Host Group Name

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Getting Started with GroundWork Monitor
GroundWork Monitor Enterprise Edition 6.2
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: Information contained herein is not for use or disclosure outside of GroundWork Open Source, Inc. © 2007 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
Page 1
Getting Started with GroundWork Monitor
Course Objectives for this Module
• Why Dashboards
• My GroundWork: Creating Personal Dashboards
• Creating Shared Dashboards
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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GroundWork Monitor 6.2
Module 6: Creating Dashboards
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
All Dashboards
• Personal dashboards
• Create and change on the fly
• Can not be shared
Shared Dashboards
• Admin user must create them
• Admin user assigns access according to Role
• Content is from available portlets and user selected web apps
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
All Dashboards
Respect the Work Flow, especially for Shared Dashboards
Add pages first
Use Theme to set layout
Use the Wizard to add portlets
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
My GroundWork
Creating Personal Dashboards
List of portlets to use
This list is controlled by an XML file and can be changed (for instance if you add a
custom portlet or a new GW portlet)
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
Page 6
Creating Dashboards
MyGroundWork Portlets
Events Portlet
Host Availability
Host Group Health
Host Group Status Summary
Host Health
Host Information
Host List
Host Status Summary
Monitoring Performance
Network Service Plugin
Performance Measurement
Service Availability
Service Group Health
Service Group Status Summary
Service Health
Service Information
Service List
Service View
Seurat View
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
Shared Dashboards
Creating Shareable Dashboards
• Sharing Dashboards according to Role
• Page Creation
• Adding Portlets with the Wizard
• Use Caution when Restricting Access
– Change the default Dashboard page first
– If locked out you may have to restore Jboss database to get back in
• Only the Admin User can create and edit them
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
Shared Dashboards
Portlet Preferences Order of Display
User’s Own preferences
Admin User’s Preferences
Portlet Defaults
Work Flow
Plan what you will do
• Decide on Roles, Users, and Access
Follow the Steps
• Create Pages
• Add Portlets
• Set Portlet Preferences
• Define Dashboard Access
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
Shared Dashboards
Role and User
Role: R1
Users: Sally, Jim whom we put in R1
Dashboard Page Name: Region1
Theme Layout: 1column
Dashboard Page Portlets: Host Group Health, Host List, Service List
Portlet Preferences:
Host Group Health: Host Group Name - R1, Custom Portlet Title: Host Group R1: Availability
Host List: Host Group Name - R1, Custom Portlet Title - Host Group R1: Hosts
Service List: Entity - Host Group, Name - R1, Check Show service that are not OK,
Custom Portlet Title - Host Group R1: Troubled Services
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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Creating Dashboards
Shared Dashboards Useable Portlets
Events Portlet
Host Availability
Host Group Health
Host Group Status Summary
Host Health
Host Information
Host List
Host Status Summary
Monitoring Performance
Network Service Plugin
Performance Measurement
Service Availability
Service Group Health
Service Group Status Summary
Service Health
Service Information
Service List
Service View
Seurat View
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
Page 11
Thank you
GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
139 Townsend Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: 415.992.4500
Email: [email protected]
© 2009 GroundWork
Open Source, Inc.
- Do not distribute
Page 12
Creating Dashboards
Shared Dashboards Top Level Pages
Respect the Workflow
Add pages first in Admin
Use Theme to set layout (not svlayout)
Use the Wizard to place portlets on pages
Set preferences by user only
© 2009 GroundWork Open Source, Inc.
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