投影片 1 - network forensics | Lawful Interception

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Transcript 投影片 1 - network forensics | Lawful Interception

Introduction to Cyber Crime
Investigation Course
Conducted in English
Institute for Information Industry
Decision Group
Course Objective
In order to fight against rampaging cyber crimes in
the world effectively, we need to better understand
the nature of cyber crime, the legal procedure to
investigate, and, most important, learn the lesson
of real cases from experienced investigators and
In this course, speakers will also introduce the
weakness of IT systems, common cyber criminal
skill, cross border route investigation…etc, and
combine with practical case study.
Course Target
• Understand Cyber Crime Model
• Understand Cyber Criminal Behavior
• Understand Legal Procedure on Cyber Crime
• Understand Investigation Skills against Cyber Crime
• Understand Strategy and Tactic for Cyber Crime
• Understand Vulnerability of Victim System and How to
Improve it
• Learn How to Use Lawful Interception Instrument and
Associated Legal Procedure
1. Prof. KC Wu
Emeritus Professor
Chairman of Information Department of National Taiwan Central
Police University
2. KS Yang
Chief of Telecom Crime Prevention Unit of High Tech Crime
Prevention Center, Crime Investigation Bureau, Taiwan National
Police Agency
3. Richard Chuang
Chief of Cyber Crime Prevention Unit of High Tech Crime Prevention
Center, Crime Investigation Bureau, Taiwan National Police Agency
4. Jackie Chien, Ph D.
Senior Official of Cyber Crime Investigation Department of National
Investigation Bureau, Taiwan Ministry of Justice Administration
5. Da-Yu Kao, Ph D.
Chief of IT Department, Taiwan Coast Guard Administration
Topic of Course
1. Investigation on Telecom Frauds
By KS Yang
2. Investigation on Cyber Frauds
By Richard Chuang
3. LI Law and Legal Procedure
By Jackie Chien, Ph D.
4. Internal Threat
By Da-Yu Kao, Ph D.
5. Lawful Interception Workshop
By Decision Group
Cyber Crime – Investigation on Telecom Fraud
Nature of Cross Border Telecom Fraud
With VoIP and network routing technology, telecom fraud is a
complicated, cross border crime, which is hard to investigate…
In terms of the limitation of LEA investigation capability,
awareness of public, cooperation from service providers, and legal
Investigation Skill
Several crime models and how to investigate on those crimes
will be presented
Case Study
Study on the real cases and learn the lesson
Cyber Crime – Investigation on Cyber Fraud
Cyber Population
Cyber crime rate will rise while cyber population or cyber
penetration rate is increasing
Model Analysis on Cyber Frauds
Analysis on the different type of cyber fraud and its model
Investigation Skill
Effective method to investigate on new cyber frauds
Case Study
Study on the real cases and learn the lesson
Strategy on Cyber Fraud
How to concentrate all resource to fight against cyber frauds
Cyber Crime – LI Law and Legal Procedure
Lawful Interception Law
What is lawful interception? Who has right to do it? How long you can
do it? Who audits the who procedure?...
Legal Procedure
Limit and scope of lawful interception during investigation in
order to protect human right and privacy
Case Study
Study on the real cases and learn the lesson
Cyber Crime – Internal Threat
Internal Threat
Internal threat is an IT security issue which is most neglected by public,
and also risky to business and operation of enterprises
ISMS for Information Security Protection
Methodology and procedure in implementing ISMS
Information Security Drill
How to use information security drill to find out vulnerability and call
awareness of employees
Case Study
Study on the real cases and learn the lesson
Cyber Crime – LI Workshop
Introduction to Lawful Interception
How to implement lawful interception
Operations of Lawful Interception
How to use interception instrument by wired and wireless on the
Case Study
Drill for practice on the sceneries by instructors
Course Plan
• Day 1
– Introduction to Emerging
High Tech Crime
– LI Law and Legal Procedure
• Day 2
– Internal Threat
– Investigation on Telecom
• Day 3
– Investigation on Cyber
*Course plan can be adjusted by attendee request
• Day 4
– Introduction to Lawful
– Case Study and Drill on
Lawful Interception
• Day 5
– Visit High Tech Crime
Prevention Unit, Taiwan
Crime Investigation Bureau
– Seminar with Taiwan
Cyber Police and
Training Place*
• Place
– Training Center in III, or
– Taiwan Civil Service Training Center
– Taipei, Taiwan
• Accommodation**
– Dorm. Of Taipei Civil Service Training Center (Fuhwa
International House), or
– The same level hotel
– Taipei, Taiwan
• Language in Classroom
– English***
*Place can be managed other than Taipei by attendee request
**Handicapped facility provided
*** Interpreter other than English by charge per day
Attendee Qualification
• Efficient Capability of English in Communication
and Writing
• LEA or Intelligent Officials with Service
• With Basic IT and Network Knowledge
• With Basic Criminal Law Background
Training Time
• English Course Held by Request
• Joint Course Plan with Requesters from LEA,
Group or Individual
– Will adjust course material by adding country specific
– Material adjustment lead time is around 4-week by fully
discussion with requesters after agreement signed
• 12 Attendees Above in one Training Session
• Announce 4 week ahead in the website:
Contact Point:
Gary Tsai
International Group
Institute for Information Group
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +886 2 27377111 ext 3283
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