Data Verification

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2013-14 Important Dates
(see IRS Calendar
February 24th – Level 0 Historical – 2013 data available for update
(Demo, Enroll, Programs, & Assessment)
For manageability purposes, it is recommended that you grant access to your
District Data Coordinator and only authorize a limited number of additional district
personnel to view or update this historical data
Note: Data changes prior to the current school year can be updated in the Level 0 Historical application.
You can view these updates within the application, but they will not be reflected in the Level 2 Reporting
(L2RPT) environment until the New York State Education Department completes its review of data for
the previous reporting school year.
March 17th – Monthly Data loads to Level 0
March 27th – SED pull of BEDS Day data for State Aid
 April 4th Certification for BEDS Day enrollment due (sub-group data may be subject to release)
April – NYSESLAT and 3-8 ELA/Math begin
April 14th – Monthly Data loads to Level 0
April 30th – Final date to submit ELA 3-8 answer sheets to RIC
May 1st – Final date for BOCES RSS to submit NYSAA answer sheets to RIC
May 14th – Final date to submit Math 3-8 answer sheets to RIC
2013-14 Important Dates
(see IRS Calendar
May 15th – Target date to have BEDS FRPL data loaded
Final date to submit is Thursday May 29th – Certification due June 6th (tentative)
May 16th – NYSAA Data due to Level 2
May 21st – NYS 4&8 Science (Performance) begins
May 22nd – Target date to have all 2013-14 TSDL Data, including Staff Student
Course and Staff Assignment records to be used for State-provided growth
score calculation purposes
Final date to submit is Thursday June 5th – Certification due June 13th
May 22nd – ELA 3-8 results due to Level 2
May 27th – Monthly Data loads to Level 0
May 29th – Final date to submit NYSESLAT answer sheets to RIC
June – Data loads to Level 0 by Request Only
June 3rd – Regents Common Core, Regents & RCT’s begin
2013-14 Important Dates
(see IRS Calendar
June 5th – Math 3-8 results due to Level 2
June 12th
 Final date to submit NYS 4&8 Science answer sheets to RIC
 NYSESLAT results due to Level 2
July – Begin Final EOY Extracts, Loads to Level 0, & Verification of all data
* If no request for export/load is received by July 7th, RIC will start exporting automatically
July 10th - Final Load to Level 2 of Regents exams (including June 2014) and
approved alternates to Regents exam scores for AIR principal evaluation work
August 7 – Target date to complete all reporting to SIRS, including VR13 (EOY SE
Snapshot), but excluding the VR11, VR12, & VR14 (SE Events)
 Final date to submit is Thursday, August 21 – Certification due August 29th
September 18 – Target date to submit VR11, VR12, & VR14 (SE Events)
 Final date to submit is Thursday October 2, 2014 – Certification due October 6th
TBA – Staff Evaluation data
Testing dates/deadlines
 Administration: April 1- 3
 Scoring: April 4 - 30
 Due to RIC: Wed, April 30
 Administration: April 30 – May 2
 Scoring: May 5 – 14
 Due to RIC – Wed, May 14
 Administration: Speaking April 9, L/R/W – May 5
 Scoring: May 19-29
 Due to RIC: Thurs, May 29
 Administration: Performance - May 21-30, Written – June 2
 Scoring: Perf. – Immediately following administration, Written – June 5-12
 Due to RIC: Thurs, June 12
NYSED Testing Update - Reminders
NYS 3-8 ELA & Math
No constructed response items may be scored by that student’s teacher
 Teachers can proctor exams if the school district allows it
 Students that are marked absent for any part of the test will not receive a final
 There is No “Opt-out” option – these are “Refusals” and should be indicated as
such on the answer sheets (if refusal for entire test)
If Student only refuses part of the test, those parts will count as 0 toward the final score
Building administrators will need to be involved in NYSESLAT scoring to assist in
determining resources necessary for scoring
 NYSESLAT will now only have 1 Total Score
 Must complete all 4 parts in order to receive a final score (Reading,
Speaking, Writing, & Listening)
NYSITELL (Starting Feb. 1st)
Results will be collected for the Data Warehouse.
 Scores will be entered in your SMS and pulled from the Assessment
 Due at the EOY deadline
Regents Update – June
Map courses as appropriate to correct State course code;
Common Core:
 ELA – 01003CC
 Algebra I – 02052CC
Note: Answer Keys for MC will be included with posting of scoring materials after exam
 Conversion Charts will not be available until rating day (June 26th)
 Districts that are participating in sampling with DRC (Data Recognition Corp)
 Use Answer Sheets from DRC – score CR & mail to DRC by June 6th
 Access to secure data file within 24 hours (6/26), complete with scores/levels
Regents (2005 LS):
 ELA – 01003
 Integrated Algebra – 02052
Regents answer sheet order form
Will be sent to HS/MS Principals at the end of April
 Fill out order form (by May 9th):
 Determine which State course code they are linked to
 Determine which, if not both, tests you will be administering
 Mark appropriate boxes as applicable
If your course is not linked to the test being given, provide the course code(s) of the courses
needing to be printed.
Otherwise, we will print all courses linked to the State course code out of Level 0
Level 0 Historical / SEDDAS Update
February 24th – Level 0 Historical – 2013 data available for update
(Demo, Enroll, Programs, & Assessment)
Anticipated (tbd):
 Student Class Grade Detail Update
 NYSED Vendor scored State Assessment Update w/SED Approval
Staff Evaluation View/Update (March 31st tentative)
Requires additional SEDDAS authorization
SEDDAS Quick Guides when available:
NYSED Update – SEDDAS User Lists
TAA – Teacher Access Authorization ( system
used to access TSRV reports and also to allow data administrators with TSR
(Teacher Student Reporting – SEDDAS) to view current account status by
TEACH ID for those teachers that have SSC records submitted for the
TSDL – Teacher Student Data Linkage verification report, found in L2RPT
(Cognos – State Reports), is where SEDDAS-L2RPT authorized users can
view/verify teacher student roster information by
location/teacher/course/section and reporting date
TSRV – Teacher Student Roster Verification report, found in TAA, is
where teachers with PINS/Accounts can view/verify their students by
location/course/section and reporting date
DDC Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL) Resources
Teacher Student Roster Verification (TSRV) System Administration Application Overview:
This application was created to enhance the support data coordinators can offer to teachers using TSRV.
Access to the administration application is through the Teacher Access and Authorization (TAA) login page
for users with entitled SEDDAS accounts. (Contact your Superintendent to find out if your SEDDAS account
is entitled for this application.) When logged in to the administration application a data coordinator can do the
following simply by entering a teacher’s TEACH ID #:
Check a teacher’s account creation status
 Find a teacher PIN and the date it was distributed
 Check usernames
 Find out where the system is sending a teacher’s confirmation email
 Check the date the account was last accessed
 Verify basic roster data
 Deactivate a TSRV account (only in situations when a teacher forgets his/her password and
cannot match the answers his/her security questions)
 Please see our TSRV administration application FAQs and user video for more detail.
TSRV Administration Application (please watch before using the application)
SEDDAS - DDCs – TSR Access (
SEDDAS - DDCs – TSR Access (
DDCs – TSR Access (
DDCs – TSR Account Status
DDCs – TSR Account Status report
DDCs – TSR Account Status report cont.
** Note: If email has changed and they cannot confirm, contact Dataquest with subject
“Cannot Confirm Deactivation” - Provide Name, Current District, and Former District **
TSDL – Teacher Student Data Linkage (L2RPT)
To receive a file of PINs for teachers, districts must first report appropriate
staff, student, and course data to the Student Information Repository
System (SIRS) and Teacher ID numbers must match between systems
Districts must first have the following loaded (Level 0, 1, & 2):
Student Lite (Demo)
School Entry/Exit (Enroll)
Location Marking Period
Staff Snapshot (including Position Title, Hire date, etc. )
After these are loaded, the Staff Student Course (SSC) must be
loaded (Level 0, 1, & 2)
A SSC record must be present for a Student/Course/Teacher in order for SED to
generate a PIN number for that Teacher.
When new teachers are added (Staff Snapshot AND SSC) and loaded to Level 2, a
PIN will be generated the following week
Teacher-Student Roster Verification Report User Guide:
APPR Guidance
Mapping AIS Courses – See B8., D46., & M39
M39. Should AIS, Push-in, and Pull-out courses be linked to State exam course codes?
For the purposes of teacher-student data linkage, AIS, Push-in, or Pull-out courses where the teacher of record is providing
instruction that directly relates to the State assessment and is meant to help students succeed on the State assessment must be
linked to the State exam course code. If the course is not providing instruction that relates to the assessment then use the course
code that best describes the instruction provided. Suggestions…
2013-14 SIRS Data Collection Templates
L2RPT Reports – (
** Note: .1 Reports (312.1, 313.1, 314.1, 316.1, 319.1) are informational, not for certification **
2013-14 SIRS Data Collection Templates
Common Core Learning Standards and Assessments
CC Regents ELA (First administration June 3, 2014)
2013 and future cohorts must enroll/pass
Students prior to the 2013 cohort may meet graduation requirements by enrolling/passing CC Regents
ELA or the Regents ELA (2005 LS) while that exam is still being offered (June 2016)
Jan., June, & Aug. 2014 administrations only;
 Students enrolled in CC ELA may, at local discretion, take the Regents ELA (2005 LS) in
addition to the CC Regents ELA
Students that take both exams may use the higher of the two scores for local transcripts, along with the
higher score being used for institutional accountability for 2014
The higher of the two scores may also be used for the State growth
Common Core Learning Standards and Assessments
Common Core Learning Standards and Assessments
CC Regents Algebra I (Available June 3, 2014)
2013 and future cohorts, that begin their first commencement-level math course culminating in a
Regents Exam in June 2014 or later must take the CCLS Regents Exam in math that corresponds to
that course, as available, and be provided with CC instruction
Those students who began or will complete an Integrated Algebra, Geometry, or Algebra
2/Trigonometry course prior to the 2013-14 school year must take the corresponding Regents Exams
aligned to the Mathematics Core Curriculum (Revised 2005), while those exams are still being offered
June, & Aug. 2014 and Jan. 2015 administrations only;
 Students enrolled in CC Algebra I may, at local discretion, take the Integrated Algebra (2005 LS)
in addition to the CC Algebra I
Students that take both exams may use the higher of the two scores for local transcripts, along with the
higher score being used for institutional accountability for 2013-15
The higher of the two scores may also be used for the State growth
Common Core Learning Standards and Assessments
ESEA Waiver – Students in grades 7 & 8 taking Regents Math
2013-14 school year Waiver (hopeful to extend for future years):
 7th & 8th grade students who are receiving instruction in Algebra I CC
 LEAs are allowed to administer only the Algebra I CC to these students, eliminating
the need for ‘double-testing’ in grades 7 & 8
This provision also applies to those grade 7 & 8 students who receive instruction in Geometry and
who take the Geometry Regents
The same curriculum/assessment cannot be used more than once for accountability
 If students take both NYSTP 7/8 and Regents Math
NYSTP will be used for institutional accountability
Regents can be “banked” for HS accountability
If 7/8 grade students take Regents only
Student will show as “Not Tested” on TnT verification reports
Regents results will be used for Intermediate institutional accountability and will not be used for
future HS institutional accountability
If student takes both CC & 2005 LS Regents exams, the higher score can be used for
Intermediate accountability, but neither score can be “banked” for HS (a different course of study
would be required for HS accountability)
Students will not be included in the state growth scores in 2014 (A calculation is planned for
inclusion with the Regents score in 2015)
 There will not be any changes to the graduation requirements for these students, it doesn’t
matter when they take the exam
** Please see the FAQ section of this memo for more details.
More NYSED Updates…
2013 Report Card availability expected in April
Working to enable LEAs to go in and preview data in a secure site prior to it becoming
public (Secure login to see embargoed data (planning to “pre-authenticate” those that have IRSP access)
Database will still be available for those that do comparisons
More tables, not as “text” heavy, but glossary and guide will be available
Tables showing percentages, not counts
Report card will be more dynamic, if there is an issue, updates can be made more timely
Will compare school to district to statewide (no similar schools)
Depending on browser (Chrome/Firefox) you can save the “select all” to create a PDF for
schools (IE doesn’t currently save to PDF)
The Fiscal Supplement will not be available on the new site this year, it will be on the old
Report Card site
The old Report Card site will be available
until all data has been migrated to the new site
IRSP ( anticipated reports:
 Summary report for TSDL and Staff Assignment – early March
 3 year enrollment summary using BEDS data, formerly produced by
State Aid - (end of March)
 Backmapping reports (end of March)
2013-14 L2RPT Report Update
L2RPT Report Guides:
Updates to Annual Report Guides (SIRS 307, 308, 309, & 310)
WATN – Where are they now? NSC (National Student Clearinghouse) data.
“Informational” reports
Free and Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL) Eligible Students Enrolled on
Students with a FRPL program records and enrollment on BEDS Day
Report availability tbd
SED planning to pull data for State Aid at the end of May (29th) – Certification due
June 6th – (tentative)
Must be entitled through SEDDAS to see report in L2RPT (BEDS reports)
L2RPT Reports – (
DRAFT Summary Report
L2RPT Reports cont. – (
DRAFT Detail Report
SIRS Revisions for 2013-14
Anticipated for 2014-15
Web based tool through TAA for classroom teachers that will be based
on assignment code. System will be pre-populated to the extent
possible as is done with the paper forms
Administrators (including librarians and staff developers) will continue
to use paper forms
Course Instructor Snapshot
Potential to have teacher master schedule prior to loading SSC, primary
teacher, future PMF, etc.
Staff Tenure
Report Staff by Tenure area (i.e. Academic, Special, Vocational, etc.), by
status, by date, etc.
2010 ELA and Math Accountability Cohort
For ELA and mathematics performance, the 2010 accountability cohort
consists of all students, regardless of their current grade level, who were:
1) enrolled in your school or district on October 2, 2013 (BEDS day), and
2) first entered grade 9 (anywhere) during the 2010-11 school year (July 1,
2010 through June 30, 2011) or, in the case of ungraded* students with
disabilities, reached their seventeenth birthday during the 2010-11 school
* Ungraded students are included in the 2010 school accountability cohort if their birth date is
between July 1, 1993 and June 30, 1994.
Note: For Performance Accountability, the cohort year of students whose last
enrollment record as of the reporting date has a grade of “14” (i.e., 7–12
ungraded) is identified using their birth date, even if they have a conflicting
entry in the First Date of Entry into Grade 9 field.
Cohort Definitions - see SIRS Appendix V
Regardless of cohort, students are reported in the school and
district where they were last enrolled as of the reporting date
(4, 5, or 6 years after date of first entry in grade 9).
The last enrollment record is defined as the regular enrollment
record with the most recent beginning date as of the reporting
Regular Enrollment is defined as:
0011 - Enrollment in building or grade
5544 - Transferred in under the NCLB Title I "School in Improvement Status" transfer option
7000 - Transferred in under the NCLB "Persistently Dangerous School" transfer option
7011 - Transferred in under the NCLB "Victim of Serious Violent Incident" transfer option
Cohort year is determined using the date reported in the “First
Date of Entry into Grade 9” field in the school year when the
last enrollment record occurred.
MORIC Data Verification notification reminder
E-mail your name and e-mail address to:
[email protected] for an e-mail notification when something has been
updated on the MORIC Data Verification webpage (
Select Data Verification on the left hand side of the screen:
MORIC Contact Information
(315) 361-2700; 1-866-98MORIC
Data Analysis Services contact:
Deb Duffy, Team Leader: Data Analysis & Verification [email protected]
 Sara Mathers, Team Leader: Data Analysis & Verification [email protected]
Data Readiness/Verification - Data Warehouse
Level 0
Level 0 Historical
L2RPT (Cognos – State Reporting)
New York State Assessments
Regents Scanning / ASAP (Assessment Scoring & Analysis Program)
Contact Data Readiness Support [email protected]
Sally Zielasko, Chris Urich, Danielle Polisse, Brenda Heigl, Katie Duell