brucellosis situation in kenya - Wyoming Brucellosis Coordination

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Transcript brucellosis situation in kenya - Wyoming Brucellosis Coordination

Prepared by: Portas Olwande
Mwihia Evalyn
Presented on: 5th March 2013
Venue: University of Wyoming
 Cattle
▪ Exotic cattle – 3,355,407
▪ Indigenous cattle – 14,112,367
 Goat – 27,740,153
 Sheep – 17,129,608
 Camel – 2,971,111
 Pigs - 334,689
 Poultry
▪ Indigenous poultry – 25,756,487
▪ Commercial – 6,071,042
 Donkey – 1,832,519
Cities: Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu
Cattle, sheep and goats
 Extensive – Past0ral and ranching
 Semi-intensive – agro-pastoral
 Intensive - Zero-grazing
 Free range (small percentage)
 Semi-intensive – tethered and also supplimented
 Intensive – fed on swill mostly
 Pastoral mostly
Although endemic in Africa, brucellosis data in Kenya is scarce
Available data partains only to samples submitted to the
laboratory for brucellosis testing
Some surveillance has been carried out by our VEEU team but
these are restricted to seroprevalence studies of particular areas
of the country.
Some research has also been conducted by various universities
in the country e.g. UoN as part of MSc and PhD projects and by
various research institutes e.g. KARI and ILRI
This information has not been made available to the DVS
since before June 2011, since Brucellosis was not a
notifiable disease
Brucellosis data in wildlife may be unavailable because
wildlife management in Kenya is a mandate of the KWS
(Kenya Wildlife services) and unless they work with DVS in
disease surveillance and control, the information remains
 However, despite these constraints in data availability,
some journal articles have been published indicating the
brucellosis situation in some regions of Kenya e.g.
 Brucella melitensis biovar 1 was isolated from bovine milk
samples from a herd in central Kenya, and Brucella abortus
biovar 3 was isolated from aborted fetus materials and
vaginal discharge fluids from cattle in central and eastern
provinces of Kenya (Muendo et. al.,2012).
Muriuki et. al. (1997) study in Narok classified 0.8% (n=
1,037,875 ) of all ‘flu-like’ syndromes in man as Brucellosis.
21.2% of these tested positive for Brucellosis on RBT
In another study by Waghela et. al. (1978), 172 camels were
sampled from North Eastern province. 11 of 172 sera tested
reacted in RBPT, 11 in SAT and 21 in CFT.
An overall prevalence of 4.9% and 3.9% by ELISA and MRT
respectively was determined in at milk consumer-level. At
the informal market level, ELISA and MRT classified 2.4%
and 3.4%, respectively, as positive. Study carried out in
Nairobi, Kiambu, Nakuru and Narok (Kangethe et. al., 2000).
Antibodies to Brucella spp. were found in 18% (31/175) of
blue wildebeest and 30% (5/17) of African buffalo examined in
the Masai Mara, Narok on either SAT or CFT or both
(Waghela and Karstad, 1986).
Muriuki SM, McDermott JJ, Arimi SM, Mugambi JT and Wamola IA (1997).
Criteria for better detection of brucellosis in the Narok District of Kenya. East Afr
Med J. 74(5):317-20.
Waghela, S., Fazil, M.A., Gathuma, J.M. and Kagunya, D.K.(1978). A serological
survey of brucellosis in camels in north-eastern province of Kenya. Trop. Anlm.
Hlth Prod.10:28-29
Waghela, S. and Karstad, L. (1986) Antibodies to brucella spp. Among blue
wildebeest and african buffalo in Kenya. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 22(2):189-192
Kang'ethe, E.K., Arimi, S.M., Omore, A.O., McDermott, J.J., Nduhiu, J.G.,
Macharia J.K. and Githua, A.(2000). The prevalence of antibodies to brucella
abortus in marketed milk in Kenya and its public health implications. Paper for oral
presentation at the 3rd all Africa conference on animal agriculture. 6 – 9 Nov2000.
Muendo, E.N., Mbatha, P.M., Macharia, J.M., Abdoel, T.H., Janszen, P.V.,
Pastoor, R. and Smits, H.L. (2012). Infection of cattle in Kenya with Brucella
abortus biovar 3 and Brucella melitensis biovar 1 genotypes. Trop Anim Health
Prod. 44:17–20
On 17th June of 2011 (Legal notice No. 68), Brucellosis
was gazetted as a notifiable disease in Kenya under
the animal diseases act (Cap. 364).
This means that all identified cases of brucellosis must
be reported to the department of veterinary services.
Prior to this gazettement, cases of brucellosis were
not necessarily reported and therefore it was difficult
to determine the occurrence, prevalence and spread
The available data on brucellosis is not adequate
enough to inform an effective control processes.
The free range production system practiced in most
parts of the country helps to maintain the disease in
both animal and human populations.
The cultures of some community that encourages
consumption of raw livestock products e.g. whole
blood an raw milk.
Inadequate resources for effective brucellosis
control; i.e.: For the implementation of test and cull policy
(currently not practiced)
 For skill improvement and equipping of the
existing surveillance personnel/ staff
 For the hiring of adequate skilled personnel
(currently there is shortage)
Livestock-wild life interaction (especially during free
Cattle rustling
Porous borders limiting control efforts
Inadequate diagnostic techniques i.e. do not give a
true picture of Brucellosis presence/absence
Brucellosis is a real public health problem owing to:
Poor laboratory diagnosis especially in human diagnosis : many a
times diagnosed and treated as malaria
Non standardized control in animals
Vaccination not widely done; if any??
Test and slaughter/ culling not practical
Policy for compensation is not in place yet??
Public awareness to counter ‘risky’ cultural beliefs would be vital
No. of positive cases
No. of cases
Total no. of cases
The following tests are conducted to diagnose
 Rose Bengal Plate test (RBPT)
 Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
 Complement fixation test (CFT)
We are currently working on establishing polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) testing for Brucellosis
Similarly, we are working on trying to have our
brucellosis diagnosis techniques accredited under the
ISO 17025
The following divisions,among others, are present in
Kenya: VEEU, disease control and laboratories.
We have about 7 veterinarians in the VEEU unit each of
whom is in charge of particular diseases but work hand in
hand in disease surveillance as a group
Under disease control, each district in Kenya has at least
one veterinarian to implement disease control measures
in that district
Although after the elections, additional staff, county
veterinary directors will be deployed to each county to coordinate DVOs within the counties
Veterinary laboratories in Kenya comprise of the following:
 National referral laboratories
▪ Central Veterinary Laboratories (CVL), Kabete
▪ National Veterinary Quality Control Lab., Embakasi
Regional laboratories
 Nakuru - Serves Southern Rift Valley
 Kericho - For Nyanza, Western, Western Rift Valley
 Eldoret - Serves Northern Rift Valley
 Has a Satellite lab. at Lodwar
 Karatina - Serves Central and Eastern Provinces
 Has a Satellite lab. at Isiolo
 Mariakani - Serves Coast Province
 Has 2 satellites at Ukunda and Witu
 Garissa - Serves North Eastern Province
The Zoonotic Disease Unit (ZDU)was set up in 2011 by the
Ministry of Livestock Development (MoLD) and the
Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (MPHS) with the
main objective of establishing and maintaining active
collaboration at the animal, human and ecosystem
interface towards better prevention and control of
zoonotic diseases.
The United States Department of State Biosecurity
Engagement Program, the United States Department of
Defense and the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention supported the Government of Kenya in the
establishment of the Zoonotic Diseases Unit.
One of the primary projects by the ZDU was the
Brucellosis project.
The objective of the project were:
 to determine the sero-prevalence of brucellosis in animals
and man.
 Incidence study
The targeted areas were
 Kiambu – agriculture area
 Kajiado – agro- pastoralist
 Marsabit – pastoralist
Targeted population were humans, cattle, goat, sheep
and camel
Presently, the first phase of determining
sero-prevalence is underway.
Sample collection and questionnaire survey
has already been undertaken
Sample testing is currently being conducted
The second phase of incidence study is
expected to be conducted from June 2013.
These are zones to be established around the
country to be free from diseases such as:
 Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD),
 Rift Valley Fever (RVF),
 Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia (CBPP),
 Brucellosis,
 Contagious Caprine Pleuro-pneumonia (CCPP),
 Pestes de Petit Ruminants (PPR), and
 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE).
It will be done in three zones.
The first face is currently on-going and the
area located for the first DFZ is the coastal
Develop disease-specific contingency plans
and review the plans annually
Engage stakeholders on the process of
establishing disease free zones and sanitary
Carry out animal disease surveillance
Carry out cartographic surveys to delineate
disease free areas, establish buffer barriers
and zones
Build a strategic vaccine reserve
Carry out vaccination campaigns in the disease
free areas and in the buffer zone
 Establish quality assurance laboratories
 Control animal movement in and out of the
disease free zone
 Design and establish quarantine stations for
animal screening within the buffer zones and at
exit points
 Carry out animal identification within and
outside the DFZ
 Undertake vector and pest control within and
outside the DFZ
 Build capacity of MOLD staff to provide quality
assurance services