A Guide to the Subspecialty Fellowship Application Process

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A Guide to the
Subspecialty Fellowship
Application Process
VCU Internal Medicine Residency Program
J. Christian Barrett, MD
Division of Hematology/Oncology
Virginia Commonwealth University
• Selecting a subspecialty
• Scholarship during residency – important
or not?
• What are fellowship directors looking for?
• The application process
• Resources
• Questions
Selecting the right specialty for you
• Experience in the field – rotations
• Discussion with specialists
− Private practice AND academic
− Faculty, fellows at own institution
• Discussion with academic advisors
− Faculty, program directors
− Mentors
• Questions that guide choices …
Selecting the right specialty –
questions to answer
• Do you want to focus on
− specific organ system (cardiology or GI)
− multi-systemic (ID or oncology)?
• Do you derive more satisfaction from dealing with
− acutely ill patients
− long-term management of disease
• Do you enjoy
− focusing on a specific disease or set of problems (such
as a cardiology consultant)
− the care of the entire patient (for example, serving as
a comprehensive provider to renal dialysis patients who
require long-term care from their specialist)?
Selecting the right specialty –
questions to answer
• Do you prefer to have a
− prominent inpatient component
− an outpatient focus?
• What kind of patient mix do you prefer (age, gender,
problems, setting)?
• What are the “hot areas” for scholarship in the
discipline under consideration … if interested in
academics, how do you see yourself focusing in the
• Are you interested in procedures?
• Where geographically do you hope to settle and what
is the job market in that region?
Other issues to consider
• Competitiveness of specialty
− Stats available on positions filled through
match – www.nrmp.org
− Home institution faculty and fellowship
− Program director – honest appraisal of
• Importance of “scholarship” and personal
commitment to pursuing during residency
− Particularly pertinent to cardiology and GI
• Visa issues, including time limitations
• Personal reflection (HONESTY!!!)
− Personal value system
• Rank order priorities in life
• Compare with the work specific priorities
• Reconcile incongruity
− Personal aptitude
• Assess your competitiveness
• Assess your specialties competitiveness
• Reconcile (or at least recognize) potential
A word on scholarship and its role in
the selection process for fellowship
• Prominent for most of the competitive
fellowships and programs
− Programs may be measured on ability to
produce funded research scholars
− Training grants may be focus of success
and may be primary funding for positions
in programs
− RRC requirement for accreditation of
− Reflective of “spirit of inquiry”
A word on scholarship and its role in
the selection process for fellowship
• Pursuing scholarly activity
− Identify research mentor early in training
(PGY1 year essential for Cardiology/GI)
− Rare for residents to develop their own
research questions
− Most will join ongoing project
• Try to carve out a piece that can be yours
− Hypothesis-based research more valued
than descriptive projects or case reports
A word on scholarship and its role in
the selection process for fellowship
• In absence of scholarly productivity …
− Develop an understanding of academic
values and scientific inquiry
− Be prepared to explain what scholarship
means to you
− Remain open to becoming excited about
opportunities for scholarly activity …
emphasize what you are attracted to with
regards to scientific inquiry
What do the
fellowship directors
(FPDs) want ?
2002 Survey by Cooke et al…
• Surveyed FPDs in cardiology, endocrinology,
gastroenterology and rheumatology
• 330 responses
• Three selection criteria – most important
− Clinical performance (PD letter)
− Interview evaluation
− Interpersonal skills
• Residency reputation frequently assessed
• Research and chief medical residency
important to procedure-oriented programs
Gayed Survey of Cardiology Programs
• Surveyed cardiology fellowship directors
• Important factors (most to least important)
− Negative comments or hints of problems in IM
PD letter
− Personal comments from IM PD
− Personal aspect of interview
− Letter of recommendation from cardiologist
known by the fellowship director
Gayed Survey of Cardiology Programs
• Important factors continued (most to least important)
− Performance during an elective at fellowship site
− Rank order in the residency class
− Genuine interest in research
− Being a graduate of a US medical school
− LOR from nationally known cardiologist
− Resident at institution with well-known cardiology division
− Participation in research
− Assessment of medical knowledge during interview
− Publications prior to fellowship
− Performance on ABIM certifying exam if avail.
− US citizenship
− USMLE scores
2004 Survey of FPDs and IMPD by
Mikhail and Bernstein
• Surveyed
− 562 responding FPDs (of 1,088 sent)
− 81.3% of responders were university-based
• 18 items to rank order
2004 Survey of FPDs and IMPD by
Mikhail and Bernstein
• Top 8 items in order…
Fellowship interview***
LOR from known specialists***
LOR from IMPD***
University-based residency
Interest in research***
No H1-B visa
Elective at the fellowship site***
USLME exam scores
2004 Survey of FPDs and IMPD by
Mikhail and Bernstein
• The next 10 items …
− Publications
− US Medical School
− US Citizen
− Research experience
− Chief residency
Phone call from IMPD
Well-written personal statement
LOR from attendings outside of specialty
Applying during residency
Extracurricular activities
2004 Survey of FPDs and IMPD by
Mikhail and Bernstein
• Cardiology and Gastroenterology vs others
− Rated considerably higher…
• Publications
• Research experience
− Rated considerably lower…
• Elective at the fellowship site
2004 Survey of FPDs and IMPD by
Mikhail and Bernstein
• University vs. Community-based
fellowship programs…
− Rated higher by university programs…
• University-based residency
• US medical school graduate
• No H-1 visa
− Rated higher by community programs…
• Elective at the fellowship site
• Personal communication from the IMPD
The Match—2011 Appointments
• 1090 certified programs participated
• 965 filled (89%)
• 125 unfilled (11%)
• 3177 certified positions available
• 3002 positions filled (94%)
• 175 positions unfilled (6%)
• 4454 applicants enrolled and certified
• 3002 matched (67%)
• US allopath graduates 87% matched
• Osteopath graduates 59% matched
• Foreign graduates 56% matched
The Match—2011 Appointments
• Gastroenterology
− 383 positions/157 programs
• 1.67:1 applicant to position ratio
• 95% filled (69% with US grads & 19% non-US)
• Cardiology
− 729 positions/168 programs
• 1.5:1 applicant to position ratio
• 99% filled (59% with US grads & 28% non-US)
• Hematology/Oncology
− 458 positions/124 programs
• 1.7:1 applicant to position ratio
• 98% filled (53% with US grads & 32% non-US)
The Match—2011 Appointments
• Pulmonary/Critical Care
− 417 positions/122 programs
• 1.35:1 applicant to position ratio
• 97% filled (47% with US grads & 32% non-US)
• Rheumatology
− 184 positions/102 programs
• 1.2:1 applicant to position ratio
• 89% filled (49% with US grads & 33% non-US)
• Infectious Disease
− 314 positions/128 programs
• 1:1.1 applicant to position ratio
• 85% filled (46% with US grads & 36% non-US)
The Match—2011 Appointments
• Endocrinology
− 233 positions/115 programs
• 1.46:1 applicant to position ratio
• 92% filled (47% with US grads & 37% non-US)
• Nephrology
− 380 positions/146 programs
• 1.26:1 applicant to position ratio
• 91% filled (27% with US grads & 56% non-US)
The Application Process
• Select programs to which to apply
− See individual program application process
• ERAS and NRMP participating?
• Program specific deadlines
− You must ensure you meet all of the program
prerequisites and institutional policies
regarding eligibility for appointment
• Things to consider in selecting programs…
Career and academic goals
Your talents, abilities and competitiveness
Size of program and applicant pool
• ERAS Fellowships Applicant Site
Specific program information
Process information
Form downloads
Addresses for letters
• Cost (check/money order, VISA, MasterCard)
$100 for 1st 10 programs
$10/programs 11-20
$15/programs 21-30
$25/programs 31 and more
ERAS – how it works
1. Contact the ERAS Fellowships Document
Office (EFDO) to obtain “electronic token”
to access the ERAS system
• EFDO is the “deans office, central processing
office” for fellowship applicants
• (215) 966-3040
• https://www.erasfellowshipdocuments.org
• [email protected]
ERAS – how it works
2. Register on the MyERAS website once obtain
3. Complete common application form
4. Submit supporting materials (originals only)
directly to EFDO
5. Select programs and assign supporting
documents to specific programs
a. Allow a week for delivery
b. Be aware of program application deadlines
with this delay in mind
5. ERAS receives notice of completed
application and transmits documents to
6. Examining boards receive and process
requests for score reports
7. Programs contact ERAS PostOffice daily to
download application materials
The application components
• Curriculum Vitae (CV)
− Automatically generated if ERAS
• Letter from Program Director
• Letters from faculty
• Personal statement
• Board scores (USMLE and COMLEX)
• Medical school transcripts
• Medical Student Performance Evaluation
Letter from Program Director
• One of the most important components of the
• Emphasizes performance within the program
• Articulates unique characteristics of the
applicant, highlights scholarly activities
• Important to comment on the candidate’s
potential for scholarship and an academic career
• Recommend requests submitted by October 15th
• If ERAS, need ERAS cover letter and waiver
• If non-ERAS, need envelopes/labels and stamps
Letter from faculty
• Recommend that letters come from faculty
within discipline to which resident is
− Research mentor OK even if not in the chosen
• Should articulate resident’s performance
• Emphasize importance of scholarship
• Avoid sending more letters than requested
• May be value in requesting from “national
expert” faculty
Personal Statement
• Brief is better – aim for one page or less
• Do not just restate CV content
• Communicate enthusiasm for discipline
• Communicate spirit of inquiry
• Opportunity to discuss projects in which
participated – why enjoyed, how
involved, etc
− Findings of project less important than
bringing out enthusiasm for scholarly
• First do no harm is the “golden rule”…
Personal Statement
• Avoid
− Actual findings of a project unless it has yet to
be published
− Approaches in the PS that cast you in less
favorable light
− Poor grammar, awkward sentences
− Hollow platitudes … “I am enthusiastic about
the discipline/research”
• Say something that supports these points
− “interesting patient approach”
• Use sparingly to springboard demonstration of
other points
− Closing doors in PS … not too focused, want to
appear excited and attracted to multiplicity of
possibilities offered by the discipline and
The interview
• Opportunity for applicant to project
enthusiasm, uniqueness, inquisitiveness
• Opportunity for program to critique
residents on demeanor and content of
• Candidate should …
The interview – candidates should…
• Be confident but not arrogant
• Prepare to ask one to two questions of each
interviewer, avoiding topics addressed by brochures,
websites or welcome sessions
− Types of questions asked convey interest
• Provide concise answers to questions
• Maintain professional demeanor at all times; remain
− Eye contact and firm handshake is important
− Remember that interview process begins with first
phone call/email interaction
• Convey genuineness
Post-interview dialogue
• May be one of most challenging aspects of
the process for the candidate
• Send follow-up note to each program
Thank and point out unique point
Email is usually acceptable
Avoid generic notes
Comments such as “near the top of my
list” or “one of my top choices” tells
fellowship that program is NOT top
Post-interview dialogue
• Not-in-match programs post-interview
− May call residents soon after interview
asking for relatively immediate decision
− Challenge if interviews not yet complete
− In competitive disciplines without a
match, residents should try to schedule
programs in which most interested first
• Pre-match calls
− OK to have PD or institutional rep call on
behalf of applicant - ? impact
The application process – ERAS
• ERAS – www.aamc.org/eras
− For 2010
Allergy and Immunology
Critical Care Medicine
Hematology and Oncology
Geriatrics (JULY cycle)
Hospice and Palliative Care
Infectious Diseases
Medical Genetics (JULY cycle)
Pulmonary Medicine
The application process – NRMP
• NRMP – www.nrmp.org
− As of 2010
Allergy and Immunology**
Critical Care Medicine
Hematology and Oncology
Infectious Diseases
Medical Genetics**
Primary Care Sports Medicine**
Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care
The Application Process:
The Dec Cycle Application Timeline
• July 1, 2010 – Can obtain token and MyERAS site
open to download and begin work on applications
− May also apply to July cycle programs
• July 1-Dec 1 to compile application through ERAS
fellowships system
• November 15, 2010 – Can begin to select
programs and to transmit applications
• December 1, 2010 – ERAS Post Office opens for
programs to begin downloading applications
− NOTE: individual programs set deadlines after
which they will no longer accept applications
The Application Process –
The MSMP Match Estimated Timeline*
• January 5, 2011 – Registration for NRMP opens
• Jan-April 2011– Interviews
• April 6, 2011 – ROL submission begins at noon
• June 1, 2011 – ROL submission ends at 9PM
• June 15th, 2009 – Match Scramble Day at noon
• Subspecialties and programs not joining the
match follow similar timeline but may have
rolling admission process
Estimated dates based on prior year. Check NRMP for actual dates once posted.
Match Day
− Have copes of all documents ready to go
• Watch emails from OEA as date
• Do not schedule vacation for that day
• Come to office immediately if do not
match for assistance
The application process - timeline
• Allergy and Immunology
− Similar timeline with match in May
• Pediatric subspecialties
− Spring Match runs Jan-June
• Cards, GI, Nephrology, and Pulm
− Fall Match runs August-Dec
• Critical Care, Rheum
− Heme-Onc runs Nov-May
Resources and Important Websites
• www.nrmp.org – match information, match data from
prior years, timelines
• http://www.aamc.org/students/erasfellow/start.htm AAMC ERAS site – ERAS application and supporting
resources, timelines, program information
• http://www.aamc.org/students/cim/ - AAMC careers in
medicine website – resources for job applications,
interviewing, specialty selection, etc
• http://www.amaassn.org/ama/pub/category/2997.html - AMA Frieda
website – program and specialty information, program
statisitcs and career statistics
• http://www.acponline.org/counseling/index.html ACP career counseling website – includes tips on
marketing self, tips for applying to fellowships, etc
• Know your deadlines
− Do not wait until last minute for letters
• Focus on the consistently important things you can
− Interview skills and preparation
− LOR from specialist (particularly known)
− LOR from IM Program Director
• Fellowship begins day 1 of your intern year!!!
• With regard to scholarship
− Interest > Publications > Experience
• Consider an on-site elective in the subspecialty