Agriculture Stage 6 Syllabus Amendments

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Transcript Agriculture Stage 6 Syllabus Amendments

Stage 6 Syllabus
Preliminary course
No changes to the Preliminary course structure
Minor amendments to clarify course content and
depth of study
Outcomes P3.1 and P5.1 have been modified to
strengthen the breadth and depth of the outcomes
HSC course structure
Core (80%) (approximately 96 indicative hours)
HSC course changes
Plant/Animal Production (50%)
Soil, nutrients and water
Factors contributing to the degradation of soil
and water
Sustainable resource management
Plant production systems
Constraints on plant production
Managing plant production
Animal nutrition
Animal growth and development
Animal reproduction and genetics
Animal pests and diseases
Animal ethics and welfare
Experimental analysis and research in
plant/animal systems
• the core has been increased from
70% to 80%
• elective choices have been
reduced from six to three
• the number of electives to be
studied has been reduced from
two to one
• the time for study of the elective
has increased from 15% to 20%
• the Optional Research Project has
been removed
Farm Product Study (30%)
The farm as a business
Decision-making processes and management
Agricultural technology
Marketing of a specific farm product
Elective (20%) (approximately 24 indicative hours)
Choose ONE of the following electives to study
Agri-food, Fibre and Fuel Technologies
Climate Challenge
Farming for the 21st Century
The verbs in some outcomes have
been modified to strengthen the
breadth and depth of the
describes the role of decisionmaking in the management and
marketing of agricultural products in
response to consumer and market
explains the role of decision-making
in the management and marketing of
agricultural products in response to
consumer and market requirements
identifies the role of associated
technologies and technological
innovation in producing and
marketing agricultural products
investigates the role of associated
technologies and technological
innovation in producing and
marketing agricultural products
applies appropriate experimental
techniques, technologies, research
methods and data presentation and
analysis in relation to agricultural
problems and situations
justifies and applies appropriate
experimental techniques,
technologies, research methods and
data presentation and analysis in
relation to agricultural problems and
Amendments have been made
to the content statements to
make them more contemporary
and detailed. Content is
represented as ‘learn about’ and
‘learn to’ statements in columns.
Students learn about:
Innovation, ethics and current
the term ‘biotechnology’, a term used
to cover the use of living things in
industry, technology, medicine or
Students learn to:
define DNA, gene, genetically
modified organism (GMO), gene
markers, genetic engineering and
protein synthesis
 describe the implications of
biotechnology in the agri-foods,
fibre and fuel industries
 outline the importance of food
safety and labelling of GMOs
Opportunities for the study of
current research and a focus on
a research based process have
been provided in each elective.
Students learn about:
Students learn to:
Research methodology and
presentation of research
 analyse a research study of climate
■research into climate variability
variability or management
strategies in climate variability in
terms of:
design of the study
methodology of the study
collection of data for the study
presentation of data
analysis of the data
conclusions and recommendations
 explain the need for research in
climate variability or management
for climate variability
Selected content from the
previous electives
including Plant
management, Animal
Sustainable land and
resource management
has been incorporated in
the Plant and Animal
production core.
These amendments have
reduced the overlap between
the core and the electives in
the HSC course.
Animal management
Sustainable land
and resource management
HSC elective changes:
• elective choices have been reduced
from six to three
• the number of electives to be studied
has been reduced from two to one
• the time for study of the elective has
increased from 15% to 20%
Elective (20%)
(approximately 24 indicative hours)
Choose ONE of the following electives to study
– Agri-food, Fibre and Fuel Technologies
– Climate Challenge
– Farming for the 21st Century