The Lexis of Movie and Television in English Publicistic Discourse

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Transcript The Lexis of Movie and Television in English Publicistic Discourse

The lexis of movie and
television in English
publicistic discourse and
the problem of their
conveying into Ukrainian
Ann Garkusha
The body of presentation
o Introduction
o Definition and classification
o Problems of translation
o Ways of conveying
o Conclusions
o Suggestions
 The topicality of the problem is determined by the
wide usage of the movie and television lexis in
everyday communication and its occurrence in
almost all mass-media sources.
 The investigation in this field was carried out by
such scholars as Zosimova O. V., Vystavkina D.O.,
Bozhko E.S., Levko U.E., Punina O.V., Segol R.I.,
Shalman T.N. and many others.
Cine term is the element of
cinematic terminology: a word
cinematographic notion.
Classification by E. Bozhko
names of professions: dress extra, cameraman;
genres of films: horror, blockbuster;
types of films: film strip, newsreel;
terms related to the sound: score, dubbing;
terms related to the lighting: stage lighting,
• terms related to the filming of certain shots:
chroma key, hologram;
• names of organizations: Berlinale, film society;
• names of realia: Oscar, neorealism;
• names of technical equipment: light meter,
The lexical scope of movie and
television industry
• Notions, which came along with the Internet invention: IMDb,
• names of events, festivals and organizations connected with the
film industry: Venice Film Festival; Cannes festival;
• names of the newly formed film genres and trends: biopic,
• names of objects, people, events and concepts that appeared
with the advent of cinema and has become widely used in the
media: cameo, movie star;
• foreign (non-English) realia: benshi, guignol;
• English realia: happy end, golden raspberry.
The terminological scope of
movie and television industry
• types of films fixed in the terminological
dictionaries: animation, 3D movie;
• names of technical equipment and processes:
internegative, movie projector;
• terms related to the sound: subtitles, voice-cover;
• classical movie genres and trends: populism,
• names of professionals working in the
cinematography: sound engineer, screenwriter;
• shooting techniques and ways of film
representation: cinerama, slidefilm.
Problems of translation
• English and Ukrainian languages belong to the
different language branches;
• words polysemy;
• adequacy of the dictionary equivalents;
• peculiarities of using realia;
• neologisms translation;
• conveying of the abbreviations;
• pseudo internationalisms;
• homonyms;
• borrowings;
• proper names and organizations.
Ways of translation
 The equivalent:
• Modern multi-media techniques allow images to be
projected from a computer screen to any stationary or
portable screen, which makes it possible to organize
conferences for large audiences.
• Сучасні проектори дозволяють проектувати
зображення з екрану комп'ютера на будь-який
стаціонарний або переносний екран, що дає
можливість організовувати конференції для
великої аудиторії.
Ways of translation
 The transliteration:
• «The main story is potentially a drama, even a
melodrama», – explains the director who chose to
develop the two stories in parallel, non-chronologically.
• «Головна історія – це потенційна драма, і навіть
мелодрама» – каже режисер, який вирішив
розвинути дві сюжетні лінії паралельно і поза
хронологічного порядку.
Ways of translation
 The transcription:
• Age of Extinction is underway, and this trailer likely is
the last full blast of footage that we’ll see before the
movie opens.
• Зйомки
винищення» продовжуються, і можливо, кадри
трейлеру цього фільму стануть останніми
кадрами, які ми побачимо перед прем’єрою.
Ways of translation
 The descriptive translation:
• The Jazz Singer is a 1927 American musical film which
was the first feature-length motion picture with
synchronized dialogue sequences, its release heralded the
commercial ascendance of the «talkies» and the decline
of the silent film era.
• «Співак джазу» – музичний кінофільм, який
став першим в історії повнометражним
синхронних реплік, він також сповістив
початок комерційної переваги звукових
фільмів в прокаті і захід епохи німого кіно.
Ways of translation
 The calque:
• A Golden Globe and Emmy nominated actor,
Australian-born Simon Baker has an impressive
background that spans both film and television,
capturing the attention of audiences worldwide.
• Лауреат премій «Золотий Глобус» і «Еммі»,
австралійський актор Саймон Бейкер, може
похвалитися вражаючою колекцією ролей, як
в кіно, так і на телебаченні, які привертають до
нього увагу глядачів усього світу.
• To avoid the excessive use of transcription and
• to work out organizing methods of movie
terminology translation into Ukrainian language;
• to define the clear criteria for appropriateness of
foreign borrowing terms that contribute to the
formation of Ukrainian terminological sphere of
• to update Ukrainian movie and television
vocabulary with full equivalents.
Thank you for your attention!