Transcript Document

Design Management:
When Model Driven Engineering
Embraces the Semantic Web
NECSIS 2012, Gatineau, QC
27 June 2012
Maged Elaasar
 Overview of Design Management (DM)
 Defining a domain with DM
 The remaining challenges
Design Management (DM)
 DM is a collaborative web-based tool that enables stakeholders to contribute to
and influence the design of software and systems.
 DM embraces the Semantic Web principles: Linked Data, Open-world assumption
 DM is implemented as a set of web services on top of the Jazz platform
 DM capabilities are integrated in two products:
 Rational Software Architect Design Manager (beta available on
 Rational Rhapsody Design Manager (beta available on
Design Management Features
 Domain definition
 Declaratively define a modeling domain along with a domain-specific tool for it.
 In-context collaboration
 Create, share and review models collaboratively using a web client with stakeholders.
 Change management for designs
 Store and manage model elements on a server directly (i.e., no need to map to files)
 Traceability and impact analysis
 Set up links between model elements, trace between them and analyze impact of change
 Reporting and document generation
 Use document/report templates to generate and share documents and reports
 Other: Validation, Transformation, Migration of models
Design Management Architecture
Design creation, editing,
search, query, validate,
analyze, report
Jazz Storage
§Architecture Elements
§Comments (visual,
Rhapsody client
Design Management
services on Jazz Team
Server (JTS)
RSA client
Design creation, search, query,
view, comment, review, link,
report, validate, analyze
Design change control
and versioning (modelbased)
Web client
 Overview of Design Management (DM)
 Defining a domain with DM
 The remaining challenges
Domain Definition with Design Management
 A domain is a definition of a domain-specific modeling language and its tooling
 Before Design Management
 A domain was defined as either a MOF (EMF) metamodel or a UML profile
 A model is serialized in XMI and queried using OCL/XPath
 Closed world assumption: hard to integrate domains or extend models
 Most domain-specific tooling was code driven
 With Design Management
 A domain is defined as a set of OWL ontologies
 A model is serialized in RDF and queries using SPARQL
 Open world assumption: easy to integrate domains and extend models
 Most domain-specific tooling is data driven
Domain Definition with Design Management
 DM Domain Toolkit allows for defining a domain declaratively:
 The abstract syntax is defined with a set of OWL ontologies (with DM extensions)
 The concrete graphical syntax is defined with a mapping to a graphics
 Various (diagram, tree or form based) editors can be defined in details
 Live and batch validation rules can be defined in several expression languages
 Future aspects: transformation, migration, inference…etc.
 Several domains are prepackaged:
 UML (ontology is imported from EMF)
 BPMN (ontology is imported from EMF)
 Topology
 Sketcher
 Rich Text
Domains Prepackaged in RSA DM
 UML, BPMN and Topology
Domains Prepackaged in RSA DM
 Rich Text and Sketcher
Domain Definition Process
DM Domain Editors
DM Core Domain
 DM provides a Core domain that consists of several ontologies including:
 XSD/RDF/RDFS/OWL (subset) for concept (class/property) modeling
 DM Core fills some gaps in concept modeling
 DM Editor/Explorer for defining content, layout and behavior of various kinds of editors
 DM File/Folder for defining domain-independent hierarchical organization of models
 DM Validation/Problem for defining validation rules using a number of languages
 DM Index/Query for controlling search/traceability related aspects on models
 DM Reporting/UI for controlling various UI and reporting aspects
DM Core Ontology
 DM Core fills some gaps in concept modeling by special annotations
 Document boundaries: which concepts should be defined in separate documents?
 dmcore:DocumentClass (class)
 dmcore:canDefine (property of dmcore:DocumentClass)
 Deletion cascade: how to cascade deletion of a model element?
 dmcore:deleteCascade (property of owl:ObjectProperty)
 Detailed container modeling: what is the type of container members?
 dmcore:allMembersFrom (property of owl:Restriction)
 Initial values for properties: is there an initial value for a property?
 dmcore:hasInitialValue (property of owl:Restriction)
 Type compatibility: can two given types be used together on a model element?
 dmcore:compatibleWith (property of owl:Class)
 Overview of Design Management (DM)
 Defining a domain with DM
 The remaining challenges
Open Issues
 Scalable Inferencing
 We need some level of scalable inferencing support for OWL ontologies
 Validation based on semantics of OWL
 We need to validate models against their ontology definition (a use case for inference?)
 Scalable and extensible SPARQL Queries
 We need SPARQL queries to scale regardless of order of statements in query
 We need the ability to define a library of useful utility functions to be used in SPARQL
 Derived properties
 We need a strategy to derive values of some properties such that they can be queried
Open Issues
 Model to model mapping
 We need a way to declaratively define a mapping between two domains
 We need the mapping to define document
 Model Migration
 We need a way to automatically migrate models when domains change
 Model Refactoring
 We need a way to perform model refactoring (update)
Open Issues
 Diagram Definition
 We need to define a diagram interchange ontology
 We need a way to declare the graphical syntax of a diagram (rendering rules)
 Scalable diagram loading
 We need a way to load diagrams incrementally as they are browsed
 Diagram Auto layout
 We need a way to declare auto layout strategy for a diagram
 Mapping OWL to UML Notation
 We need to define a mapping of the UML notation to OWL
 Multi resource editing
 We need a way to declare which resources should be impacted by a high level gesture
Open Issues
 Domain Extensibility
 We need a strategy for automatically managing extensions across document boundaries
 Domain Subsetting
 We need a strategy for defining a subset of a domain that should be visible
What tooling do you get by defining ?
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