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Joint Theater Level Simulation
Current Federation Status
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
• 2006-2009
• Older 1.3 OMT specification
– JMRM Federation
• JTLS + JCATS & few other federates
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
• 2010
– Ported to1516-2010 HLA specification
• MSG-68 experimental federation
– More strict 1516 data structures
– First use of Pitch RTI
– MSG-68 included JTLS + many others
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
• 2011
• First JLVC exposure
– Federation
Mixed 1.3 & 1516 spec (proof of concept)
NG Pro 7.0 RTI (dual API)
Successful, but required heartbeating
MC02 Routing space not suited to1516
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
2012 Federation Work
• Two efforts
– Federation for SEESIM
• new 1516 “JC” FOM
– Link to MUSE
• 1516, future JLVC FOM
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
2012 Federation Work
• SEESIM Federation
– The “JC” FOM
• Like MSG-68 FOM
• Uses extensions for SEESIM
– Allows several object owning federates
– May lead into future MSG-106 work
– Used Pitch RTI and Pitch tools
• federate locations widely separated
• Use Booster (network tunneling)
• Had many remote IEs, only one face-to-face IE
– Connected state (RTI), no time management
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
2012 Federation Work
• Linking JTLS-MUSE
• “prototype” 1516-2010
• Not using JLVC’s MC02 routing spaces
– NG-Pro 7.1 RTI
• Un-connected state (RTI), no time management
– We intended for millions of entities…
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
SEESIM 2012 16-19 Oct
• Annual JTLS exercise
– Included this experimental federation
• Federated game ran synchronized with
operational game
– Determine if federation was viable for NTF, etc.
• 10 country sides
– Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia - JCATS
– All others - JTLS
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
SEESIM 2012 16-19 Oct
• Object counts:
– JTLS (142 K) Albania, Ukraine, etc.
– JCATS1 (16 K) Bulgaria
– JCATS2 (62 k) Croatia
– JCATS3 (0) Italy
– JCATS4 (7k) Serbia
• Vignettes
– Ships collide
– Foreign sides cooperate to fight a forest fire
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
SEESIM 2012 16-19 Oct
• Data coordination taken from JMRM
• SEESIM nations able to use simulations
they owned and federate for the 1st time
• All simulations properly reflected activity in
other simulations
• Very small hardware requirement
– 5 laptops in Tech Control (Sophia)
• Very small manpower, 5 people*
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
SEESIM 2012 16-19 Oct
• Insufficient testing prior to event
• Crash/Fail procedures
– Not developed during IE tests
– Developed during the event
• Could have used
– 1 R&A Engineer and 1 LLNL Engineer
– Few more face-to-face tests
• Weapon interactions not used
• Resupply not implemented
• Would like ownership transfer!!!
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
JC Federation (SEESIM)
JMRM Federation
Capabilities Comparison
JC (SEESIM) Federation
• Aggregates
– Full unit hierarchies
– Each having few attributes
• Entities
– Selected units full entities
• Ships
– Mounted entities
JMRM Federation
• Aggregates
– Full unit hierarchies
– Each with full attributes
• Entities
– JCATS published some
– JTLS entity lists only
• Ships
– JTLS only
• Resupply
• Weapon Fire/Detonation
Capabilities Comparison
JC (SEESIM) Federation
• Air Missions
– Single aircraft
– Fixed load
– No HRU lifting
• Convoys
– Truck only
• No Time Management
• Object control
– No passing
JMRM Federation
• Air missions
– Multi-aircraft
– Loads mapped
– Insert Extract, etc
• Convoys
– JCATS reflects
• Time Managed
• Object control
– passing
Federation Discoveries
• Using JC Federation (SEESIM)
– Joining problems with > 100 K objects and > 4
federates that own objects
– Overcome difficulties with poor connections
– Remote testing lessons
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Joining Problems
• Use specially configured Pitch Extender
– Block receipt of duplicate updates
• Modified HIP to tick less often
– Tick : to suspend processing for RTI work
• Planned to use a two phase startup
– (1)Federates withhold requests and replies
for updates
– (2)Send full updates, process everything
then begin to run
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Poor Network Problems
• Reduce the count of objects
– For the offending federate
• Use Pitch Extender
– Not greatly effective
– A bad connection is a bad connection
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Remote Testing
• Advantages
– Everyone worked from their own office
– Saved travel expense
– Can test more frequently, shorter
– As few a 1 federate could be testing
– R&A game running/federated 24/7
– We always had a Pitch expert during
scheduled testing*
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Remote Testing
• Disadvantages
– Limited by Skype
• Single thread of testing items
– People not involved in current test had to
– Time difference between offices
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Federation Discoveries
• Using JLVC federation (MUSE Link)
– Objects require heart beating
– Guarantee all objects discovered/updated
– Realistic looking states
• Eg. target launchers
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Discoveries from linking with MUSE
• Ellen will brief…
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation
Where We Stand
• JTLS can federate using either FOM
– Publish/Subscribe aggregate and entity
– Publish/Subscribe Firing/Detonation
– Other interactions possible
• No plans to link using JLVC (NG Pro)
• May join the MSG-106 effort
– Uses something like the JC FOM (Pitch ?)
December 2012
Copyright 2012, ROLANDS & ASSOCIATES Corporation