The County Council`s Stronger Communities Programme

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Transcript The County Council`s Stronger Communities Programme

2020 Stronger Communities
North Yorkshire & York Forum AGM
27 November 2014
Marie-Ann Jackson, Head of Stronger Communities
Stronger Communities Vision
Strong and vibrant communities in all parts of North
Yorkshire, using their knowledge, skills and drive to
work with the county council and others to develop a
range of local services that maximise the wellbeing of
local people of all ages through:
Increased participation and engagement
Creating local opportunities
Shaping local solutions
Key part of NYCC 2020 Programme
Provide strong focus for public health
Build on lessons from ‘Active Communities’
Create local solutions for services at a time of
significant financial challenge for the authority by:
Strengthening existing partnerships & relationships
Building & supporting new opportunities for joint working
based on a shared understanding of local priorities
Valuing the contributions we can each make
NYCC Approach
Partnership and co-production with communities
Build on what already exists and works
Actively engaging partners e.g. Districts, Parishes,
CCGs, Police, voluntary sector etc.
Work with existing networks and infrastructure such
as the Forum, RAY, North Yorkshire Youth etc.
Encouraging groups to work together where
appropriate, maximising the use of buildings, assets
and volunteers creating a focal point or local network
of support
Collaborative, long-term approach - not ‘quick fix’
NYCC Approach
A team of 7 Delivery Managers will assist local
groups to access the full range of support being
Possible transfer of assets and buildings into community
Start-up grants / pump priming
Stock, equipment & ICT to help deliver services
On-going specialist advice, support and development
Support for volunteers
Access to independent advice - eg legal, financial, business
The initial priorities of the programme are:
Community libraries
Open access youth services
Community transport and
Some services for older people, vulnerable adults & carers
Community libraries
Community libraries in market towns and larger
villages where the county council is no longer
providing a library service itself
Part of required “comprehensive and efficient” library
Assisted digital access to county council and other
services, including public access computers and one
to one support
High customer satisfaction in existing community run
Services for young people and children
Supporting universal (open access) youth provision in
market towns and larger villages
Working with partners such as North Yorkshire Youth
and others
Opportunities for other developments linked to or
within children’s centres
Opportunities for wider community use of buildings
Community transport
Support for Community Transport solutions in areas
where the contracted public transport network is
significantly reduced
Establishing additional schemes and supporting
existing schemes to accommodate increased demands
Piloting new ways of working, including loaning cars to
communities and car clubs
Services for older people, vulnerable
adults and carers
Purpose to keep people living independently for longer
A wide range of universal (open access), community
owned, volunteer provided, services addressing local
needs, combating loneliness and isolation e.g.
good neighbours schemes / inter-generational activities
social and leisure activities / breaks for carers
support with shopping and gardening / help with recycling
community cafes / lunches
IT workshops / informal adult education
Supported by time-credits and similar initiatives to
encourage and support volunteering
Delivery Manager Role
Based in each of the district areas
Getting to know and understand community
perceptions and aspirations – existing district
Stimulating and supporting community engagement
with the programme
Actively seeking out opportunities
Supporting increased co-ordination of services /
activities / organisations
Being an ‘honest broker’ between county council
services and communities
Providing access to county council support and
Marie-Ann Jackson
Head of Stronger Communities
NYCC, County Hall, Northallerton
Tel: 01609 532925
Email: [email protected]
Workshop Questions
Thinking across the 4 Stronger Communities
priorities, we would welcome your input and
 What is working well in communities?
 What
are the gaps and issues in
 How can we work together to strengthen