APA 6th Edition Part II

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Transcript APA 6th Edition Part II

Numbers, Footnotes, Tables, Figures, Appendices and Supplemental Materials & By Jessica Boykin, Writing Consultant Michael Frizell, Director

The Writing Center serves Missouri State University by working with students, faculty, and staff on their writing projects. Bear CLAW, Meyer 1 st Floor HOURS: • Monday , Tuesday, & Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. • Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

• Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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 About $30  Amazon Reviews: 

Unhelpful Guide about an

Unenlightening Style, By


(State College, PA USA)  Boring but Required, By



Possibly Written by Beelzebub


Robert I. Hedges

(Burnsville, MN USA)

Title Page* Abstract* Body References* Appendixes* Footnotes* Tables* Figure Captions* Figures* APA Basics Presentation APA Advanced Presentation Indicates New Page

APA has strict rules about how numbers are expressed in


document. Sometimes numbers are expressed in figures…

• (1, 2, 3.5)

…and sometimes, numbers are expressed in words.

• (one, two, three and a half)

Any number 10 and above Any number that appears in the same paragraph with a number 10 and above, if it’s being compared to the number 10 and above.

Numbers that come just before a unit of measurement “15 traits on each of the four/4 checklists” (which is it?)

Statistics, mathematical functions, fractions, decimals, percentages, rations, percentiles and quartiles Times; dates; ages; sample, subsample, or population size; subject and participant numbers; scores and points on a scale; exact sums of money; and numerals as numerals Exception: approximations (i.e. about three months ago) Numbers in a series, like page numbers and table numbers; each number in a list of four or more numbers All numbers in the abstract of the paper

Below10 but not precise AND • only compared with numbers lower than 10 Zero and one, if they are easier to comprehend in word form • One-line sentence Any number that begins a title, sentence, or heading • (but try to avoid starting these with a number) Common fractions Universally accepted usage • Ten Commandments

Combine figures with words to express back to back modifiers

• • i.e. 2 two-way interactions Unless this makes it even more confusing!

Use a 0 before the decimal if the number could equal 1 For example, 0.25 cm Don’t use a 0 when the statistic cannot equal 1 For example, in correlations, proportions, and levels of statistic significance

Two Kinds of Footnotes Copyright Permission Content

Content Footnotes Should Represent Only One Idea Be Concise Be Necessary Copyright Permission Footnotes Accompany Lengthy quotations, scale and test items, and reprinted tables and figures.

Footnotes are numbered with superscript Arabic numerals.

1 Always put the footnote after the punctuation, unless •it precedes a dash or •only pertains to information inside of parentheses.


1 should look like in the Appendix.

2 3 This is what the Footnotes page There is a ½ inch tab before each footnote listed.

If a footnote is longer than one line, the next line is flush left. The footnotes must be double-spaced.

All footnotes, content footnotes and copyright permission footnotes are listed together on the footnotes page.

When to use a table, and what to put in it, can be challenging questions. The APA Manual (2001) advises "tables that communicate quantitative data are effective only when the data are arranged so that their meaning is obvious at a glance" (p. 148).

Each table should have an individual title, italicized and in title case. Example: Correlations Between Age and Test Scores Each table should begin on a separate page.

All elements of the table should be double spaced.

All tables should be referenced in the text of the paper.

Tables should be last, after your reference list and appendixes.

 .

Avoid vertical lines.

Use white space within columns to separate individual listings.

Always double space tables

Tables must be named with an Arabic numeral.

• Example: • Table 1.

If the table is in the Appendix, it will have a capital letter before the numeral.

• Example: • Table B1.

Don’t make the column headings too much wider than the column entries.

• (For aesthetic sake)

If a cell is blank because the information is not applicable, •leave the cell empty!

If the information is applicable, but it was not obtained, •put a dash in the blank cell.

You must explain in the General Note why you did not obtain the information!

Begins with “Note.” Qualifies, explains, or provides information from the table, followed by explanations of abbreviations in the table.

Basically, a table footnote.

Use a superscript lowercase letter to indicate a specific note.

About statistical findings. GENERAL NOTE

Basically, a table footnote.

Use a superscript lowercase letter to indicate a specific note.


Probability Notes are about statistical findings. Used to specify the p-value of a particular statistical test. EXAMPLE: If you have some results that are significant at the p = .05 level and others that are significant at the p = .01 level, put different symbols next to those results in the table, and provide an explanatory note of your symbols underneath the table. Begin probability notes with the symbol to be defined and end them with a period, THUS: *p < .05. **p < .01.


Text and graphics should always be concise and never repetitive Use decked heads, or stacked column headings, to avoid repetition Temporal Lobe Right Left

…any illustration that is not a table!


show relationships and give comparisons involving a set of data.


show relationships between parts in a group.

…like tables, named with Arabic numerals.

 NOTE: With both figures and tables, never say “the table above,” etc., because the placement may change!

LEGENDS •Legends are placed in the axis area of the figure. •They are photographed in (not typeset). In other words, they are PART OF THE GRAPH!

CAPTIONS • Captions are typeset. • is both the title and the explanation of a figure.

• Figure captions will have their own page in the Appendix.

Figure Captions

Figure 3. Fixation duration as a function of the delay between the beginning of eye fixation and the onset of the stimulus in Experiment 1.

* Footnotes, tables, and figures will be numbered in the order that they are presented in the text.

An appendix will include information that is valuable to your article, but could be distracting to readers if it is put in the text.

…a mathematical proof …a large table …a list of words

…a sample of a questionnaire or survey instrument used in the research …a computer program.

There can be more than one appendix. Label each with a capital letter.

Example: Appendix A.

Treat the Appendix like a new paper. Use level headings, tables, and figures. Label tables and figures with the title of the appendix preceding the Arabic numeral.

EXAMPLE: Figure A1.

All appendix tables and figures must be cited within the appendix and numbered in order of citation.

Text of the Appendix should begin flush left, followed by indented paragraphs

 Web-based, online supplemental archives

Computer codes Audio or video clips Oversized tables Color figures

Supplemental materials must be sent with the document and peer reviewed They don’t just let you put any link up!

Level One is Centered, Boldface and Capitalized

Level Two is Flush Left, Boldface and Capitalized

Level three is indented, boldface and lowercase, and punctuated.

Level four is indented, boldfaced, italicized, and punctuated.

Level five is indented, italicized, and punctuated.

The 6 th edition has made levels of heading so much easier!

Now just use labels in the order they are numbered: 1,2,3,4,5.

Michael Frizell


michaelfrizell@ Missouristate.edu

836-5006 Bear CLAW Meyer 1 st Floor WEB: Writingcenter.



Supplemental Instruction WEB: SI.Missouristate.edu