PARCC and MAP Testing - Baltimore County Public Schools

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Transcript PARCC and MAP Testing - Baltimore County Public Schools

• Participants will be provided with
general information regarding PARCC
and MAP.
• Participants will gain an understanding of
The Partnership for
Assessment of Readiness for
College and Careers (PARCC)
• High quality math and English
language arts assessment
• Linked to Common Core state
• Grades 3 through 11
Computer based
Participate fully 2014-2015
Critical thinking and problem solving
Embedded supports for students with
disabilities and English language
• Performance based assessment
• End of year assessment
• Speaking and listening assessment
Performance Based Assessment
• After 75% of school year
• ELA/literacy focus of writing
effectively when analyzing text and
research simulation
Performance Based Assessment
• Math – solving multi-step problems
requiring abstract reasoning,
precision, perseverance and strategic
use of tools
End of Year Assessment
Computer based
Machine scorable
After 90% of school year
Reading comprehension
Math concepts and skills
Summative Assessment Score
• Combination of performance based
and end of year assessments
Speaking and Listening
• Assessment given any time of the
• Not included in summative score
• PBA March 2 – 27, 2015
• EOY April 20 – May 15, 2015
• More information regarding PARCC can
be found at:
• A Guide for Parents
MAP (Measures of Academic
Progress) are computerized, adaptive
achievement tests in mathematics
and reading given to students in
Grades K—8.
• When taking a MAP test, the difficulty of each
question is based on how well a student has
answered all the questions up to that point.
• As the student answers questions correctly, the
questions become more difficult. If the student
answers incorrectly, the questions become easier.
• On most tests, a student answers about half the
items correctly and half incorrectly.
• The final score is an estimate of the student’s
achievement level.
• Although the tests are not timed, it
usually takes students about one hour
to complete each test.
• Students in Baltimore County Public Schools will be
tested three times –fall, winter, and spring.
• September 8 – October 17 (Grades 1-5)
• January 5 – February 13 (Grades K-5)
• May 15 – June 12 (Grades K-2)
• Parents will receive a score report at the end of each
testing window. (Fall and spring will receive a report.
Winter to be determined.)
• No. MAP tests are designed to target a
student’s individual achievement level.
• The computer adjusts the difficulty of the
questions so that each student takes a
unique test. This gives each student a
fair opportunity to show what he/she
knows and can do.
• The results of MAP tests are used to measure your student’s
progress in reading and mathematics.
• The teachers will use these test scores to keep track of growth
in these areas.
• The test results will not be use as part of students’ grades.
• The results will show a comparison to the district average of
students in the same grade and to a national average of
students in the same grade.
• Students taking MAP in Grades K—2
will be using headphones. The test is
read to them through the computer.
• The following slides will show you
sample items from the reading and
the mathematics tests.
• Make sure that your child arrives at school on time
and is well rested.
• Ensure that your child either eats breakfast at home
or arrives at school in time to eat breakfast. Students
who are tired and/or hungry are less able to pay
attention in class or to handle the demands of a test.
• Encourage your child to do his/her best on the test.
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