2013 PowerPoint presentation

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Transcript 2013 PowerPoint presentation

The Boston Teachers Union
Welcomes You Back
to School!
Video Message from the President
Video Link
Filmed and edited by BPS students and
Press Pass TV!
Today’s Content Objectives!
Members will be able to:
• 1. Differentiate myths from truths about
• 2. Understand the BTU’s vision for public
• 3. Take action to improve your schools
through your union membership
Language Objectives:
• Just kidding!
1. Myths and Truths
about Teachers Unions
“Turn and talk” with
your neighbors!
A.What stereotypes have you
B.Can you think of evidence to
the contrary?
Here are some common
• A. Unions hurt student achievement
• B. Unions protect “bad” teachers
• C. Unions don’t want teacher
A. Do unions hurt achievement?
The highest scores on the National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP) and the SAT and the ACT tests are all
correlated to the most unionized states in the country (like
Mass). The lowest scoring states are also ones that restrict or
have outlawed collective bargaining rights (unionizing).
For more specifics see: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/studies/statemapping/
B. Do unions protect “bad” teachers?
Unions ensure that all members receive “due process.” That
just means they can’t be fired unless they have been fairly
evaluated and fairly treated. Principals have always had the
power to fire any teacher, and can even do so for no reason
until a teacher receives “professional status.”
C. Does the union think evaluations
are undesirable?
• We just want a fair evaluation process that isn’t overreliant on test scores or inconsistent measures such as
Value-Added Models that have been found to be
statistically unreliable.*
• We don’t want test scores to discourage excellent
educators from teaching students who may not always
test well like ELL students and Special Education
students—students who can succeed but don’t
always get what they need to do so.
*For full citations see:
2. The BTU’s Vision for BPS
• So what DO we believe in?
Take a look at our mission and vision!
Turn and Talk with your
Does this vision resonate with you? Why or why
not? What would you add?
We believe in:
Safe and Welcoming Schools
Well-Prepared and Supported Teachers
Engaging Curriculum
Access to Wraparound Services
Extending the School Day for Arts and Enrichment
Parent, Student, and Teacher Voice in Decision
Check out www.bostonedtruth.org for a more
detailed vision created with parents, students,
and community members, and sign our
3. Take action to improve your schools
through your union membership.
• Stay informed!
• Read the E-Bulletin regularly (you can be added
at www.btu.org)
• Attend membership meetings at the school,
BTU, and/or monthly regional meetings closer to
your school or home.
• Make sure you have filled out a membership
card, COPE Card, and “Unite for Education”
You can also join a committee!
– New Members Engagement Committee (New!)
– Women’s Rights Committee
– Sergeant at Arms Committee
– Community Outreach Committee/Community
Advisory Board
– Professional Learning Advisory Board
– Campaign Activist Network and Legislative
– Social Committee
Learn more about them at www.btu.org
Upcoming BTU Dates!
• Wednesday, September 11:
4:15—Monthly Membership Meeting (2nd
Wed of every month)
7:00—BTU Mayoral Candidates Forum
• Thursday, September 26, 2-4 or 4-6:
Regional BTU meeting in Allston/Brighton
• October 25-27: Annual Building Reps
You can find these dates and more important
information in the BTU Newspaper.
Your Voice. Your Union. Your Future.
• You have the power to impact the decisions of
your union-get involved!.
• Stay informed, get engaged, and strengthen a
union that you can be proud of. You are the
• Don’t forget to browse the BTU paper for
important information, too.
Building Representative Election:
• There can be 1 representative for every 25
members or portion thereof BTU in a school.
(i.e. If your schools has 26 members, you can have 2.
If you have 51 members, 3.)
• The Building Rep Election will be (set day,
times, and location for the BTU building rep
• (Add next BTU meeting at the school: time,
date, location if you have it.)