Teaching The Olympic Lifts
Transcript Teaching The Olympic Lifts
Teaching The Olympic Lifts
Robert McAdams
Power Exercises “Why’s”
Athletes measured at 1964 Olympic Games at Mexico City revealed…
Weightlifters had higher Vertical Jump than all athletes including jumpers
Weightlifters had faster 25m Sprint than all athletes including sprinters
So How do Olympic lifters train?
My Trial (6 months) of Olympic Weightlifting Training
Before: Snatch 145#, Clean 210#, VJ 26”, 40 time 5.05 sec
After: Snatch 265#, Clean 330#, VJ 34”, 40 time 4.8 sec (start/acceleration)
Physics: Bests lifts converted to Power: ft-lb/sec & horsepower
Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat = Strength & Power Training
Squat = 550 lb x 3 ft / 2 sec =
825 ft x lb/sec (1.5 HP)
Bench = 365 lb x 2 ft / 1.5 sec =
487 ft x lb/sec (0.9 HP)
Power Snatch = 300 lb x 3 ft / .2 to .3 sec = 3000-4500 ft x lb/sec (5.5-8.2 HP)
Power Clean = 360 lb x 2.5 ft /.2 to .3 sec = 3000-4500 ft x lb/sec (5.5-8.2 HP)
NOTE TIME… Kids don’t lift like that—more like .6-.9 sec due to incorrect technique
Olympic Lifts Conclusion
Olympic Weightlifting is King of High-Power Output (athletic) Lifts
Evidenced by physics, my results, and the weightlifters in Mexico City…
Are most powerful activities known to man or measured by science
Are many times more powerful than basic strength movements
Training at highest power levels increases power output most
Olympic lifts should be a staple of any high power training regime
Example Bad Olympic Lifts, Like Most HS
Explosion is long, slow, delayed, and/or non-existent
Lower Power Levels
Play Lifts (go over physics)
Snatch = 175lb x 3 ft / .6 to .9 sec = 875-585 ft-lb/sec
C&J = 245lb x 2.5ft / .6 to .9 sec = 1020-680 ft-lb/sec
Example Good Olympic Lifts, Unlike Most HS
Explosion is quick, distinct, completely extended, and FAST
Very High Power Levels
Play Lifts (at same bodyweight)
Snatch = 245lb x 3 ft / .2 to .3 sec = 3675-2450 ft-lb/sec
C&J = 310lb x 2.5ft / .2 to .3 sec = 3875-2583 ft-lb/sec
Front Squat
Bar way back into throat with a wider than shoulder
width grip
Elbows up & in as high as possible
Move kids’ elbows around & up/in & yell,
“Relax!!! Quit fighting me!!!”
Force kids to relax hands/wrists/fingers
Squat all the way down slow while holding elbows
up/in with RELAXED shoulders
Pause at the bottom with elbows up, relaxed
shoulders, and weight on heels
Overhead Squat
Bar over ears—behind head “reach up” with
very wide grip (bar 3-8” over head)
Ease down slowly by “sitting back” with “bar
back” and “head through”
Pause at the bottom with good balance and
weight on heels
Stretch shoulders/hips before, during, and
after this—it is very flexibility-dependent
Long Term Teaching Plan
Phase 1 1-2 Weeks
M/W/F: Teach support positions 5x3r
Overhead Pause Squat / Front Pause Squat
Tu/Th: Introduce Hang-Slow
“Hang Slow” means basic pulling/jumping movement pattern and correct positions, not moving
extremely fast, explosive, or with heavy weights
Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat / Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
Phase 2 (when 75%+ proficient at Phase 1) 2-4 Weeks
M/W/F: Hang-Slow 5x3r
Tu/Th: Introduce Hang-Fast
“Hang Fast” means much more emphasis on quickness, speed, and sharp movements in 1)
explosion, 2) movement under bar, 3) into good support positions
Hang Snatch / Hang Clean
Phase 3/4/5 (when 75%+ proficient at Phase 2) 2-4 Weeks
M/W/F: Hang-Fast 5x3r
Tu/Th: Introduce Knee, To-Ground, & From-Ground Lifts
Lifts start “to the knee”—when 75%+ prof. replace M/W/F 5x3r and move on…
Progress to “to the ground”—when 75%+ prof. replace M/W/F 5x3r and move on…
Progress to “from ground”—when 75%+ prof. replace M/W/F 5x3r and move on…
Phase 6 (when 75%+ proficient at Phase 5)
M/W/F: Full Lifts 5x3r
Tu/Th: Introduce 20’s (all starting from the ground)
Progress to Normal 20’s, work-up 20’s, and coach individual strength/weakness
All times frames are dependent on teaching/learning level
Phase 1 Technique Tu/Th
Teach “Ready” position, clean & snatch explosion phase, & reinforce support positions
Clean (do 1 row of platforms at a time on command)
Jump/Shrug as high as possible with bar
Power Clean
Jump/Shrug Elbows Up/Stomp (Front Squat top position)
3x3r “Stand tall, pooch butt…. SHRUG-STOMP!!”
Power Clean + Front Squat
3x3r “Stand tall, Pooch butt…. JUMP!!”
Jump/Shrug Elbows Up/Stomp Catch-Front Squat IMMEDIATELY
3x3r “Stand tall, pooch but…. SHRUG-STOMP—SQUAT!! ELBOWS UP!!”
Jump/Shrug as high as possible
Power Snatch
3x3r “Stand tall, pooch butt…. JUMP!!”
Jump/Shrug Elbows High/Reach/Stomp (Overhead Squat position)
3x3r “Stand tall, pooch butt…. SHRUG—STOMP/REACH!!”
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Jump/Shrug Elbows High/Reach/Stomp Catch-Overhead Squat IMMEDIATELY
3x3r “Stand tall, pooch butt…. SHRUG—STOMP-SQUAT!! REACH!!”
Phase 2 Technique Tu/Th
Teach quickness under bar, fast explosion, fast feet, and reinforce support positions
Clean (do 1 row of platforms at a time on command)
Power Clean + Front Squat
Clean Jump Unders w/ pause (lighter weight)
Jump/Shrug Elbows Up/Stomp Catch-Front Squat IMMEDIATELY
4x3r “Ready and (means stand tall, pooch butt)…. POP-STOMP—SQUAT!! ELBOWS
Quick Shrug Elbows WHIP/STOMP Catch Rock Bottom + Pause
5x3r “Ready—QUICK!! Elbows Up-TIGHT!! …. UP!!”
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Drop Snatch (bar behind neck) w/ pause (lighter weight)
Jump/Shrug Elbows High/Reach/Stomp Catch-Overhead Squat IMMEDIATELY
3x3r “Ready and…. POP—STOMP-SQUAT!! REACH!!”
Quick Pop Reach/Stomp QUICK Catch Rock Bottom + Pause
3x1+3r (PS 1 + 3 Drop Snatch from neck) “Ready—QUICK!! Reach-TIGHT!! …. UP!!”
Snatch Jump Unders w/ pause (lighter weight)
Quick Shrug Elbows HIGH/STOMP/REACH Catch Rock Bottom + Pause
3x3r “Ready—QUICK!! REACH-TIGHT!! …. UP!!”
Phase 3 Technique Tu/Th
Teach lifts to the knee
Clean (do 1 row of platforms at a time on command)
Full Clean to Knee (bar traces the thigh—stays on thigh)
Clean Jump Unders to Knee (lighter weight)
Ease (to knee) Back (to top) Pop Elbows Up/Stomp Catch-Squat
5x2r “Ready-Ease…Back…POP-STOMP!! Elbows Up-TIGHT!!”
Ease (to knee) Back (to top) Quick Shrug Elbows Up/Stomp Catch Rock
Bottom + Pause Stand
5x2r “Ready-Ease…Back…QUICK-STOMP!! Elbows Up-TIGHT!! UP!!”
Full Snatch to Knee (bar traces the thigh—stays on thigh)
Ease (to knee) Back (to top) Pop Elbows High/Stomp-Reach Catch-Squat
5x2r “Ready-Ease…Back…POP-STOMP!! Reach-TIGHT!!”
Snatch Jump Unders to Knee (lighter weight)
Ease (to knee) Back (to top) Quick Shrug Elbows High/Stomp-Reach
Catch Rock Bottom + Pause Stand
5x2r “Ready-Ease…Back…QUICK-STOMP!! Reach-TIGHT!! UP!!”
Phase 4 Technique Tu/Th
Teach lifts to the ground
Clean (do 1 row of platforms at a time on command)
3-Position Clean (Hang, Knee, Ground)
Full Clean to Ground w/ pause
3x1+1+1r (1 HC + 1 KC + 1 GC)
Hang: “Ready and… POP-STOMP!! Elbows Up-TIGHT!!”
Knee: “Ready-Ease…Back…POP-STOMP!! Elbows Up-TIGHT!!”
Ground: “Ready-Ease…Down…Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! Elbows Up!!”
5x2r “Ready-Ease…Down…Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! Elbows Up-
3-Position Snatch (Hang, Knee, Ground)
3x1+1+1r (1 HC + 1 KC + 1 GC)
Hang: “Ready and… POP-STOMP!! Reach-TIGHT!!”
Knee: “Ready-Ease…Back…POP-STOMP!! Reach-TIGHT!!”
Ground: “Ready-Ease…Down…Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! ReachTIGHT!!”
Full Snatch to Ground w/ pause
5x2r “Ready-Ease…Down…Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! Reach-
Phase 5 Technique Tu/Th
Teach lifts from the ground + reinforce quickness/speed
Clean (do 1 row of platforms at a time on command)
Clean Jump Under to Ground w/ pause
3x2r “Chest Up—Tight-Tight…Smooth…Back…QUICK-STOMP!! Elbows Up!!...Up!!”
Clean from Ground
Clean Jump Under from Ground w/ pause
3x2r “Ready-Ease…Down…Tight-Tight…Smooth…Back…QUICK-STOMP!! Elbows
5x2r “Chest Up—Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! Elbows Up!!
Snatch Jump Under to Ground w/ pause
Snatch Jump Under from Ground w/ pause
3x2r “Ready-Ease…Down…Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! Reach-
3x2r “Ready-Ease…Down…Smooth…Back…QUICK-STOMP!! Reach-TIGHT!!...UP!!”
Snatch from Ground
5x2r “Chest Up—Tight-Tight…Smooth…POP-STOMP!! Reach-TIGHT!!...UP!!”
Phase 6 Technique Tu/Th
“20 Workout” Purposes
Reinforce quickness and correct positions, identify & correct individual technical errors
Carryover light technique to heavy lifts and gain confidence attacking heavy weights
Team competition/cooperation/camradery
“Perfect 20” Workout—focus on technical mastery and “perfect reps”
EZ Weight (chart)
“Workup 20” Workout—focus on carryover of technique to heavy weights
EZ Weight or Max MINUS 80-90lb range for average/strong athlete
Snatch 20x1r (same weight)
Clean 20x1r (same weight)
Snatch 20x1r—Add 10lb every odd set after 8th (60lb)
Clean 20x1r—Add 10lb every odd set after 8th (60lb)
Can substitute 5lb jumps (30lb) and minus 40-50lb for JH or weaker kids
“Max 20” Workout (Full Team – No Agilities, best after a “Power” Wednesday)
EZ Weight or 1RM MINUS 80-90lb range for average/strong athlete
Snatch 20x1r
Clean 20x1r
Add 10lb per set after 8th (70lb)
Add 5lb per set after 15th (25lb) = 95lb
Add 10lb per set after 8th (70lb)
Add 5lb per set after 15th (25lb) = 95lb
Must substitute 5lb after 8th (60lb) and minus 40-50lb for JH or weaker kids
Feel free to contact me at either…
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