interview or admissions test
as part of the application procedure eg UKCAT for Medicine
Personal Statement: This must be submitted with course choices.
This gives the applicant the opportunity to convince the Admissions
Officer that they deserve a place.
Students must also complete a section on work experience.
A reference from your school must also be supplied to complete
UCAS continued
For more information:
£11 for single choice application
£21 2-5 choice application
Third Level Education
in Ireland
Third level Institutions in Ireland: Universities, Colleges,
Institutes of Technology, Independent Colleges
Application to Third Level: Through CAO
Steps to applying to CAO:
Before application
Actual Application
Change of mind
Deferred Entry
Steps to CAO application
Before application:
Do lots of research on course, college
Entry requirements( Min., specific, points,
Restricted entry- aptitude test, interview,
performance test
Length of course
Content of course
Work Experience
Study abroad
Opportunities to Post graduate level
Employment opportunities
HPAT Ireland: Health Professionals Admission Test
Used for entry to Medicine courses in Ireland
Timeline for HPAT
CAO application
From 3 November 2010 - 1 February 2011 at 17:15 hours
(NB: All medical programmes have the restricted entry final closing date of 1 February)
HPAT-Ireland registrations open
4 November 2010
(You will require a 2011 CAO application number to register for HPAT-Ireland)
20 January 2011
Late registrations close
(late fee payable)
3 February 2011 at 17:15 hours
(No further registrations accepted after this date)
HPAT-Ireland test date
Saturday 26 February 2011
HPAT-Ireland results released to candidates
27 June 2011
Collation of scores
17 - 21 August 2011 (provisional)
Round 1 CAO offers
Monday 22 August 2011 (provisional)
HPAT continued
95 euro
Cork, Dublin, Galway, Sligo, Waterford.
2 ½ hours Sample tests can be viewed on- line
Issued in Late June after Leaving Certificate
Two years
For more information
Steps to CAO application
2. Actual application
Apply on-line www.cao.ie
Cost: 30 euro before 20th Jan 2011
40 euro if made between 20th Jan/ 1st Feb 2011
Closing Date for application 1st Feb 2011.
Apply for up to 20 courses
10 Level 6/7 Higher Certificates/ Ordinary Degree
10 Level 8 Honours Degree
Choose courses in order of preference
Restricted application courses: must apply by 1st Feb
CAO continued
3. Statement of course choices:
Feb 5th 2011:
On-line facility to amend course choices
March 1st:
Closing Date for amending course choices
April 2011:
Interviews, admission tests conducted on
restricted application courses
4. Change of mind:
May 1st 2011- July 1st 2011
No fee for facility
5. Offers:
22nd August 2011:
Round 1 offer
CAO will calculate best six grades for points
Allocate places in the basis of highest choice
on list of courses- this is why order of
preference is so important as all other
choices will be eliminated
31st August 2011:
Proposed 2nd round offer
19th Oct 2011:
Offer stage ends
CAO continued
6. Deferred entry:
Not guaranteed
Contact Admissions officer of respective Higher Education
Institute with offer notice citing reasons for deferral.
For more information:
College websites and prospectuses
Further Education courses
What is a PLC course:
Usually one year in duration
Preparation for employment
Are specific to a discipline and give vocational, personal, and
general skills
 Include work placement (2-4 weeks)
Provide access to third level
No tuition fees
Grant available by “The Higher Education Grants Scheme”
Direct to college: check entry requirements and closing dates
Awarding body: FETAC (NFQ 1/6)
Access to Third Level:
Progression from Fetac L5/L6 can be made through:
Higher Education Links Scheme
The Pilot Scheme
Higher Education Links Scheme:
Provision of reserved places on certain education courses(
mainly L8)
Links to Nursing programmes are via the Higher Education Links
 17 colleges/ universities
Apply to CAO
Places are issued in July of application
Best 8 components are scored/ ranked
The Pilot Scheme:
Progression to Higher Certificate, Ordinary Degrees, and Honours Degrees
Under this initiative, most college courses are open to FETAC applicants along
with Leaving Cert students
Courses can be taken at all the Institutes of Technology, Independent Colleges,
NCI, and St Patrick’s College, Thurles.
FETAC applicant can score a maximum of 400 points with award
Best 8 components are counted:
50 points Distinction
35 points Merit
20 points
More information can be accessed on
FAS Apprenticeships/ Training Courses
Apprenticeship is a method by which a person works for an
employer in a chosen occupation and learns the necessary skills,
knowledge and attitudes to become a qualified craftsperson
Follow a specific course of training and undergo a series of
 Entry requirements: aged 16 and 5 passes in JC.
Sponsorship: must be obtained with a registered employer
Training: 4yrs duration, 7 phases of training
Training allowances paid for duration of training
FAS currently offer 23 standard based apprenticeships
Qualification: Level 6 (NFQ)
Training Courses:
Many Fas Training Centres offer full time / part time courses
which prepare people for entry into the working world.
Register with local Fas office after Leaving Certificate.
Interview is required if demand is high for places.
 Training allowances are given for duration of course.
Range in length(10 wks –1yr)
FETAC accredited.
Contact local Fas centre for lists of available courses.
For more information:
Agriculture, Horticulture, Equine, Forestry
Offers various education and training courses within the NFQ
Further Education Training courses:
FETAC Level 5/6
Entry through 8 Ag Colleges and at Local Teagasc Centres Nationwide
Courses can be taken fulltime/ part-time
Higher Education Links Scheme:
Holders of FETAC awards can apply for a quota number of higher
education courses
Apply through CAO
Third Level courses:
Entry through CAO
Courses taken at Institutes of Technologies and UCD
Further information:
Failte Ireland
National Tourism Development Authority
There are 4 main categories of education:
Skills Training Courses
Failte Ireland Training centres nationwide
13/16 week courses
Uniform, weekly allowance, training grant
Craft courses Full- time:
Institutes of Technology nationwide
1/ 2 years training
Training Grant
Failte Ireland
Advanced and Higher Certificate Courses
Institutes of Technology
Advanced Certificate: 1year day release or 10 week Block:
Higher Certificate: 2 years HETAC L6
Training grant based on attendance
Degree courses:
Institutes of Technology
3 yr full- time study
Bachelor of Business (Culinary Arts or Bar Management)
Grants awarded by Local Authorities and Dept.of Ed- means
Student Support Schemes
In Ireland, there are two main support schemes. These include:
Higher Education Grants Scheme
Maintenance Grants Scheme for students attending Post Leaving
Cert courses
These schemes provide means tested grants for students who wish to
pursue full-time course.
There are three other student support funds in addition to the above:
Fund for students with Disabilites
Millennium Partnership Fund for Disadvantage
The Student Assistance Fund
Rules apply and application are made through Local Authority and
Local VEC. There is a dedicated website which gives all of the
information necessary on financial for further and higher
Education www.studentfinance.ie
Scholarships and Award
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of
Scholarships available to students. Scholarships are awarded for
high academic achievement, sporting excellence, etc.
There are some scholarships that must apply to but there are
others that are awarded to students who fulfill certain criteria;
DES: 7 Easter Week Commemoration Scholarships (awarded with
Leaving Cert)
Entrance Scholarships to Third Level: 500+ points (check college
Sport Scholarships: check college prospectus
Women in Technology: check www.intel.ie
Access to College
Two new schemes introduced to promote equality of access to
Third Level. The two schemes are
HEAR (Higher Education Access Route)
DARE (Disabilities Access Route Education)
What is the Higher Education
Access Route (HEAR)
The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a college and
university admissions scheme which offers places at reduced
points to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged
backgrounds. HEAR has been set up by a number of colleges
and universities as evidence shows that socio-economic
disadvantage can have a negative effect on how well a student
does at school and whether they go on to college.
Who is it for?
School leavers who have the ability to benefit from and succeed
in higher education and who come from socio economic groups
in Irish society that are under-represented in third level
Applicant Requirements
You must give satisfactory evidence of your socio-economic
circumstances (family income, schools attended, medical card
etc) and meet the minimum entry (matriculation) and subject
requirements of the colleges or university to which you are
You will then compete for one of a quota of places based on
your Leaving Certificate results.
Participating Colleges and Universities:
Dublin City University
Dublin Institute of Technology
NUI Galway
NUI Maynooth
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
University College Dublin
University of Limerick
Church of Ireland College of
Froebel College of Education
Colaiste Mhuire, Marino Institute
of Education
Mary Immaculate College,
Mater Dei Institute of Education
National College of Ireland
Pontifical University, Maynooth
St. Angela's College, Sligo
St. Patrick's College,
Supports for HEAR Students
As well as receiving a reduced points place, HEAR Students may also receive
a variety of academic, personal and social supports while studying at third level.
Each college and university will decide what supports it can offer depending on
its policies, practices and the resources available to it.
Examples of the type of supports available include:
Orientation programmes to introduce students to university or college
Extra tuition if needed
Help with study skills and exam preparation
One-to-one meetings with student advisors,
Social gatherings,
Advice about grants and scholarships
Bursaries when available.
You can find more information about the supports available for HEAR students
on the access website of each college or university.
Procedure for application
If you are a school leaver and you wish to be considered for
the HEAR scheme, you must:
apply online at www.cao.ie as part of the CAO application
process by 1 February 2011.
say you want to be considered for HEAR in the appropriate
section of the application form. Applicants will then be
directed to a separate online HEAR application form.
complete a number of additional questions relating to:
his/her family’s financial situation;
employment status of parents;
school(s) attended.
submit supporting documentation (e.g. P21, Notice of
Assessment etc) by 1 April 2011.
Closing Dates for HEAR
HEAR has strict closing dates so that the CAO and the colleges
that take part in the scheme have enough time to process
By 1 February 2011:
Apply online to CAO and indicate that you wish to apply to the
HEAR Scheme.
By 1 March 2011:
Finalise all elements of your online HEAR Application
By 1 April 2011:
Submit supporting documentation to the CAO.
Next Steps in the Application Process
As soon as all applications have been processed to see if they
are eligible for the HEAR scheme, you will get a letter telling you
if your application has been successful
If you are not eligible for HEAR, you will be told why.
You can ask for a review of your application if you believe that a
mistake was made during the screening of your application.
How will I know if I'm eligible?
Financial Indicators
Income:The total gross income of your parent(s) or
guardian(s) for the year ending 31 December 2010 is
within the income limits that would make you eligible
for a Higher Education Grant.
Medical Card: You or your parent(s) or Guardian(s)
had a Medical Card or GP Visit Card on 31 December
Social Welfare Payment: In the year ending 31
December 2010, your parent(s) or guardian(s)
received a means-tested social assistance payment(s)
from the Department of Social Protection for at least
26 weeks in a row..
How will I know if I'm eligible?
Social and Cultural Indicators:
Socio-economic Group: You belong to a group that is underrepresented in higher education based on the occupation and
employment status of your parent(s) or guardian(s). At the
moment the group includes non-manual workers; semi &
unskilled manual workers and agricultural workers.
School: You completed five years in a secondary school that
takes part in the Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools
(DEIS) scheme run by the Department of Education & Skills.
Area: You live in an area (urban or rural) in which there is
concentrated disadvantage and social exclusion - in other
words, an area where, for example, there is high
unemployment and poverty and very few facilities for the
To be eligible for the HEAR SCHEME you must meet the Low
Income indicator (no. 1) plus a combination of two other
HEAR 2011 Application Guide
The Guide and Flyer for 2011 can be downloaded www.accesscollege.ie
(September 2010):
HEAR 2010 Information Brochure
HEAR 2010 Student Flyer
HEAR 2010 Application Guide and Workbook
The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is a college and
university admissions scheme which offers places on a reduced
points basis to school leavers with disabilities. DARE has been set
up by a number of colleges and universities as evidence shows that
disability can have a negative effect on how well a student does at
school and whether they go on to college.
What are the benefits of DARE?
Students who are eligible for the Disability Access Route to Education
(DARE) may secure a place on a reduced points basis.
All students with a disability, irrespective of whether they come through
DARE or not, are offered a variety of academic, personal and social
supports while studying at third level. Individual institutions will
determine the nature and delivery of such supports in accordance with
their own policies and practices and subject to the availability of
The following are examples of the types of supports available:
An orientation programme to introduce students to
Study skills, extra tuition if required and exam support
Access to assistive technology and training
One-to-one meetings with support staff, social gatherings and
How do I apply to DARE?
Step 1
You must apply to the CAO at www.cao.ie by 1st February 2011 and indicate
that you have a disability/specific learning difficulty on your CAO application form
by 1st March 2011.
You will then be directed to a separate online
Supplementary Information Form which asks for additional information about
your disability or specific learning difficulty.
Step 2
You must complete Section A (Questions1-4) of the Supplementary Information
Form by 1st March 2011.
Step 3
You must indicate your wish to be considered for DARE by ticking ‘Yes’ to
Question 5 by 1st March 2011.
Step 4
You must return the Second Level Academic Reference (Section B) and Evidence
of Disability (Section C) to the CAO by 1st April 2011.
Supplementary Information Form
There are four sections to the Supplementary Information Form which
you, your school and an acceptable medical consultant or specialist
must complete.
Section A – you must complete a Personal Statement which gives your
opinion on the academic impact of your disability or specific learning
Section B – you must return a Second Level Academic Reference
completed by your school. This form provides background information
on your educational experience and helps to determine appropriate
supports at third level.
Section C – you must return the Evidence of Disability Form completed
by the accepted Medical Consultant/Specialist. This form provides
verification of your disability and helps to determine appropriate
supports at third level.
How will I know if I'm eligible?
Applications to DARE are assessed by professionals in
participating Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) who have
expertise and an in-depth knowledge of the impact of disability
on educational attainment.
To assess an applicant’s eligibility for DARE, specific criteria have
been developed to determine the significance of each disability
and the impact on educational attainment.
The criteria used for assessing the impact of disability were
developed by HEI Assessment Boards, which included HEI
professionals and representatives from expert external
Disabilities that are assessed
Screening criteria are applied for each disability
Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism
Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Blind/ Vision Impaired
Deaf/Hearing Impaired
Mental Health Condition
Neurological Conditions
- Neurological Conditions
- Speech and Language Disabilities
Significant Ongoing Illness
Physical Disability
Specific Learning Difficulties
- Dyslexia
- Dyscalculia
DARE 2011 Application Guide
The Guide & Flyer for 2011 can be downloaded from
DARE 2010 Information Brochure
DARE 2010 Application Guide