Tahkuranna Municipality

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Tahkuranna Municipality Development strategy for 2010-2015

Kadri Reinsoo Tuomas Lehtonen

Birth place of...?

• • Present and future of Tahkuranna are influenced by many internal factors (e.g. human resources, competences, availability of services) that municipality can affect But also some factors that are not to be changed by municipality ->

Situated near Pärnu -> New suburban housing districts, people work&shop Gulf of Pärnu, -> Long coastline & beaches Via Baltica -> transport corridor E X T E R N A L F A C T O R S

Environmental protection vs “Who protects people from the environment?” Affects: route of Via Baltica, tourism, everyday life, forestry, hunting etc

History of two competing centers

• • • • • • • Võiste - fishermen In soviet time two collective farms in Uulu and Võiste Võiste - “a millionaire kolkhoz”, fishing and agriculture Were united – Uulu benefited, investments were made, Uulu grew Uulu now administrative center Reflects to today – confrontation and influence on people`s mind and actions Differences in nature (“fisherman`s pride”)

Tasks and deadlines


Administratiivne eeltöö, tööplaani koostamine, metoodika arendamine, projektijuhtimine Töö kirjalike allikatega, intervjuu kava koostamine Intervjuud võtmeisikutega kohapeal Intervjuude korrastamine, info analüüsimine ja struktureerimine. Ettevalmistused vaheseminariks.


Intervjuud e tegemine jätkub, töö materjalidega – strateegiadokumendi mustandi koostamine koostöös planeerimisspetsialistiga algab Kokkuvõtte tegemine intervjuudest, vahearuanne Hapukurgifestivali kaasamisürituse kavandamine ja läbi viimine 20.08 Assisteerimine strateegiadokumendi, arengukava ja valdkondade tegevuskavade (tekstide) koostamisel: töö tekstiga. Volikogu komisjonidele materjalide ette valmistamine. Koosolek volikogu komisjonidega Visiooni kinnitamine ja levitamine: rahvakoosolek Arengukava tegevuskava tabeli kokkupanemine (põhiline töö tehtud p 6, koosolekute põhjal täpsustamine) Selgituste andmine arengukavale volikogudes (volikogu istung)

Töömaht (päevades)


5 4 (5)

(2) 1


1 (2)

Valmis 10.06. 14.-18.06. 29.06 –3.07. 12.07. 19.-23.07

20.08 Alates 26.07

6 0,5 (rohkem)

22.08.-27.08. Sept alguses, alates 6.09



1 1



• • • • • • Preparatory work Introductory visit, excursion Work with existing strategic documents, collecting and analysing materials Conducting interviews (13) Taking part in municipal council meeting Drawing preliminary conclusions for seminar • Taking part in the seminars of association of local authorities of Pärnu county – plan for connecting networks in Pärnu FUR

• • • • • • •

To be done:

Interviews (8) + local government officials Visits to new development areas, getting to know their view Analysing, drawing conclusions Writing the development strategy – Drafting – Preparing materials for committees – We bring to the table: systematic approach, Tahkuranna as a part of FUR, outsider`s view Taking part in Pickles Festival, possible “Tent for Tahkuranna Future”; preparatory and tasks, setting methodology Taking part in committee seminars – solutions to problems, thematic approach, end of Aug – Improving the document Taking part in collaborative seminar 15. Sept (so far little involvement of inhabitants) – Improving the document • Development strategy finalized and signed – late Sept/early Oct

• •

DS ad people of Tahkuranna municipality

3 public meetings in May – 15 participants in Võiste – 1 in Uulu (!) = our task to get additional input From interviews: people are not interested in case they...

– Think they do not have a say – Are not interested – – Are not aware Have no prepositions/problems -> take part, if personal interests involved • • • • Dissemination via web & Oma Leht Lack of knowledge, lack of interest (unless personal interests touched) Problems cannot be solved by municipality No problems 

Qualitative, unoficcial overview: background

Gaps between inhabitants (problem!) – – Uulu & Võiste Old and new (rural & urban lifestyles, expected to adapt) • Small place -> Burden of past relations in municipality – Old relations & fights in municipal council – – Municipal council – 2 new members, 2 former leaders (!) Real estate boom -> disagreements in the council – Exam cheating scandal at Uulu school -> disagreements and changes in the council

Key persons & best informants

From Uulu and surroundings

1. Romek Kosenkranius, elanik (Reiu küla) 2. Alo Sinimäe, MTÜ Lepaküla külaselts ja volikogu liige 3. Peeter Henning, ettevõtja (puit) ning volikogu liige 4. Urmas Org, ettevõtja (puit), volikogu liige, haridus- ja kultuurikomisjoni esimees 5. Vaido Absalon, ettevõtja (jahtide ehitamine) 6. Urvo Martens, ettevõtja (golfiarendus) 7. Kadri Kangro, ettevõtja (majutus) 8. Kersti Merimaa, PMÜ Uulu kaupluse juhataja 9. Arvo Tõnismäe, ettevõtja (autoteenindus) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. Kalmer Metsaoru, volikogu esimees, ettevõtja (põllumajandus) 20. Jüri Kõressaar, MTÜ Tahk (spordiklubi) 21. Raimo Saar, ettevõtja (maastikukujundus)

From Võiste and surroundings

10. Renate Lind, Tahkuranna naisselts, Tahku Tare külakeskuse aktivist 11. Ülle Toomla, raamatukogu juhataja 12. Lennart Sünt-Mengel, MTÜ Tahkurandlane 13. Ülari Järvoja, ettevõtja (saunad) ning vallavalitsuse liige 14. Andres Ilves, endine volikogu esimees, külaaktivist 15. Viljar Metsaoru, ettevõtja (köögivilja- ja lillekasvatus) 16. Enn Sooväli, ettevõtja, AS Arso EE (kalatööstus) 17. Teet Suursild, ettevõtja (põllumajandusmasinad) 18. Veera Virak, MTÜ Tahkuranna Kultuuriselts

In the middle of that – young outsiderish local officials

Government - 5 members Mayor - Karel Tölp Planning adviser - Maia-Liisa Kasvandik Construction adviser - Alar Vahtra Environmental adviser – Janno Tomingas Entrepreneur – Ülari Järvoja Mayor Karel Tölp – year of birth 1978, via job advertisment Perceived by locals: Positive: young, active, not involved in “the past” Negative: inexperienced, incompetent, do not know local issues &local people, distant

Administration – some impressions

• • • • • • • So far little interaction with us (except planning advisor) -> hard to say DS thought to be important as well as involvement of local people General belief that initiative must come from “grassroots” – especially non-profit, but also entrepreneural Administration supports local initiatives Has been dynamic in descision-making -> some are content, others would like more stability and certainty (case of two competing village centers in Võiste) Proactive when issue is in power range of municipality (master plan for bigger land properties, taking part in larger planning processes) Reactive in relations with enterprises – supportive when initiative is expressed (e.g. Lottemaa), otherwise little power

Strategic problems


No or unsuficcient light traffic roads, e.g from Uulu to Pärnu = usage of cars =less possibilities for sports and recreation New inhabitants do not develop bonds with municipaltiy. Few become officially inhabitants of Tahkuranna. = people are not content and municipalty does not receive taxes Lack of daycare vacancies = children must be taken elsewhere, parents loosely bound to municipality = less official inhabitants Weakness of tourism sector – lack of public beaches, no sailing harbours, no ATV tracks, Jõulumäe used only in winter =nature resource used unefficiently Lack of suitable jobs; lack of local services (dining in Võiste, postal services, ATM-s)


Lack of money; Nature protection areas Lack of services and cultural events Tight budget State of economy

Strategic problems – our view

• Community building – Uulu becoming “place for sleeping” – Identity related to villages, no or little “municipal identity” – Getting old & new, Uulu & Võiste together – HOW?

• Seaside – unused resource for locals and visitors. (Familiy) tourism is a realistic option – Reiu Golf, Lottemaa

• Importance of traditional economy – agriculture and fishery – find new twist At the same time - must admit powerful external factors! For example - difficulty of choosing Via Baltica route; proximity of Pärnu

Thank you!


20. August – tere tulemast hapukurgifestivalile!

3 K - kurk, kala ja käsitöö