Initial assessment - Local Employment Service

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Transcript Initial assessment - Local Employment Service

Blending learning with
employment support
programmes using
John Stewart
National Adult Literacy Co-ordinator, NALA
[email protected]
Tel: 01 4127913
086 826 0011
• Devastating impact of crises on employment of under 25 year
olds and people with basic skill needs.
Hard to get a job with little/no experience or low qualifications.
• NALA and Southside LES collaborated on a Momentum project
Personal Pathways to Employment for 60 under-25s.
• Blends distance and online learning and 1:1 job supports.
- web-based learning - level 2 & 3 certification
- personalised supports to find work (jobs coach, guidance
counsellor, work placements, employment supports).
Summary Profile of group
• Work experience
- 1/3 had none, 1/3 had less than a year.
• Average participant was 3.7 years unemployed.
• Education standard
- 50% had Level 3 or less, 17% level 4.
• 25% reported specific learning needs or
Aim: to support 60 participants towards
employment or further education / training
Outcomes: Of the 60 participants,
• 58 achieved at least one Momentum project outcome.
• 12 achieved awards, completed placements and
progressed to FET or a job.
• Over half progressed into training or employment.
over 1 year
Level 3 awards
Work Placements
40 placements, 4
Went into
education or
Got jobs.
Personal Pathways to Employment
Profile of group – not well served before.
Momentum - difficult to apply to cohort.
Southside LES / NALA collaboration worked!!
Cost effective way to provide learning,
qualifications and confidence.
• Southside LES now blends with
other programmes (Women returners)
• May be of interest to other LES’s and
partnerships (e.g. TÚS)
What is ?
• It is a web-based distance learning resource.
• Purpose of
– To allow learners to improve their reading,
writing, numbers, ICT and personal development
skills and pursue accreditation if desired.
• Developed for independent distance learning
• Now used it as a blended learning resource by 180
centres to support their programmes.
• Also a system for recognition of prior learning.
• Supports available – tutoring / materials.
QQI Awards available on
Level 2 Major Award
- choose from 12 Minor awards
Level 3 Major Awards
Employability, ICT and General Learning
- choose from 14 Minor awards
Listening and Speaking
Application of Number
Personal Decision Making
Functional Mathematics
Setting Learning Goals
Computer Literacy
Quantity and Number
Internet Skills
Pattern and Relationship
Digital Media
Shape and Space
Career Preparation
Data Handling
Health and Safety Awareness
Quantitative Problem Solving
Personal Effectiveness
Using Technology
Personal and Interpersonal Skills
Computer Skills
Managing Personal Finances
Self Advocacy
Event Participation
to Level 4
No awards
resources in
Digital Media
• Provides for self directed learning plans
•A blended learning resource for providers
• Provides certification at NFQ levels 2 & 3
• Acts as stepping stone to further learning
• Cost effective, quality assured.
Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL
• Integral part of
• Initial, formative and summative assessment
against national standards.
• Provides RPL at NFQ levels 2 and 3.
• Only RPL system at these levels in Ireland.
• Example: Project with Southside LES
used RPL to support aims and qualifications.
How to use as blended
learning resource
• Register and agree terms
- Become a member of NALA (€50 – €150 p.a.)
• Plan blended learning to enhance your
programmes Or support learners to learn
independently or with NALA telephone tutors.
• Attend free training
• Support people to achieve and provide national
NALA will support you to plan and blend into your programmes.
Terms and Conditions
Become a member of NALA.
All passwords will be recorded and maintained securely by the Centre Contact
Person named on page 1
No learner’s password will be revealed to another learner
Only one learner will access using any given password
The centre will try, as far as is practical, to ensure that submissions are the work of
a single learner
The centre will ensure that all work submitted meets the required standard
The centre will ensure that all information supplied by learners is accurate
Centre-based tutors will make themselves aware of NALA’s interpretation of FETAC
Specific Learning Outcomes and support learners accordingly
Centres will ensure that learners do not use insulting on inappropriate language
while using the forum and chat functions while in the centre
No fee shall be charged for any learner using writeon for accreditation
14 Steps to Accreditation
• Step 1: Learners log on to
• Step 2: Learners select an area of study
• Step 3: They complete an Initial Assessment for each award they wish to
work towards.
(Initial Assessment identifies learners who have demonstrated all
standards for a particular award, and learners proceed directly to Step 6.
Such learners are treated as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) learners)
• Step 4: An individual Learning plan is shown based on the outcome of the
Initial Assessment
• Step 5: Learners complete learning if they need to.
• Step 6: Learners complete a Summative Assessment online
• Step 7: Additional assessment activities are completed in an online
portfolio for those outcomes that cannot be assessed by elearning alone.
These activities involve real-world tasks with evidence uploaded into the
14 Steps to Accreditation
• Step 8: NALA verifies work, contacts learner to let them know they can
apply for award.
• Step 9: Learners fill in an online form, verify they have completed the work
on their own and then submit for the award
• Step 10: NALA completed an 'Internal Verification' process where we
check learners' work and verify it meets agreed standards and followed
assessment processes
• Step 11: NALA complete an 'External Authentication' process where an
External Authenticator reviews evidence
• Step 12: Learners whose submissions have been deferred have access to a
Results Appeal process
• Step 13: NALA approves results and requests awards from QQI
• Step 14: Awards received by NALA, checked and posted out to learner or
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Step by Step Guide
Thank you
John Stewart
National Adult Literacy Co-ordinator,
[email protected]
Tel: 01 4127913
086 826 0011
Try It Out – L2
Request a password – note it down
Give yourself a unique username (test_johnLES)
Add in (real or fake) information
Select Level 2
Pick any award
Start working
Check out portfolio
Strategies for Improving
Participation in and Awareness of
Adult Learning
European Commission, 2012
NALA listed as one of top 16
case studies for “Written Off” TV series and distance learning
OECD Adult Skills Survey 2013
42% of Irish adults
25% of Irish
score at or below
adults are at or
Level 1 on the
below level 1 of
problem solving scale
– 825,000 people.
754,000 people.
CSO Figures
Almost 18% of Irish adults are
18% of labour
at or below level 1 of literacy –
force have
525,000 people.
qualifications at
level 3 or less.
Project Stages
Personal Pathways to Employment project - NALA SSP LES
& promotion
Recruit 60 unemployed U-25s and local employers
Initial assessment identifying needs and strengths,
and ongoing supports for learning and employability
learning - tutoring support, FETAC Level 3 certification,
with a choice of 14 Minor and 3 Major awards
Job preparation
A jobs mentor – from Southside LES - supports career preparation, work
experience and matching to particular jobs.
Integral - with supports from jobs mentor and guidance counsellor
Assistance to find and sustain jobs, with on-the-job supports
Progression plan - employment & further education and training
Assess relative success and potential for national mainstreaming
Blended Learning Benefits
NALA experience suggests benefits:
– For learners:
• Facilitates independent learning and learning in different ways and styles.
• Learners may require more support than you can traditionally provide.
• Integrates literacy and numeracy into other content learning.
– For providers:
Expands learning time and optimises learning and tutoring resources
Supports learning to meet the needs of a particular learner.
Shares content rather than reinvents the wheel every time.
Provides for certification and RPL
– For policy makers
• Can provide greater outcomes and achievement
• Optimises resources