Transcript Vita Kontic

Effective solutions for green urban
transport – Learning from CIVITAS cities:
“A ‘wildly’ successful bike-rental
scheme Bicike(LJ)”
16 April 2013
Vita Kontić, City of Ljubljana
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In this presentation:
Introduction: About Ljubljana and
Backgroud: “Comprehensive cycling
In focus: bicycle-sharing system – city
bike “Bicike(LJ)”
– introduction
– achievements
– challenges
Conclusion: Lessons learned and
Future plans: It’s not over! – further
development and promotion of cycling
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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About Ljubljana – Capital of Slovenia
approx. 280,000 residents; 275 km2
green, clean, safe and friendly
economic, political, educational, cultural,
historical centre of the country
Mission: to ensure the best service for
inhabitants and visitors, and persistantly
strengthening the quality of life
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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CIVITAS-ELAN in Ljubljana
Sep 2008 – Oct 2012; CIVITAS-ELAN
cities: Gent, Zagreb, Porto and Brno
challenged increased motorised traffic
How to get from congestion…
– to reduce car use and make it cleaner
– to make public transport greener, more
attractive and accessible to all
– improve conditions for cycling
and walking
17 local measures and 4 common
5,9 mio EUR for 11 local partners
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
… to redemption?
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Comprehensive cycling strategy
defines quality conditions for the city’s
cycling network, gives priority to cyclists
some of its proposals are included in
the new Traffic policy of COL to 2020
cycling coordinator of COL
10 % cycling share – increased by 27 %
Cycling platform of COL (partnership)
interactive city cycling map on Geopedia
outreach campaign, numerous events,
promotion and citizen engagement
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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New form of public transport – bike-sharing system Bicike(LJ)
part of a vision of Ljubljana
as a “cyclist-friendly city”
established on 12 May 2011
300 bicycles, 600 “parking”
31 stations, approx. 300 to
500 metres apart
weekly or yearly
subscription, self-service
1st hour of ride is free of
2nd=1€, 3rd=2€, 4th+=4€
private-public partnership:
available 24 hrs/day,
7 days/week
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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“Bicike(LJ)” – achievements
Even before the opening:
1,633 registrations; after 18 months:
– 40,000 registered users;
– 1.000.000 bike rides;
– averagely, each of the 300 bikes in the
system is hired at least 6 times per day.
Awards: IT Strawberry 2012 and Outstanding
Study in October 2012 (n=311, citizens of
Ljubljana and its surroundings):
– Bicike(LJ) is a very useful (79%) and
positive project (95% of those questioned);
– 98 % has heard of Bicikelj or know it well.
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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“Bicike(LJ)” – challenges
quite high costs:
project value: 1,800,000 €
maintanance costs/year: 900.000 €
→ BUT: value for citizens and
environment – priceless!
“temporary unreliability” at popular
locations (all bikes in use or stand full)
→ BUT: online interactive map&mobile
app to check availability/information,
and constant bike delivery service
citizens: “We want more! (initiatives and
requests for expansion )
→ BUT: expansion in plan!
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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Event l Date l Location l Speaker
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Lessons learned / recommendations
EU co-financing and private-public partnership is a good way to
tackle potencial financial barriers.
Political support is necessary.
Engage citizens and other stakeholders (from the beginning)!
Use innovative and creative communication/promotional methods!
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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Cyc(LJ)ing – future plans
to follow the ambitious goals of Traffic
policy of COL to 2020 (see above);
engagement in new cycling projects
(Champ, Trimo Urban Crash);
dissemination activities: “The Oldest
Wooden Wheel” project (from May
2013); Cycling festival (24–26 May
2013), European Mobility Week 2013.
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić
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Thank you!
Vita Kontić
City of Ljubljana
+ 386 1 306 1095
[email protected],
Effective solutions for green urban transport l 16/04/2013 l Geneva l Vita Kontić