Troop Leadership Training (TLT)

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Transcript Troop Leadership Training (TLT)

Introduction to
Leadership Skills for
Troops (ILST)
David Mitchko
Mercer Area District Commissioner
What happened to JLT and TLT ?
• Troop Leadership Training (TLT#34306) replaced the
Scoutmaster Junior Leader Training Kit, which focused on
general leadership skills, team building and conflict resolution.
• Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST #511016WB, 2011 printing) replaced TLT, which focused the
youth leaders on what their jobs were and the ways they can
become more involved with running the troop.
• The problem with TLT is that the course material was very
weak and it got rid of all the games that were in JLT.
• Some Scoutmasters chose to continue teaching JLT, while
others adapted TLT by combining what worked from both
Why Conduct ILST?
• A Scoutmaster can’t expect the youth leaders in his troop to know what
their jobs are unless they have been told.
• The concept of “boy run” is very dependant on the Scoutmaster’s first
training of and then providing coaching and advice to the boys.
• Having the boys decide things for themselves supports the BSA’s
• ILST fits in with the following leadership courses: National Youth
Leadership Training (NYLT) and National Advanced Youth Leadership
Experience (NAYL)
• ILST is the first step in the “Youth Training Continuum”
• Scouts must take ILST to earn their “TRAINED” patch.
“Training boy leaders to run their troop
is the Scoutmaster’s most important job”
- Robert S.S. Baden-Powell
Course Overview
• Module One—Troop Organization includes a description of
each leadership position in the troop, including roles and
responsibilities, troop organization, and introductions to vision
and servant leadership.
• Module Two—Tools of the Trade covers some core skill sets
to help the Scout lead, including communicating, planning, and
• Module Three—Leadership and Teamwork incorporates
additional leadership tools for the Scout, including discussions of
teams and team characteristics, the stages of team development
and leadership, inclusion/using your team, ethics and values of a
leader, and a more in-depth review of vision.
Course Preparation and Timing
• Involve the SPL as much as possible
– Up front coaching and mentoring
– The SPL helps teach the course if possible
– Let him know what is expected of him
• Run the course a few weeks after holding elections
– Candidates should know dates of the course beforehand
Personal coaching of new scout leaders right after elections
Know how to conduct a reflection
Assemble all the needed materials and handouts
Become familiar with the course, its activities and games
Games and Activities
Module 1
Troop Organization
Balloon Toss
Yurt Circle
Helium Stick
Willow in the Wind
Alternate Games
• Everybody Up
• Blindfold Walk
• Pirates and Cannibals
• Human Train Track
• Match the Example
• Silent Puzzle
Module 2
Tools of the Trade
Telephone Game
The Whole Picture
EDGE Instruction
Module 3
Leadership and
• Integrity Game
• The Potato Game
A reflection follows
each game to bring out
the teaching points
Course Delivery Options
• Course may be conducted over three different days, one
module at a time.
– The hour before your regular troop meetings
• Single-day format can also be used and is preferred
– Include several breaks
• Course can be conducted during a weekend camping trip
Plan other activities during the weekend
Have the adults cook the meals
Make the course a fun event that the entire troop looks forward to
Hold yearly planning meeting concurrently
• Conduct the course during Summer Camp
– After dinner for three evenings
Scoutmaster’s Role
• The ILST syllabus is very clear that the Scoutmaster must be
actively involved in conducting this training.
• A Scoutmaster must be aware of their role as a leader in a
– to ensure that the rules and standards of the chartered organization and
the Boy Scouts of America are followed
– to serve as a mentor and role model to the Scouts
– to train Scout leaders.
• ILST can only be effective if the Scoutmaster does the
preparation and personal coaching required. ILST must be a
part of what a Scoutmaster does to train the scout leaders.
Boy Run starts with the Scoutmaster!