Online Courses & the University of California`s AG Subject Area

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Online Courses & the University of
California’s A-G Subject Area
Hannah Frankel
High School Articulation Analyst
University of California | Office of the President
California Consortium for Independent Study (CCIS) Conference
January 31, 2014
Today’s Session
 Overview and key online policy definitions
 New “a-g” review process for online courses
 Next steps for institutions with existing online courses
 Additional policy highlights
Overview and Definitions
California Consortium for Independent Study (CCIS) Conference
January 31, 2014
A-G Course List
 UC and CSU admissions requirements include satisfying a
15-course pattern of “a-g” college-preparatory courses.
– May only use courses that appear on a “a-g” course list.
 Submit “a-g” courses and revisions via the A-G Online
Update website:
 Approve courses for “a-g” purposes based on criteria
established by UC faculty.
 Course list accuracy is important!
– Course lists available at
A-G Course Submission Timeline
New update cycle
opens on
February 1
February 1May 31
New courses
submitted have
up to 2*
June 1July 31
New courses
submitted have
1 resubmission
August 1September 15
New courses
submitted have
Update cycle
closes on
September 15
*Phase 1:
1st resubmission due by July 31
2nd resubmission due by September 15
Big Changes for 2015-16!
 NEW A-G Course Management System or A-G CMP.
– Replace the Online Update website.
 Part of UC’s initiative to improve overall “a-g” course
submission and review process.
 Major highlights:
– Clarifying and updating the “a-g” subject area course criteria.
– Developing and distributing new “a-g” course evaluation rubrics.
– Streamlining the course submission form to align with the “a-g”
course criteria.
– Increasing “a-g” resources and Articulation staff.
Key Definitions
 What is an online course?
– More than 50% of instruction is through Internet-based methods
with time and/or distance separating teacher and student.
 What is a commercial online course?
– Courses that are sold or licensed to individual schools or district
for delivery by the high school or online school.
 What is a non-commercial online course?
– Teacher-created, home-grown online courses offered by the local
high school or district only to their students.
More Definitions
 What is an online course publisher?
– Develops their own online curriculum and sells or licenses their
courses for delivery by a teacher at a local high school.
 What is an online school?
– Diploma-granting institution offering all or the majority of their
courses through Internet-based methods, with time and/or
distance separating the teacher and student.
NEW A-G Review Process for
Online Courses
California Consortium for Independent Study (CCIS) Conference
January 31, 2014
Home-Grown / Non-Commercial Courses
 NEW Online Course Review Process:
1) Assessment against iNACOL course standards.
a) CLRN course certification, OR
b) Self-assessment conducted by institution
2) Review by UC for final “a-g” approval.
 Effective for new courses in the 2014-15 update cycle.
– Effective for online institutions for 2013-14 update cycle.
 Online courses approved for 3-year term.
Step #1: CLRN Certification vs. Self-Assessment
Type of Institution / Online Educational Program
Online course publishers serving public schools
Online course publishers serving only private institutions
Public high schools opening home-grown online
courses to students outside of their district
Public high schools opening home-grown online
courses only to students within their district
Private high schools
Step #1A: CLRN Certification
 A CLRN-certified course must:
– Meet at least 80% of CA Content or Common Core Standards.
– Fulfill all 15 “power standards” from the iNACOL course
– Satisfy at least 27 of the remaining iNACOL course standards.
 CLRN certifies only courses that align with a set of
– Courses not aligned with standards are self-assessed (Step #1B).
 To submit a course to CLRN:
Step #1B: Self-Assessment
 Institution conducts self-assessment against iNACOL
course standards.
 Self-assessment form completed online as part of the new
course submission for UC “a-g” review.
– Paper version of self-assessment form available on “a-g” Guide.
Online Course Self-Assessment Form
Step #2: UC A-G Course Review
 Submit courses to UC for final “a-g” review.
– Courses submitted via Online Update website.
– May only submit CLRN-certified or self-assessed courses.
 Single submission if online & classroom curricula are the
– Separate submissions if online & classroom curricula are
 Online courses reviewed using same criteria and process
as non-online courses.
Commercial / Purchased Online Courses
 Responsibility of online course publisher to undergo 2-step
“a-g” course review process every 3 years.
 Adding UC-approved online courses from a publisher to an “a-g”
course list:
– Courses are submitted as “previously approved” courses.
– Not required to re-add courses every 3 years.
 Courses from publishers must be on your “a-g” course list!
– Why? So students can use the courses to satisfy “a-g” subject
– Do not put courses from online schools on your “a-g” course list.
 Publishers’ “a-g” course lists available on Course List website.
Next Steps: Existing Online
California Consortium for Independent Study (CCIS) Conference
January 31, 2014
Commercial / Purchased Online Courses
 2013-14 update cycle: Online publishers completing
re-review process through January 31.
 2014-15 update cycle: NO actions required for publisher
courses that were re-approved under new policy.
– Re-approved courses will remain on 2014-15 “a-g” course lists.
 What if a publisher’s online course was not re-approved?
– Course will be removed from 2014-15 “a-g” course lists on Feb 1.
– NOT affect students that completed the course during or before
the 2013-14 academic year.
– Course could earn re-approval during 2014-15 update cycle.
 Institutions will need to re-add course to 2014-15 “a-g” course lists.
Home-Grown / Non-Commercial Online Courses
 Identified home-grown online courses in demographic
information submission during 2013-14 update cycle.
– On “a-g” course list, home-grown online courses marked with the
note: “A version of this course may be offered online.”
 To maintain course approval for 2014-15 year and beyond:
– Conduct self-assessment against iNACOL course standards.
– Use “Revise Course” section to submit assessment.
– Begins online course’s 3-year approval term.
 Deadline to complete assessment: May 31, 2014.
– UC will remove all non-assessed online courses on June 1.
Additional Policy Highlights
California Consortium for Independent Study (CCIS) Conference
January 31, 2014
Additional Policy Highlights
 Principal certification for non-UC-approved online courses
– Not acceptable for online courses completed in 2013-14 year and
– Acceptable for summer 2013 courses completed by students
entering 11th and 12th grades.
 Non-online institutions offering online courses required to
meet UC’s institutional expectations.
Lab Science & VPA Online Courses
 Online courses in the laboratory sciences.
– OK if it has required, supervised, on-site wet labs.
– NEW process for lab science courses from online publishers
 Online publishers may submit courses to UC without the lab
 Schools intending to add UC-approved online lab science courses
from an online publisher are required to submit the lab component.
 Online courses in the visual & performing arts.
– NOT currently accepted.
 Online college-level laboratory science and visual &
performing arts courses ok!
 California Learning Resource Network (CLRN)
 International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL)
 University of California “a-g” subject requirements:
– A-G Course Lists –
– A-G Online Update –
– A-G Guide –
 UC High School Articulation unit
– E-mail: [email protected]
– Phone: (510) 987-9570