Gangs of Note
Transcript Gangs of Note
Gangs or Group?
Five criteria
Where do they separate?
1.Three or more members
2.Have a name and identifiable leadership
3.Associate on a regular basis
4. Maintain an economic, Geographic, or criminal enterprise
5. Group’s members engage in criminal activity
People Nation/ Folk Nation
• Mentality and Philosophy:
• All for One, One for All
• 1. The one on one fight becomes
something of the past and now becomes a
full disturbance.
• Code of Conduct
• 1. “Folk before Family”
• 2. “I will not let my brother fall to a knee”
• 3.”All is All” and “All is Well” (People)
People Nation Sets
Black P Stone
Latin Kings
Spanish Lords
El Rukus
Latin Counts
Folks Nation Sets
(Forever Our Love KlingsStronger)
(Follow Our Leader King Shorty)
Black Gangster Disciples
Latin Disciples
Black Disciples
Maniac Latin Disciples
Gangster Disciples
Simon City Royals
La Raza
Spanish Gangsters
Two Sixers
Other Gangs
Motorcycle Gangs
Black Pistons
Hell’s Lovers
Hell’s Angels
DC Eagles
Local Gangs
• Gangster Disciples
• Latin Kings
• Sovereign Nation/Natural Warriors
Gangster Disciples (Folks)
Symbols for folk and GDs
Six Point Star (Folk)
The letters “GD”
Initials “BOS” OR “BOSS” (GD)
Raised pitchfork – three prong pointing
• Number 6 (folk)
• Heart with horns (folk)
• Bent ear bunny
Gangster Disciple
• Colors are blue and black, sometimes red.
• Recruit through friends, associates,
incidents, and word of mouth
• New members are “beat in “ or “sexed in”
or commit a violent act to be accepted
• Other identifiers: crown, “6”, “74”, “360”,
“720” a heart with wings.
• Graffitti on buildings and walking trail
Latin Kings (People Nation)
Colors: Black and Gold
Allied with Vicelords
Well structured and organized
All for one mentality
Violations may result in physical assault or
• 5 point star and 5 point crown
• Three point crown
Latin Kings
Upside down pitch fork
The “Master”
LCO had 30-40 Latin King members
sentenced to federal prison. Now paroling.
• Housing issues and the cities
SNW (Sovereign Nation Warriors)
SNS (Sovereign Nation Society)
Started in the 1990’s in Lac Du Flambeau
Paul Shegoney and Jim St. Germaine and split
Color Purple, bandanna’s
6 point star, TVO (The Violent Ones), 1744 All Gangsters do Dirt), D4L( Down for
Life), 23(23rd letter of alphabet for W, Warrior)
Meetings on Sat. night and $25 month dues
Drumming used to gather in institution
Connections with Latin Kings on east coast. Manifesto found in a search of a LK
home by
Homocide in 1999 and then in 2008.
Recruiting in the jail
Slashing chests, bloodiing
Native Mob
Native Mob
History of Native Mob
Native Mob is a gang in alliance with the Peoples Nation it was originated in Minneapolis Minnesota. It is
one of the biggest gangs in prison and on reservations through out the U.S. It’s an up coming Gang in the
U.S. The members of the Gang consist of mostly Native Americans. There are gang signs in Fargo North
Dakota proving that there is Native Mob members in Fargo. We believe that the leader is of guy named
Bear. Native Mob is not yet considered a threat but with the right kind of leadership Native Mob could
become a big threat.
Symbols of Native Mob
Native Mob symbols consist of the upside down pitch fork, five-point star, the number five, medicine wheel,
and five point crown. Native Mob colors consist of red, black, yellow and white, and the often where there
cloths to the right side of there body.
Enemies of Native Mob
There is current word going around that the Native Mob is feuding with The Gangster Disciples (aka GDs),
there is also proof that they are feuding with the Crips and any other gangs affiliated with Folk Nation.
Warrior Society
Art & Tattoos
The majority of the Native American inmates coming into the prison system join the Native American
Brotherhood. The N.A.B. is a group which unites the Native Americans inside the prison system to ensure
the religious practices and ceremonial beliefs can be met. Within the N.A.B. are the younger, stronger and
more aggressive inmates. These inmates could be considered the “elite” N.A.B., the Warrior Society. The
purpose of the organization of the Warrior Society was for protection from other inmates and STG’s in the
units. Before the Warrior Society existed, the Native Americans, because they were minority, were often
victimized by other inmates.
All members will learn traditional sign language.
All members will be given names to use when on organization business.
Native Mob
(Directly from hand written document)
All members must be Native American
All members must be loyal to the people - unto death
All members have to put in at least 2-4 years martial arts (full contact) training.
All members must walk the Red Road
No Drinking/partying except on own time
No member is to marry a non-Native American
No members are to help out any Native American Bro'/Sis' who's in trouble whether they're in the right or wrong.
Once a member, always a member.
Jeopardizing organization or the people is punishable by death
All Warriors are to be trained in traditional & Modern war-fare techniques.
All Warriors are to be highly trained with the use of traditional and modern weaponry.
In times of personal stress - all members are to go to elders or medicine people for council without giving
organization away.
Organization is to keep weaponry storage area.
No member is to use weapons in any thing but self-defense or defense of one of the people.
All members are to be fully trained in tracking, survival, etc.
Separate storage area will be kept for sacred items.
All members will enter sacred sweat lodge at least three (3) times a week.
All members are to keep them selves in peak physical condition.
Bank account is to be kept for organizations funds.
Only members of council are to have access to organization funds.
There will be an organization council made up of all dedicated wise-members.
When violence is in danger of happening - council are the ones who have final say.
All members will help & stand by each other whether in right or wrong.
All members will make monthly contributions to organization funds.
Yearly Donations will be made to chosen Native American organizations.
All members will be fluent in a few different Native American tongues.
Native Mob – Art and Tattoo’s
Native Mob
Warrior Society Art & Tattoos
Indian Posse
Indian Posse, also known as the IP, is an aboriginal street gang set in Western Canada based
in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is one of the largest street gangs in Canada. Some estimates have
placed membership in the gang at over 2,000, half of which are reportedly in a database
maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Although most are incarcerated, the IP still
seems to be growing. The colors of the Indian Posse are red and black.
Indian Posse
I.P's Colors are: Red, Black and Brown
Indian Posse is from part of Winnipeg called (North End). Mainly in the Point from Douglas
neighborhood. But are strongly making a come back to the Luxton Hood in the North side.
IP isn’t the same like back in the day since most of the members are now serving jail sentences
Posse Killers
Posse Killers, PK, is a gang in the North End of Winnipeg. The group was formed as a rival
against the Indian Posse. Its main rival is of course, the Indian Posse. The gang has
connections in Edmonton and Saskatchewan. Along with Cash Money Bros (C.M.B) and
Ruthless Posse (R.P) P.K is a splinter gang from the Indian Posse Their Colors are White,
Black and Grey.
Native Syndicate
, The Native Syndicate, known as N$, is a native street gang located in western Canada.
Members have recently been decreasing, although once was a large gang. Many say that the
gang is small because many members were put into jail.
Native Mob
Indian Posse
Native Syndicate Killas (NSK)
Redd Alert
Saskatchewan Warriors - users have reported Native Syndicate have had
constant wars with the Saskatchewan Warriors over the drug trade in both
the Saskatchewan Penitentiary's medium and maximum security facilities,
as well as in Regina Correctional Centre
According to users, Native Syndicate are primarily identified by the color
black, with Northern Manitoba members wearing the colors of the Raiders.
Native Syndicate in Winnipeg are represented by the white flag. Slogans
"Once in, in for life"
"T.T.O.O." - this thing of ours
"N.D.J.M." - never die just multiply
"N.M.N.S." - Northern Manitoba Native Syndicate
Signs and Tattoos
NS stamp on the hand
Two feathers, tomahawk and spears