Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School

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Chesapeake Public Schools
School Nutrition Services
July 2014
The School Nutrition Environment
Improving the nutritional profile of all foods sold in
school is critical to:
 improving diet and overall health of American
 ensuring children from all income levels adopt
healthful eating habits that will enable them to live
productive lives; and
 helping children make healthier choices and reduce
their risk of obesity.
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act 2010
 Provided USDA authority to establish nutrition
standards for all foods and beverages sold outside of
the Federal child nutrition programs in schools.
 The law specifies that the nutrition standards shall
apply to all foods sold:
 outside the school meal programs;
 on the school campus; and
 at any time during the school day.
 a la carte in the cafeteria
 in school stores
 snack bars
 vending machines
 other venues
Implementation by: July 1, 2014
State and Local Flexibility
 The nutrition standards included in the interim final
rule (currently in comment period) for all foods sold in
school are minimum standards.
 State agencies and school districts may establish
additional standards. (VA is considering standards at
this time.)
 State or local standards must be consistent with
Federal standards.
What are competitive foods?
Competitive food: all food and beverages sold to
students on the School campus during the School day,
other than those meals reimbursable under programs
authorized by the National School Lunch Act and the
Child Nutrition Act.
Where do the Standards apply?
School campus: all areas of the property under the
jurisdiction of the school that are accessible to students
during the school day.
When do the standards apply?
School day is the period from the midnight before,
to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day.
Any food sold in school must:
 Be a whole grain rich product; OR
 Have as the first ingredient a fruit, vegetable, dairy
product or protein food (meat, beans, poultry, etc.);
 Be a “combination food” with at least ¼ cup fruit
and/or vegetable; OR
 Contain 10% of the Daily Value of one nutrient of
public health concern in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines
for Americans (calcium, potassium, vitamin D, dietary
Nutrient requirements for food:
Calorie limits
 Snack items: ≤ 200 calories
 Entrée items: ≤350 calories
Sodium limits:
 Snack items: ≤230 mg
 Entrée items: ≤480 mg
Fat limits:
 Total fat: ≤35% of calories
 Saturated fat: <10% of calories
 Trans fat: zero grams
Sugar limit:
 ≤35% of weight from total sugars in foods
All schools may sell:
 Plain water (with or without carbonation);
 Unflavored low-fat milk;
 Unflavored or flavored fat-free milk and milk
alternatives permitted by National School Lunch
Program and School Breakfast Program;
 100% fruit or vegetable juice; and
 100% fruit or vegetable juice diluted with water (with
or without carbonation), and no added sweeteners.
Elementary schools may sell up to
8-ounce portions, while middle
schools and high school may sell up
to 12-ounce portions of milk and
juice. There is no portion size limit
for plain water.
No-calorie and lower-calorie beverage
options for high school students:
 No more than 20-ounce portions
 Calorie free, flavored water (with or without
carbonation); and
 Other flavored and/or carbonated beverages that are
labeled to contain <5 calories per 8 fluid ounces or ≤10
calories per 20 fluid ounces.
 No more than 12-ounce portions
 Beverages with ≤ 40 calories per 8 fluid ounces, or ≤60
calories per 12 fluid ounces.
 The sale of food items that meet nutrition
requirements at fundraisers are not limited in any way
under the standards.
 The standards do not apply during non-school hours,
on weekends and at off-campus fundraising events.
 The state of Virginia has decided NOT to allow any
exemptions. ALL fundraisers must meet the nutrition
 Local Educational Authorities (LEAs) and School Food
Authorities (SFAs) maintain record such as receipts,
nutrition labels and product specifications.
 LEAs maintain records for all other competitive food
 SFAs maintain records for competitive foods sold
under the nonprofit school food service account.
Next Steps for CPS
 Monitor state legislation as it relates to USDA
regulations for competitive food compliance.
 Insure that all foods sold within the school nutrition
program meet federal guidelines.
 Assist building administrators in review of current
fundraisers/food sales to determine compliance.
 Provide building administrators tools (nutrition
calculator) to identify approved products.
Chesapeake Public Schools
Summer Foodservice for 2014
Mobile feeding site for
areas not served
by summer school