youth in nazi germany lessons

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Notice to all school children
The proper education of children is a key component to the success to any
Girls will now be able to benefit from a range of child care and domestic
Boys will have special physical training- this will be one the main focuses of
History is currently being mistaught and the content will change- you will learn
about the glory of your country and the way the country was stabbed in the
back in 1918
Children will be encouraged to join healthy and respectable activities outside
of school
There will be no more study of religion in school- this time will be replaced by
physical activities and ideology- the study of the party’s ideals. Your loyalty
lies with the Fuhrer
Science will now be known as race and Eugenics studies.
Any children that don’t conform or wear there uniform wrong will be entered
into a ‘correction’ programme
All children are to have their noses measured. Girls with noses longer than 5
cm and boys of more than 6.5 cm will be referred to the Racial Purity Board.
Above all- children and teachers will be completely obedient in all aspects!!!
LO: How did the Nazis try to
control and win support from the
Youth and with what success?
Watch the clip- the clip is of
a Hitler Youth rally
What does it suggest to you
1. Youth support for Hitler?
2. Why the youth were
important to the Nazis?
• The youth were
important to Hitlerthey were the future of
the Third Reich
• He wanted to mould
them into loyal and
• In his bid to do this he
controlled Education and
young people’s free time
by encouraging them to
join the Nazi youth
• Task: Read pp.283
• What were the aims of
Nazi Youth policy and
• Use the sources and the
• Ensure you explain them
Aims of Nazi Youth Policy
•To brain wash them into believers
•To create loyal supporters who were
•To teach them Nazi values (hatred of
the Jews, lebensraum)
•To train the youth- boys into good
soldiers, girls into good mothers
•To control them- spend all their leisure
time with the Nazi’s= control
•To control and spy on families
•To make them good Germans and Nazi’s
How did the Nazi’s use the
education of children?
Look at p.283
• What were the aims/purpose
of education?
• Methods (what did they
• Consequences: (regime and
• Use examples from the
sources to support your
The Hitler Youth Movements
• Education wasn’t the only way
to control the Youth
• The Nazi’s banned all other
youth organisations- they set up
the Hitler Youth for boys and
the League of German Maidens
for girls
• These were designed to
entertain (camping , rallies- lots
of entertainment) to create fit
strong healthy soldiers and
mothers and loyal supporters
that could be controlled.
• Look at source 28 and 31 on
p.284. were the Nazis
successful in winning support?
Typical members of the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend,
League of German Maidens
from the
Hitler Youth
What is the
purpose of
You experienced outdoor activities
You had to swear an oath of
such as hiking and camping
The aim of the HJ
was to prepare
boys for military
service and to be
strong future
leaders of
Germany- if they
were good enough
some would be
recruited into the
Emphasis in the
HJ and BDM was
placed upon
physical fitness,
group activities
and obedience to
the Nazi Party
allegiance to the Fuhrer
At 14 girls joined
the League of
German Girls BDM
Hitler Youth
The aim of the BDM
was to prepare girls
for motherhood- to
make them good
Nazi women (no
make up, smoking,
healthy) as well as
practical domestic
By 1939
there were
7.3 million
of The
By 1932
there were
members of
The Hitler
The Hitler Youth Law was
passed in 1936 and
stated that all youths
should belong to the
Hitler Youth. Joining the
Hitler Youth became
compulsory in 1939
Figures showing membership of the Hitler Youth
3.6 million
5.4 million
7.0 million
7.3 million
How do you account for the rapid growth in membership
of the Hitler Youth?
It may be worth noting that the total number of 10-18 year
olds in Germany in 1939 was 8.9 million. What does this tell
Many young people enjoyed the
excitement of the HJ – camping,
hiking, weapons training…
Many youths disliked
the strict regimentation
– being told what to do
and when to do it
Alternative youth
groups sprang up
across Germany –
e.g. The Edelweiss
Pirates, The Navajos
Gang, The Kittelbach
Many young people liked the feeling
of importance – the uniform, the
respect, the adoration…
Lots of youths
resented the fact
How did young people
within Germany react
to the HJ?
Lots of youths wanted to
listen to Jazz, try out new
fashions and hair styles,
smoke and drink alcohol. All
of these activities were
banned in The Hitler Youth
that their old clubs
and youth groups
were banned
Alternative youth
groups ambushed
Hitler Youth patrols
and beat them up.
Some girls resented
the fact that they
were ‘trained’ to be
housewives and
mothers at such a
young age.
What is the purpose of this
poster produced in 1936?
“Come and build
youth hostels and
What about the groups that
didn’t agree?
Look at p.285
There were some
teenagers that
resented the Hitler
• Swing Movement
• Edelweiss Pirates
For each
• Why did they rebel?
• What did they do?
• What happened to
• What were the main features of Nazi
education from 1933? (4)
• Explain the aims of Nazi policies
towards children after 1933? (6)
• How successful was the Nazi regime in
winning the support and loyalty of the
youth in Germany 1933-45? (10)