KimAnhAbbiePoor - Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

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Transcript KimAnhAbbiePoor - Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

The differences between poor and rich in the Tudor times


The old and disabled got a licence to beg. They mostly begged for money, food and fresh water. They usually got a slice of bread if they where lucky . As a resolute of them only getting a piece of bread their child was very skinny.

Tudor food

The poor usually grew their own vegetables and fruit. They also had gone off meat covered in spices to disguise it. They usually had porridge for breakfast. The rich people had very sugary food like sugar plates they also had loads of meat.


The rich would usually wear a long rich red gown that only rich people could afford. The rich also wore a big dress. The poor would usually wear a cloth or an old rag. The children’s clothing was very much like their parents’.

Tudors marriages

Poor people got to choose who they married but there love life would only last for 7 years at the most. They had to decided how long they would live together. Rich people did not get to choose who they married, their dad would choose.

Rich and poor teeth

Rich had black teeth because it was a sign that they could afford sweet stuff. Poor people’s teeth where more cleaner than the rich because they couldn’t afford sweet stuff.

Rich and poor homes

Poor people usually lived in one small room together with a hole in the wall for a window. They slept on straw filled mattresses with only one blanket. Their houses weren't that decorated. The rich lived in a big house with the amount of covers they needed.

The Tudor children

The poor Tudor children didn’t have life that easy. Sometimes they lived on the streets and always having to follow orders. But the rich helped their mums get dinner ready and did all the house chores.


The poor were mostly used as servants for rich and important people. With the rise of the population it made it even harder to get a job. Poor people worked 6 days a week in their own homes and got very little pay .

The end

Thank you for watching Kim-Anh Spreadbury & Abbie Kiernan’s PowerPoint Hope you learned something!!