Slides - TERENA Networking Conference 2010

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Transcript Slides - TERENA Networking Conference 2010

New generation media in research
and entertainment
Artur Binczewski, Maciej Głowiak, Bartłomiej Idzikowski, Maciej Stroiński, Maciej Stróżyk
artur | mac | idzik | stroins | mackostr
Terena Networking Conference
Vilnius, 2010
The Technology
HDTV – the leading technology become from 1990s
– Era of Windows 3.0, MS DOS 5.0 (1991)
– Introduction of WWW (Tim Berners Lee) and Linux (Linus Torvalds)
– 486DX2 (1992)
– XGA (1024x768 in 256 colors in 1990, 65k colors in 1992)
– SVGA (1280x1024 in 1998)
Era of Internet and new media
HDTV – is not enough for many applications
– Digital cinema
– Entertainment
– Science and visualization
Next technology
– 4K / Quad-HD / SHD
– 8K / UHD / Super-Hi Vision
– More?
What is 4K?
The technology of displaying and
processing high resolution video
Resolutions of 8-9 Mpixel
(~4K pixels horizontally):
– DCI (Digital Cinema Initiatives)
– Quad HD
4K is:
21x SD
10x HD720p
4x HD1080p
You can see more details…
Or a wider perspective…
Standards: Digital Cinema
Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI)
– Joint venture of major motion pictures studios
– Formed in 2002 to establish a standard architecture for digital
First standard „Digital Cinema System Specification” established
on Jul 2005 (v.1.0) now version 1.2 available
– approved resolutions and parameters for digital cinema
• 2K (2048x1080) @ 24/48 fps
• 4K (4096x2160) @ 24 fps
JPEG2000 compression
– max. bit stream for 4K: 250 Mbit/s
– max. frame size: 1,3 MB (24 fps),
– 12 bits per color component, CIE XYZ color space
Beyond 4K – 8K and 3D
4K is not enough for many applications, next step is 8K
– 8192x4320 resolution, ~36 Mpix
– UHD – Ultra High Definition or
NHK Super-Hi Vision
First tests in Japan (NHK) with 8K prototype camera
(shown on IBC 2008 and NAB 2009)
4K/8K Stereoscopy
Acquisition with two cameras & different angles
or 3D stereoscopic animations
Displaying 3D content in various techniques
Applications: CAD projects, visualisation
as well as entertainment (3D cinema, computer games)
4K/8K technology and new networks
Stream type
Data stream
Network interface
4K JPEG2000 (DCI)
250 Mbit/s
1 Gbit/s
4K JPEG2000 (DCI) 3D
2x 250 Mbit/s
1 Gbit/s
4K uncompressed
6 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
4K uncompressed 3D
12 Gbit/s
40 Gbit/s
Stream type
Data stream
Network interface
8K JPEG2000
1 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
8K JPEG2000 3D
2x 1 Gbit/s
10 Gbit/s
8K uncompressed
24 Gbit/s
40 Gbit/s
8K uncompressed 3D
48 Gbit/s
100 Gbit/s
HPC application:
times of rendering 4K animation movies
PC (1 CPU)
Cluster 10
Cluster 100
1 frame
5 min
37 s
1 second
15 min
96 s
1 minute
120 h
15 h
1,5 h
1 hour
10 months
1 month
4 days
Digital Cinema
Event Location – live
streaming from event hall
Location A
Cinema room
Movie A
Movie A
Movie A storing
Distribution Center
Location B
Cinema room
Movie B
(4K, HD)
• Easy way of content distribution
• A chance for small cinemas
• Flexible accounting procedures
• Different quality of content available (HD, 4K)
• Copyrights and security
Movie B
Movie B
Location C
Community center
4K applications: telemedicine
Live video transmission of complex surgeries to remote team of
supporting experts
– High resolution and good color mapping of image
– Reliable network connection and usually uncompressed codecs
Recording of surgeries and medical diagnostic processes for
educational purposes
– Transmissions
during symposiums
and conferences
– High quality
materials for
medicine students
4K applications: security and monitoring
issue: face recognition in a crowd
at airports, train stations and
during mass events (e.g. stadiums)
Many details on single 4K frame –
the powerful source for image
Useful for police, border services
and others security units
– scalability,
– processing
4K applications: CAD/CAM projects
– Automotive design
• Design and digital visualisation of 3D car models
• Tests of safety, aerodynamics and ergonomic solutions
– Architecture and urban planning
• Design and visualisation of buildings and engineering
constructions models
• Tests of ergonomic and functionality as well as strength and
safety of constructions
4K live technology, videoconferencing
and broadcasting
4K/8K Public Screening
4K applications: visualisation of scientific processes
High resolution images in science:
– Physicis – visualisation of research on elementary particles and
quantum mechanics
– Biochemistry – particles and chemical reactions visualisation,
genetics structures visualisation
– Meteorology – visualisation of complex weather processes as well
as disasters (e.g. tornados, earthquakes)
– Astronomy and radioastronomy – presentations of sky maps,
stars and planets
Initiatives and
Worldwide initiatives (1)
– Goal: The international cooperation for high resolution
solutions linking:
• Research centers
• Supercomputing Centers
• Regional and national networks
• Audio-video
equipment vendors
• Motion picture studios
– Annual workshops in San Diego
– Stimulation of new projects
– Close cooperation
with movie industry
– Focus on networking aspects
The worldwide initiatives (2)
HPDMnet (The High Performance Digital Media Network)
Dynamic allocation of network resources for new media services
Utilisation GLIF (Global Lambda Infrastructure Facility) network resources
Design and development of dynamic and dedicated connection-oriented services
for L0/L1
Infrastructure As a Service (IaaS) – implementation of new idea:
– All physical resources available
as software objects
Project founded by NSF
European initiatives (1)
Many European institutions already working on 4K and new media:
University of Amsterdam, and SurfNET, The Netherlands
CESNET and Masaryk University, Czech Rep.
I2CAT, Spain
KTH, Sweden
NORDUnet, Norway
PSNC, Poland
University of Essex, UK
European initiatives (2)
Collaboration possible over the GEANT network
– Cooperation and testbeds possible in GN3 project
New media initiatives or projects:
– TF-Media
• Enable collaboration among European NRENs and universities
interested in federated multimedia content management and
distribution as well as working on complete workflow for media
production, management and distribution services
(VISION Advanced Infrastructure For Research) – [evaluation]
• VISIONAIR will create a unique and highly visible European
infrastructure that supports high-level visualisation facilities.
• Europe has many individual facilities, managed in different ways
and with very different access rules.
• Project will integrate these existing facilities and provide open
access to the European research community.
• VISIONAIR will create a world-class research infrastructure that
will enable world-leading research.
European Initiatives in FP7
1. Call FP7-ICT-2007-1 ICT-2007.1.5: Networked Media
Interoperable multimedia network and service infrastructures
End-to-end systems and application platforms
2. Call FP7-ICT-2009-4 ICT-2009.1.5: Networked Media and 3D
Content aware networks and network aware applications (e.g. games)
3D Media Internet
Immersive media experiences beyond HDTV and electronic cinema
3. Call INFRA-2010-1.1.29: Advanced Digital Visualisation Facilities
A project under this topic should aim at integrating the key virtual reality
visualisation facilities, holographic image processing facilities and other
computer graphics and animation facilities for advanced visualisation of
scientific information
4K demonstrations
12 Nov 2009
– First 4K European fully DCIcompliant live transmission
between PSNC and University
of Essex through the GEANT
31 May – 3 Jun 2010
– TNC 2010 4K Demonstration
of JPEG2000 DCI transmission
between Colchester and Vilnius
through the GEANT Network
4K node in PSNC
4K/8K (3D) technology provides new, high quality visualisation
Chance for scientists to take part in new media and
visualisation research projects
Infrastructure and media labolatories equipment is required to
be significant member of international projects
Huge mass events (Olympic Games 2012, EURO 2012, …)
could be an inpulse to demonstrate and implement high
resolution visualisation systems
The need of build pan-European infrastructure and
collaboration for new high resolution media
Thank you!
[email protected]