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NICE News and Status
Klaus Petersen and Anne-Marie Mai
The first 6 months …
Recruitment of assistant professor and post.docs
Finalizing contracts for %-professors
Making a plan for research applications
Plans for seminars and events (TBA)
Lots of planning 
Assistant professors/post.docs.
Presenting today:
• Heidi Vad Jønsson (History, 08-14)
• Camilla Schwarz (Culture Studies, 02-14)
• Lisa Dahlager (Health, 09-14)
• XXX (Health, late autumn 14)
Post.doc. Christop Nguyen
(Co-financed with
political science)
Starting mid-September
One year
Ph.D. Northwestern University 2014
Research interests:Comparative political economy, political psychology, insecurity
and risk inequality, welfare states, industrial relations, organizational behavior,
social trust, mixed methodology, experimental methods
Dissertation: Coping with Economic Insecurity: Labor market risk, trust, and cooperation
Publications include: James Mahoney, Khairunnisa Mohamedali, and Christoph Nguyen, “The Causal Logic of
Historical Institutionalism”, Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism, Forthcoming
Four %-professors
Birgit Pfau-Effinger
Bruce Robbins
Professor in sociology, Hamburg Universität
Professor in English and Compartive
literature, Columbia University
Research interests: Comparative WS research,
gender and family policy, culture and
Research interest s: 19th- and 20th-century
fiction; Nordic crime fiction; literary and
cultural theory, the literary history of the
welfare state
Four %-professors
Daniel Béland
Olli Kangas
Research director, KELA, Helsinki
Professor in Sociology, University of
Research interests: Welfare state, comparative
WS studies, the role of ideas, taxes, etc. etc.
Research interests: Nordic welfare state,
comparative WS research, pensions, health,
measurement of ”welfare” etc etc.
So far so good – what nexts?
The team is now set …
Challenge 1: Individual research projects (publications)
Challenge 2: Larger research applications
Challenge 3: NICE cooperation and infrastructure
Individual research projects
Four individual research agendas TBA here today
Engagement in the larger applications
Individual applications: FKK/FSE, Marie Curie, Carlsberg
NICE have some support for projects:
Travel (conference etc.): App. 10-15.000 pro year
Data collection
Research seminars
Meetings preparing applications
Support from research assistant
Planned larger projects
NORD-Spin(Pernille, Paul, Klaus & Olli)
Labour market and preferences (Paul)
Patient involvement (Kim, Klaus and AM)
Narrative medicin (Peter and AM)
Welfare state museum (Klaus and AM)
Individual projects:
Peter, Klaus, Paul & Anne-Marie will try ERC in 2015 and
2016 as well as FSE/FKK, Carlsberg, Velux
NCOE NORD-spin (spatial inqualities)
NORD-forsk NCOE program in Health and Welfare
Working group: Olli, Klaus, Paul and Pernille (deadline: November 2014)
Focus on spatial inequality in health and welfare
Topics: 1) Family-work balance, 2) Marginalization, 3) Labour market
transformations, 4) Life styles and cultures
Creating a joint Nordic frame work for approaching regional disparities in new
innovative ways based on inter-disciplinary and multi-method approach.
Creating a joint Nordic framework for formulating and communicating smarter policy
Creating a Nordic platform for international cooperation
Creating a joint Nordic platform for inter-generational cooperation.
Unifying research findings and policy-making.
Producing easy-to-access comparable Nordic data bases.
Partners from: Helsinki (KELA, HU and others), Oslo (ISF), Stockholm (Karolinska,
SU), Reykjavik (HI), SDU (various departments and DS)
Cross-disciplinary: Sociology, Political Science, Health, History, Economics, Culture
• Marie Curie Innovative Training Network
• Focus on patient involvement in research, diagnosis and
• Planned application in 2016
• 3-4 international partners
Project(s) on narrative medicin/
literature and medicin
Humanistic Perspectives on Health Systems and Patients:
Patients and Care Givers in Contemporary Health
Practice, Political Rhetoric, Art and Literature
Danish Agency for Science and Teknology
Peter Simonsen
Rita Charon
Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director of the Program in
Narrative Medicine at the Columbia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons
Co-editor of Stories Matter: The Role of Narrative in
Medical Ethics, Routledge 2002.
Editor-in-chief of the journal Literature and Medicine
Rishi Goyal
Rishi Goyal finished his PhD in English and his Emergency Medicine residency as Chief
Resident from Columbia University in 2010. Goyal is an Assistant Professor in the
Division of Emergency Medicine and is teaching a class in the Institute of Comparative
Literature entitled “Imagining Illness”. He is broadly interested in the intersection of
medicine and culture and is more specifically interested in the areas of
medical cognition and identity and representation after illness.
The risk society revisited: illness narratives
and personal responsibility
Like other forms of autobiographical writing, illness narratives have become more common in
modern times. The proliferation of illness narratives began in parallel with the modern growth of
effective biomedicine, the most representative stories being cancer in the 1970s and AIDS in the
1980s. While both cancer and AIDS narratives ushered in an era of the ‘politicized patient’, as
marginalized and disenfranchised individuals claimed a voice and seat at the table, both were
predicated on the eventual success of scientific rationality. Distinct from those earlier narratives,
the most representative illness narrative in contemporary times is the reflexive risk narrative.
Reflexive risk narratives are centered on the risks to the body and health from modernization and
underscore illness as a constitutive aspect of identity. Even as more illnesses can be traced to
corporate practices and the latent side effects of modernization, neoliberal ideology seems to place
the moral burden of disease squarely on the patient who is blamed or lauded for his or her active
risk management.
Rachel Adams
Professor of English and Comparative Literature
19th- and 20th-century American literature; media studies; theories of gender and
sexuality; disability studies; cultural studies; theories of transnationalism and
She is the director of "The Future of Disability Studies Project," and also holds an
appointment in the American Studies Program. Her most recent book is Raising
Henry: A Memoir of Motherhood, Disability, and Discovery, published by Yale
University Press in 2013.
Sayantani DasGupta, MD, MPH
Pediatrician, trained in oral history, international feminist activist,
leader in disability studies now writing a book on surrogate
motherhood in India. Teaches two required courses in the MS
program—Illness Narratives and Narrative Medicine and Social
Annette Søgaard Nielsen
Projektdirektør, Adjunkt, Cand. phil, phd
Forskningsenheden for klinisk
Mødet mellem to verdener
Patienter og behandlere i
Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2002.
Welfare state museum
• Velux Foundation: Call for cooperation between
museums and university (deadline november 2014)
• Building on existing cooperation
• Social welfare museum in Svendborg
• Focus: Marginalized groups
• Studying, telling their story and giving access to their
own story
3. NICE infrastructure
Long term plan for international seminars
Cooperation between post.docs/assistant professors
International workshops/seminars
How to ”use” %-professors