CT/CO Pilot () - Arkansas Business Education Association

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Computer Tech Intro Based Career Orientation
Introduction to Career Guidance
Ray Henson, Program Manager
Barbara Lensing, Program Advisor
Dave Fisher, Program Advisor
Dede Crowder, Secretary
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
– [email protected]
# Three Capitol Mall
Luther Hardin Building, Suite 408
Little Rock, AR 72201
phone: (501) 682-1616 fax: (501) 682-8306
Arkansas Department of Career Education
– http://ace.arkansas.gov
Department of Career Education
Secondary Career & Technical Education
Program Policies
Perkins IV Information
Registration Information and Forms for In-service
Report Forms
Important Links
Career Guidance, Exploration, and Preparation
(under Operational Guides)
Course Information, Technology Standards, Minimum Equipment
Legislation - HB 730
The Arkansas College and Career Readiness
Planning Program requires
“consistent precollege readiness assessments to
increase successful student transitions into
postsecondary education”
Measure student readiness for future learning
without remediation to improve college and
workforce readiness
Improving College and
Career Readiness Indicators
• Improve graduation rates
• Increase nontraditional placement
• Raise college entrance rates
• Improve positive postsecondary placement
• Increase program of study completers
• Improve parental involvement
• Improve level of student satisfaction with education
School Requirements
Each career focus program of study shall consist of
foundation courses in grades 7 or 8: Career Orientation,
Computer Technology Intro or alternate Computer Business
Applications and Keyboarding. A minimum of three (3)
Carnegie units in grades 9-12, a career focus is required for
a program of study in career and technical education.
Approved programs must offer a complete program of study
on a two year rotational basis. Core courses must be offered
399100 Career Orientation
Credit: Grade Levels: 7-8 (8th grade recommended)
Career Orientation is a foundation course for all Career & Technical
Education programs of study. It must be offered to all students at the
seventh or eighth grade level for a minimum of one semester.
Career Orientation is an exploratory hands-on activity based class in
which students explore the world of work in relation to their interests,
life and work values, aptitudes, personality and lifestyle through selfdiscovery.
This class emphasizes self-evaluation, decision-making, college and
career research, employability skills and career portfolio development
399280 CT Intro Based Career Orientation
Career Development (2013)
Credit: Grade Levels: 7-8
This is an alternate course to combine Career Orientation and Computer Technology. This
course will allow schools to meet the requirements for introducing students to hardware and
application software of a computer with applications in career planning, preparation,
exploration and development. Students will be knowledgeable about the world of work,
career options, and the personal skills, aptitudes, and expectations to complete the
education and training requirements to enter into a future career.
Satisfies Computer Tech Intro and Career Orientation course requirements
Must be taught in a Business Lab
Instructor must have:
– 224 Business Technology with 411 CO Endorsement or
– 225 Business Technology with 411 CO Endorsement
Career Development Standards
Knowledge Based Standards
State laws and policies regarding career development
Objectives of Career Guidance, Exploration and Preparation
Frameworks and curriculum to prepare instructional materials and
lesson plans
Teacher requirements, school expectations, and student
Competencies required for a professional career development
Career Development Philosophy
Career development is the foundation that
encompasses the skills and knowledge necessary to
be successful in any selected career pathway and
program of study regardless of postsecondary plans.
Career development is prerequisite in nature and
fundamental for all subsequent career planning and
preparation. The theory is to plan for something with a
career focus and prepare for everything with a well
rounded education.
Self-awareness in relation to the student’s interests,
values, attitude, personality, and desired lifestyle.
Occupational and educational terminology
Career research using every resource and
opportunity available
Decision-making, goal setting, and career planning
Employability skills
Education and training requirements
Introduction of the 16 career clusters
Developing Employability and transferable skills
Career “Development”
Career development is the sequence of career
related choices and transitions over a span of time.
It includes awareness of self and the world of
work, and planning, preparation and pursuance of
a satisfying and fulfilling career. The process
begins early in life and may continue throughout a
lifetime. Guidance, facilitation and coaching are
essential to help an individual transition through
education, job preparation and career changes.
Teachers must follow the framework, but the
curriculum can be developed according to
regional workforce needs, teacher knowledge
and skills, district programs of study, school
facilities and equipment, and student interests.
Career Development is student centered, project
based career planning
Computer Tech Intro Based C/O
• Instructor must hold a:
Business License 224 or 225
Career Orientation 411
• Class must be taught in a computer lab to meet
Business requirements
Career Orientation
Endorsement Policies
Endorsement - completion of the following courses or the mentorship
training program is required for Career Orientation endorsement and
must be completed prior to teaching Career Orientation a second year:
a. Three semester hours of "Methods of Teaching Career Orientation".
b. Three semester hours of "Hands-on Activities for Career Orientation".
– (2013 will change to Methods only)
Complete an equivalent mentorship training program designed and
approved by ACE under an approved model trainer.
Attend the Career Guidance New Teacher Endorsement Workshop
provided by ACE. July 10 -12 or Sept 11 – 13.
ADE Application
Application sent to ACE for Career Orientation endorsement. Application must include:
Teacher name, SS#, & contact information
School information
Demographic information
Application Type
Adding Additional Licensure
Licensure Code 411
Grade Levels (7-8)
– Original transcript with endorsement classes or
recommendation from Mentor
Mail the application to the Dept of Career
Education Office of Career Guidance,
Exploration & Preparation
– (if you received endorsement training for C/O with coursework a transcript must be
After review, approval will be forwarded to ADE
to be added to your license.
We will mail a copy of our endorsement letter to
you and your school.
Teacher Information System
Create New Account by Sept 10 each year
Generic Login Name: CTE
Generic Password: Teacher
Create Account with personal information
CTE class schedule with course codes for each semester
Subscribe to the CEP Listserv
– http://list.state.ar.us/mailman/listinfo/cep
Click on CEP Listserv
Complete: Name, E-mail address & Password
Confirm subscription by re-”SEND”ing e-mail
Business Lab (2012-2013)
Internet connected computers are available for student use
A lockable file cabinet is available for confidential student
Presentation equipment is readily available
Digital camera is available
An up-to-date inventory is kept in the classroom
Long range plans (3 to 5 years) for equipment replacement
Program Facilities and Equipment
The classroom provides an environment that promotes learning through the
use of visuals and the display of student work
The classroom is conducive to learning, clean, neatly organized, and well
The teacher has an Internet connected computer and printer for classroom
and instructional management.
Students have sufficient access to computers for research with a printer
The classroom is of sufficient size to conduct individual, group, and hands-on
Adequate storage is available for materials and supplies to conduct hands-on
CGEP Expectations
Join the Arkansas Career Guidance
Association (ACGA)
Attend the Career Guidance Conference and
New Teacher Inservice
Communication CEP Listserv
Use the ARCOTA.ORG website for activities
Submit student contest entries annually
Prepare for Technical Assistance Visits
Career Planning
Upon completion of the eighth grade, each
student shall have a four-year plan, which
includes courses to be taken on file. The career
plan is then revisited each year for any
necessary adjustments. It is recommended that
career plans include a minimum of two (2) years
of post secondary education.
Curriculum and Assessment
Curriculum must be aligned with frameworks
Lessons must be aligned to an overall cohesive
and coherent plan
Activities should be aligned to student interests
and community/regional needs
Career planning should be aligned to the district
programs of study
Career Development Standards
Self-awareness – Develop honest awareness of self and personal
preference for the purpose of self-promotion, advocacy and management
necessary for
Locate Career Information – Analyze occupational and career resources
necessary to digest current, accurate, and unbiased information
Career Decision-making – Formulate career decisions based upon a
decision-making process necessary for choosing a career
High School and Career Planning – Develop tentative high school and
career plans with a logical sequence of courses and achievable steps
Career Readiness – Assess and explain fundamental career readiness
skills which form the basis for further career preparation.
Facilitate Learning
Allow the student to fail at what they don’t
have the aptitude for and excel at what they
are naturally good at.
Career Development Theory
– People are rewarded for success and gravitate
toward reward
– People find a niche for their aptitude and develop
a pathway of learning toward a career
Model Career Guidance Programs
• High expectations for all students
• Allow each student to focus their studies in their career path
• Make the instruction relevant to the student from the first day of
instruction to the last day
• Make the instruction rigorous and challenging
• Develop project based, team oriented, technology centered
Promote Education and Training
“Beyond High School”
 College (4-year degrees) is not the answer for every student even
with the lottery scholarship money available
 What does the student’s Career Goal require?
 Promote the easiest route to success (obtaining the career goal)
 (Further education can come later)
 Students will take the path of least resistance or they may drop out.
Comprehend and use both formal and informal
career development assessment tools and resources
Interest Inventories
Aptitude Assessments
Work Values Assessments
Personality Typing
Attitude Assessment
Brain Orientation
Self Esteem
Values Auction
Job Shadowing, Skits, Bell Ringers
Calculating Opportunity Cost – Math integration
Creating a Newscast – Literacy integration
Plans of study
– Sample Plans
– Plans beyond high school
Developing a Career Pathway
Do not confine a student to an occupational goal
Do encourage students to think globally within a
career pathway with multiple entry and exit
points to allow for barriers and opportunities.
When students have a career plan they…
Make better grades
Have more college and career information
Believe their school has a positive climate
Feel middle school is safer
Have a better relationship with their teachers
Are more satisfied with their education
– Results from Lapan, Gysbers, and Sun
concluded students in Missouri:
Career Development is progressive
in nature and
does not take a step backward
Do not confine your
students to your own
learning, for they were
born in another time.
Hebrew proverb
Assessing The Whole Person
Changes in Workforce Skills Needs
Across Fifty Years
Applied Skills
expected to increase in importance
1 Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
2 Information Technology Application
3 Teamwork/Collaboration
4 Creativity/Innovation
5 Diversity
6 Leadership
7 Oral Communications
8 Professionalism/Work Ethic
9 Ethics/Social Responsibility
10 Written Communications
Projects that allow for self-discovery, selfexpression, self-promotion and creation
Allow independent and individualized career
development planning
Student centered interests, values, aptitudes,
research, and aspirations
Transferable 21st Century skills
Challenge Students
Students like to be challenged to prove their
worthiness to themselves and others.
Students need to solve real world problems
Students want to know what they are doing is
important and not filling time
Students really like to tell their parents that
they have done something unusual,
interesting, challenging, and fun.
Rigorous Teaching Practices
Create lesson plans using multiple learning
Challenge students to excel on projects
Require critical thinking skills
Encourage students to go above and beyond
the call of duty
Incorporate math and literacy integration
Program Resources
Textbooks are for use as an instructional resource, not the
primary instructional curriculum
Assortment of self-awareness assessments and research
programs provided at no cost such as Kuder Navigator,
O*Net, Career One Stop, Discover Arkansas, Occupational
Outlook Handbook, and ArkOscar.
Career publications such as Arkansas NEXT, Career Watch,
Future Focus and American Careers
Current career and employability video collections
The “unofficial” site for Career Guidance
Teachers maintained by Sharla Hartzell at Dover
Middle School
Includes: frameworks, resources, links,
curriculum material and activities, examples,
conference and workshop information, and
Created by teachers for teachers
Designed for Career Guidance Teachers
Conference Information
ACGA and Student contest information
Course information w/unit activities aligned with the
Math & literacy prompts and activities
Cluster activities, skits, and bell ringers
Teaching resources
Important relevant links
CEP Listserv subscription link
Utilize the Internet
Kuder Navigator
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Discover Arkansas
4-H Connection
Career Clusters
Real Life Arkansas
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Arkansas Kuder Navigator System
in the Arkansas Works Initiative
Career Development Portfolio
Career Development Portfolio (electronic)
Career Focus/Program of Study
High School Education Plan of Study
Resume with Honors/Achievements/Activities
Education and Employment History