Parent Involvement in the Title I Law

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Parent Involvement in the
Title I Law
Title I State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC)
PAFPC Conference
April 3-6, 2011
Discuss LEA requirements of Section 1118
of NCLB relating to Parent Involvement.
 Discuss state-level parent involvement
 Provide effective ideas for enhancing your
own parent involvement programs.
Definition of “Parent Involvement”
The participation of parents in regular, two-way, and
meaningful communication involving student academic
learning and other school activities, including ensuring—
that parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s
that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their
child’s education at school;
that parents are full partners in their child’s education and are
included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory
committees to assist in the education of their child; and
that other activities are carried out, such as those described in
section 1118 of the ESEA
Parent Involvement in Title I
 Section
1118 of No Child Left
order to receive Title I funds,
school districts must involve Title
I parents in the planning,
implementation and evaluation of
the Title I program.
Areas of LEA Responsibility for
Parent Involvement
Development of the Title I Plan
LEA Parent Involvement Policy
Evaluation of the Effectiveness LEA Parent
Involvement Policy
Reservation of Funds
 1% of Title I allocation if over $500,000
 95% of these funds must be distributed to buildings for
parent involvement activities
 Funds reserved in excess of 1% may be used for district
wide parent activities.
Parent Right to Know Requirements
Parent Involvement in the Title I
The Title I Plan (for the Title I program for
the following year) must be jointly
developed with the parents of participating
If Plan is not satisfactory to parents, LEA must
submit parent comments with the plan when it is
submitted to the state.
 Meetings,
workshops, etc.
LEA Parent Involvement Policy
Each LEA that receives Title I, Part A funds must develop a
written parental involvement policy that establishes the LEA’s
expectations for parental involvement.
Policy must be developed jointly with, and agreed upon with,
the parents of children participating in Title I.
Exception: If the LEA already has a district-level parental
involvement policy that applies to all parents, the LEA may
amend that existing policy, if necessary, to meet the
requirements of section 1118
Resource: Checklist of Required LEA Policy Components
LEA Parent Involvement Policy
Must include a description of:
 How parents will be involved in development of the Title I
plan and in school review and improvement.
 The coordination and technical assistance provided by LEA
in developing effective parent involvement.
 How the LEA will help build capacity for strong parent
 How the LEA will coordinate parent involvement activities
with other programs.
 How the LEA will conduct an annual evaluation of parent
involvement policy.
 Involve parents in the activities of schools served under
Title I, Part A.
LEA Parent Involvement Policy
The District Parent Involvement Policy
must be disseminated to all Title I parents
 Mail
 Website
 Newsletters
 Parent/Teacher
Parent Right to Know (Section 1111)
LEAs must notify parents at the beginning
of each school year of their right to request
information on the qualifications of the
teachers and paraprofessionals teaching
their children.
Parent Involvement Set-Aside
LEAs receiving more than $500,000 in Title I
must reserve 1% (minimum) for parent
 95%
must be distributed to schools
 5% can be used for nonpublic parent involvement
 Set asides amounts in excess of 1% may be used for
district-wide parent involvement activities.
LEAs receiving less than $500,000 in Title I still
must meet all requirements for parent
involvement, but are not required to set aside
funds to do so.
School-level Responsibilities for
Parent Involvement
Written School Level Parent Involvement
 Parent Right to Know Requirements
 School-Parent Compacts (Shared
Responsibilities for High Student
 Build Capacity for Strong Parent
School Level Parent Involvement
Policy must include…
How the Title I School will:
 Carry
out parent involvement requirements
in Section 1118, including the Development
of School/Parent Compacts.
Exception: If the school has an existing
school level parent involvement policy, it
may be amended to meet the
requirements of Section 1118.
School Level Parent
Involvement Policy (Cont’d)
Describe how the school will provide Title I
 Timely
information on Title I
 School Performance Profiles
 Child’s individual student assessment results
 Description/explanation of their curriculum
 Opportunities for Regular Meetings
 Describe process of timely responses to
Policy must be disseminated to parents and
made available to community.
Right to Know Requirements
Title I, Part A schools must give each
parent timely notice when their child has
been assigned, or has been taught for four
or more consecutive weeks, by a teacher
who is not “highly qualified”.
School-Parent Compacts
A written agreement of shared responsibility that- Defines the goals and expectations of schools and
parents as partners in the efforts to improve student
 Outline how parents, school staff, and students will
work together and build a partnership to help students
achieve high academic standards.
 Serve as a catalyst for collaboration and guide for
ongoing, better communication between school staff
and parents.
School-Parent Compacts
Must be developed jointly with Title I parents.
Must be shared and reviewed with parents at
parent-teacher conferences.
Must be reviewed and updated annually.
Each school must develop their own compact.
Building Capacity for Involvement
LEA/Schools may- Involve parents in the training of school staff.
 Provide literacy training, if no other funds are available.
 Pay transportation and child care costs to enable parents
to participate in meetings and training sessions.
 Train parents to train other parents.
 Arrange meetings at a variety of times to meet the needs
of parents with different schedules.
 Arrange in-home conferences if parents can’t get to
 Send materials home in a language parents can
understand (this is a “must”).
State Level Parent Involvement Activities
Title I State Parent Advisory Council
 Title
I State Parent Conference
Seven Springs Resort
SPAC will cover registration and lodging for one Title I parent
per district
Childcare available for an additional cost
 Technical Assistance
Visits for School Districts
Parent Resource Center (IU 4)
Title I Parent Involvement Toolkit
For more information on SPAC:
Parent Involvement Resources
United States Department of Education Website
(law and guidance):
State Parent Advisory Council Website
Division of Federal Programs Website
Title I Parent Involvement Toolkit: