Urological Infections

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Urological Infections
Miss Rashmi Singh
June 2012
High risk groups
15% of all community prescribed abs
100,000 hospital admissions
40% of hospital acquired infections
Distressing for patients
Impact on quality of life
Can be significant cause of morbidity
in the elderly
Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis
Acute cystitis in otherwise healthy individual
Usually women with no underlying urinary tract
 70-80% E coli
 10-20% other coliforms (serratia, enterobacter, klebsiella,
 6-7% Enterococci
 1% pseudomonas- suspect urological abnormality
 1-2% others- group B Strep, staph aureus, staph saprophyticus,
Coag negative staph, Candida
 Exclude vaginal discharge/irritation
Urine dipstick can be sufficient
Urine cultures if:
 Suspect acute pyelonephritis
 Atypical symptoms
 Symptoms persist or recur 2-4 weeks
after treatment
>103 colony count microbiologically
Urine dipstick
Leucocytes- 75-95% sensitive
 False negative –concentrated urine,
glycosuria, ascorbic acid, urobilinogen
 False positive- contamination
Nitrites- low sensitivity 35-85%
 False negative- very common if low
bacterial count
 False positive- contamination.
 Use in conjunction with urine appearance
MSU sensitivity affected by collection
technique, time taken to reach lab,
bacterial count etc
Antibiotic Therapy
Clinical success significantly more likely with antibiotics
compared to placebo
Local resistance patterns
Adverse effects
Local sensitivity patterns
“simple” Ecoli
 Trimethoprim 60-70%
 Amoxicillin 50-60%
 Co-amoxiclav/cephalexin 70-80%- beware C. diff in >65yr
 Nitrofurantoin 90%- only for simple UTI. Poor renal
Enterococci- most sensitive to amoxicillin. Resistant to
Pseudomonas- cipro only oral option- risk of C.diff
Others- d/w microbiology
Resistance patterns
Increasing problem locally with multi resistant Ecoli and
coliforms (ESBL producer and AMP-C producer)
15-20% incidence
Always resistant to amox, ceph and co-amoxiclav
80-90% resistance to trimethoprim and cipro
Can be sensitive to nitrofurantoin if simple UTI
Usually need parenteral antibiotics to eradicate
Follow up
No need for routine urinalysis/MSU
Re-treat with alternative antibiotic for 7/7
MSU for culture If symptoms do not resolve or resolve
and recur within 2 weeks
Acute pyelonephritis
Rigors, fever > 38 degrees, flank pain, N&V
Refer if vomiting, signs of sepsis or suspect complicating
1-3 days parenteral antibiotics
Absent cystitis symptoms
Uss and KUB xray recommended to rule out obstruction
or calculi
14 days antibiotic treatment recommended
Who to Investigate?
Recurrent episodes
Persisting sterile pyuria
Hx of urological disease/surgery
Atypical symptoms
Haematuria with equivocal symptoms/msu
Failure to respond to appropriate
Isolated UTI- first UTI or one separated by 6 months from a
previous infection
Unresolved bacteriuria- urinary tract not sterilised
 Resistant to selected antibiotic
 Rapid development of resistant organism from previously
susceptible population
 Patient compliance problem
Bacterial persistence-urine sterilised but repeat infection
with same organism
 Implies a persistent source of infection: stone, fistula
Re-infection- new infection with new organism after a
previous infection eradicated
Recurrent UTIs
At least 3 UTI’s within 12/12 or 2 UTI’s within 6/12 confirmed
by culture.
Usually due to re-infection. Minority bacterial persistence
Usually young healthy women
Not necessary to routinely investigate
Antibiotics- reduce recurrences by 90% cf placebo
 Post coital
 Self diagnosis and self start
 Continuous low dose 3-6/12
Trimethoprim, nitrofurantoin, cephalexin
Other measures
Lifestyle measures
Avoid spermicides
Regular bladder emptyng
Local hygiene/avoidance of artificial products
Oral pro-biotics- lactobacillus strain
Topical yoghurt!
Cranberry juice
small number of weak clinical studies.
No pharmacological data
Useful in reducing the recurrence rate of cystitis
36mg/day proanthocyainidin A
UTI’s and pregnancy
All should be screened in first trimester and
treated if positive
Regular urine cultures
Asymptomatic bacteriuria before pregnancy
20-40% will get acute pyelonephritis
Asssociated with increased risk of pre-term
labour and LBW
Consider low dose prophylaxis if history of
recurrent UTI’s
UTI’s in post menopausal women
Risk Factors
Atrophic vaginitis
Post void residual urine
History of premenopausal UTI’s
As for pre-menopausal
Topical oestrogens to re-colonize with lactobacilli
Asymptomatic bacteriuria common- should not be
Rule out obstruction/neurogenic bladder/malignancy
Catheter associated UTI’s
Commonest non-socomial infection
Beware bladder cancer
Risk increases with longer catheter time (>30 days)
Use closed systems. Change promptly
Keep drainage bag below bladder level
Hand hygiene/sterile gloves/aseptic technique
Routine ab prophylaxis not recommended
Do not treat asymptomatic bacteriuria
Consider alternatives e.gsuprapubic, conveen,
UTI and Diabetes
Females prone to asymptomatic bacteriuria
More likely to progress to acute pyelonephritis
Abscess formation
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Interstitial nephropathy
Papillary necrosis
Autonomic neuropathy- voiding dyfunction
Complicated UTI
Infection associated with underlying condition or
structural/functional abnormality of urinary tract
Altered host defence mechanisms
Increased susceptibility to infection
Increased chance of therapy failure
Broader range of pathogens
More virulent/resistant e.g ESBL, pseudomonas, proteus
Usually require hospitalisation
Need to treat underlying condition
Factors suggesting complicated
UTI’s in males
Uncommon in men aged 15-50
7 days minimum treatment
If febrile, usually concomitant prostate infection
 Need 2/52 quinolone
Do not check PSA- elevated for up to 3/12
Investigate if
Febrile UTI
Recurrent infections
Suspect complicating factors
Post Mumps- 30% post pubertal boys .
 Haematogenous spread
<35 associated with STD organisms
Older men- common urinary pathogens. BPH
TB causes chronic epididymitis
Abscess formation
Chronic epididymitis in 15%
Testicular atrophy/infarction
Clinical picture
Acute onset over few days
Swollen tender cord
Usually unilateral
Pain and swelling in tail and body of
epididymis +/- testis
Can mimic acute torsion
 Consider age
 Onset
 Hx of urethritis/STD
Investigation and management
Urethral swab
Uss with doppler
Urology opinion if ? Torsion
<35 usually chlamydia- ofloxacin/doxycycline. Treat partner
>35 as for UTI- ciprofloxacin
NSAIDS/Scrotal support
Beware abscess in Diabetics, Hx scrotal surgery
Pain settles but up to 6-8 weeks for swelling to fully resolve
Classification of Prostatitis
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
Serious condition
DRE- swollen boggy tender prostate
1% after TRUS biopsy
Pain in perineum,testes, penis,lower back,
painful LUTS
May require hospitalisation
Usually E coli
Prostate abscesses need surgical drainage
PSA elevated for up to 3/12
Chronic AbacterialProstatitis
Multifactorial/unclear origin
Negative cultures
2 weeks antibiotics (up to 6 weeks if response)
Alpha blockers/ 5 alpha reductase inhibitors
Muscle relaxants
Prostatic massage 2-3x week
Transurethral microwave heat therapy
Holistic approach- physio/pain team/psychologists
30% resolution of symptoms within 1 year
Fourniers Gangrene
Aggressive necrotising fasciitis of perineum and genitalia
Rare. Can be fatal
Elderly males
Nursing home
Indwelling catheters
Recent instrumentation/ perineal surgery
Severe sepsis
Painful, swollen, erythematous skin
Bullae/necrotic skin
Offensive smell
Urgent debridement and parenteral
Urogenital TB
Common site of extra pulmonary TB
Kidney- calyceal deformities, scarring, auto nephrectomy
Ureters- strictures and obstruction
Bladder- ulceration and fibrosis. “thimble” bladder
Prostate- calcification. hard woody prostate
Epididymis- beaded cord. Abscesses. Infertility.
6/12 Anti TB therapy/surgery
Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia)
Second commonest parasite
Chronic renal failure/bladder
contraction/ carcinoma
2 doses praziquantel
Parasite- schistosomahaematobium
Africa/Egypt. Swimming in Nile
Life cycle complex.
Flu like illness
Haematuria, frequency, terminal