Transcript CBSA Update

TBWG – The Ottawa Update
Canada Border Services Agency
Montreal, Québec
October 23, 2013
Jay LaFrance, Canada-US Relations
1. Operating Environment
2. Changes in Leadership
3. Continuing Initiatives and Balancing Priorities
Operating Environment
• Speech from the Throne
– Balancing the budget and shrinking the cost of Government
• Tightened Fiscal Environment
– Economic competitiveness and facilitation at the border is critical
Changes in Leadership
• Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness
– The Honourable Steven Blaney was named as the new minister
of the Public Safety portfolio on July 15, 2013
• Vice-President of Programs Branch
– Mr. Richard Wex assumes the role of VP Programs on
December 9, 2013, upon the retirement of Cathy Munroe
• Vice-President of Operations Branch
– Mr. Martin Bolduc appointed VP Operations on October 7, 2013
Continuing Initiatives and Balancing Priorities
• Border Modernization
– Focus on improving efficiencies and service excellence
• Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter
Security and Economic Competitiveness
– Sustained commitment to produce results
Entry / Exit
• Entry / Exit information initiative enables the exchange
of biographical information on the entry of travellers at
the Canada-US land borders
– Phase I of the pilot launched in September 2012
• Piloted at four points of entry
– Phase II launched on June 30, 2013
• Data exchange has expanded to all common, automated land
border ports of entry
Small and Remote Ports of Entry
• Small and Remote Ports of Entry initiative established
between the CBSA and US Customs and Border
Protection addresses operational efficiencies on both
sides of the border
– bi-national approach to operational alignment, infrastructure
investment, and enhancement of client service at small and
remote ports of entry
• Remote traveller processing pilots begin April 2015
– Morses Pine, Quebec
– Piney, Manitoba
Integrated Cargo Security Strategy (ICSS)
• ICSS aims to identify and resolve security concerns as
early as possible in the supply chain or at the perimeter.
• Phase I: Development of the ICSS by June 30, 2012
• Phase II: Launch of the ICSS pilots
Prince Rupert (Marine to Rail)
Montreal (Marine to Highway)
CBSA-TC Pre-Load Air Cargo Targeting
Future Newark (Marine to Highway-US/CAN)
Tamper Evident Technology
Trusted Trader Programs
• Common framework for Trusted Trader programs
– Working towards harmonizing Canada’s Partners in Protection
and the United States’ Customs-Trade Partnerships Against
Terrorism program
• Free and Secure Trade (FAST) benefits were extended
at the Sarnia, Ontario border crossing to members of
these two programs.
– An assessment of the pilot results is currently underway
• NEXUS program enhancements
– mobile enrolments
– streamlining membership renewal process
• Promoting increase in NEXUS membership
• More Lanes
– Additional lane at Peace Bridge, March 2013
– Additional lane at Pacific Highway, February 2013
– Additional lane at Queenston-Lewiston Bridge, May 2013
Single Window
• The CBSA, along with nine other federal departments
and agencies are implementing Single Window
Initiative (SWI) to improve the delivery of border
processing services
• By December 2013, data requirements of four
participating government departments will be converted
to electronic form the public
• By December 2014, a “single window” will be created
through which importers can submit all the information
requirements they currently send to various government
departments and agencies
Contact information
Please contact:
Jay LaFrance
Canada-US Relations
[email protected]