Transcript Chapter 7

Microglia phenotypes in aging-associated diseases
Yin, Zhuoran
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Yin, Z. (2017). Microglia phenotypes in aging-associated diseases [Groningen]: University of Groningen
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Nederlandse samenvatting / Dutch Summary
Curriculum vitae
Nederlandse samenvatting
Verbeteringen met betrekking tot de gezondheidszorg hebben er toe geleid dat
de levensverwachting van de mens de laatste jaren aanzienlijk is gestegen, met een
toename van ouderdomsziektes tot gevolg. Verouderings-gerelateerde veranderingen
in het centraal zenuwstelsel (CZS) omvatten morfologische veranderingen en
functionele achteruitgang, alsmede een toename van neurodegeneratieve ziektes.
Ook zien we neuroinflammatie toenemen in het verouderende brein, en dit
fenomeen zou het verschil kunnen maken tussen gezond oud worden en het ontstaan
van neurodegeneratieve ziektes. Microglia, de immuuncellen van het CZS, zijn
de hoofdrolspelers in deze neuroinflammatoire processen. Het doel van dit proefschrift
is om de fenotypische en morfologische veranderingen in microglia te beschrijven
in ouderdoms-gerelateerde neurodegeneratieve ziektes. In hoofdstuk 2 bestuderen
we microglia in 5xFAD en APP23 muizen, twee muizenmodellen voor de ziekte
van Alzheimer (AD). We beschrijven de aanwezigheid van hyperreactieve microglia
in de nabijheid van Aβ plaques na inductie van een systemische ontsteking en uit
genexpressie onderzoek van deze microglia blijkt dat genen die een rol spelen in AD,
zoals immuunrespons, cel beweeglijkheid en cel differentiatie, verhoogd tot expressie
komen. Ook vergeleken we plaques van donoren met ouderdoms-gerelateerde AD met
plaques van juveniele AD donoren. Hier vonden we vooral in juveniele AD donoren
een verhoging van fagocytose genen en AD gerelateerde genen. In de AD pathologie
lijken juist deze Aβ-plaque geassocieerde microglia de primaire oorzaak te zijn van
neuroinflammatie. In hoofdstuk 3 wordt het genexpressie profiel van microglia uit
hersenen van oude en jonge muizen met elkaar vergeleken en tonen we aan dat het
profiel van ‘oude microglia’ duidelijk afwijkt. Vooral in de witte stof van oude muizen
zien we een verhoogde expressie van genen die een rol spelen bij pro-inflammatoire
processen, vet recycling en fagocytose. In humane post mortem hersenmonsters zagen
we al beginnende neuroinflammatie in de witte stof van donoren van middelbare
leeftijd en blijkt in de witte stof van oude donoren en donoren met juveniele AD
neuroinflammatie dominant aanwezig. Wij concluderen dat neuroinflammatie kan
bijdragen tot de progressie van neurodegeneratie en een voorspellende waarde kan
hebben met betrekking tot de eerste symptomen en de progressie van hersenveroudering
en neurodegeneratie.
Hoofdstuk 4 beschrijft het effect van een dieet met hoog vetgehalte (HFD) op
microglia. In HFD muizen ondergaan deze cellen morfologische veranderingen en is
er een toename van proliferatie in de cortex, hypothalamus en cerebellum. Echter, de
verandering van dieet had geen invloed op de reactie van microglia na een i.p. injectie
van lipopolysacchariden (LPS) afkomstig uit de bacteriële celwand. Een dieet met
Nederlandse samenvatting
laag vetgehalte (LFD) in combinatie met calorische restrictie leidt tot een verlaging
van expressie van fagocyterende genen in witte stof microglia van ouder wordende
hersenen. Deze studie toont de beschermende rol van calorische restrictie gedurende
veroudering aan. Hoofdstuk 5 beschrijft de neuromusculaire symptomen in een
nieuwe transgene muizenstam met tauopathie. In deze muizen vindt een verhoogde
neuron-specifieke expressie van P301S mutante eiwit Tau plaats. Drie maanden na
geboorte vertoont deze Tau 58/4 muis al problemen met het motorische systeem en
dit verslechtert gedurende veroudering, met bijkomende symptomen als beschadiging
van de zenuwverbindingen en verschrompeling van de kuitspier Musculus extensor
digitorum longus. Met behulp van elektronenmicroscopie zagen we ultra-structurele
veranderingen in de sciatische zenuw, hetgeen een aanwijzing geeft voor het verlies en
beschadiging van grote zenuwvezels. Tevens zagen we een verhoging van glia activiteit
in de betreffende zenuwvezels van het ruggenmerg van deze muizen. We concludeerden
dat de accumulatie van hypergefosforyleerde tau eiwitten in zenuwuiteinden
veranderingen in de witte stof, beschadiging van de zenuwverbindingen en spieratrofie
veroorzaakt. Al deze waarnemingen zijn waarschijnlijk verantwoordelijk voor
de verslechtering van de motor functie in deze Tau58/4 muizen.
Immuun hyperreactiviteit in Aβ-plaque geassocieerde microglia
Er is al lange tijd een discussie gaande over de functie en het fenotype van microglia
uit de directe nabijheid van Aβ-plaques. In hoofdstuk 2 beschrijven we verhoogde
expressie van fagocytose - en AD-geassocieerde genen, zoals Axl, MHC II/HLA-DRa,
Apoe, Trem2 en TyroBp in microglia uit de directe nabijheid van Aβ-plaques in AD
muizenmodellen en in post mortem hersenweefsel van juveniele Alzheimer patiënten.
De uitscheiding van het cytokine IL-1β is substantieel verhoogd in microglia uit
de directe nabijheid van Aβ-plaques van APP23 en 5xFAD muizen na een i.p. LPS
injectie. Het genexpressie profiel van MHCII+ microglia (representatie van microglia
uit de directe nabijheid van Aβ-plaques) toont aan dat de versterkt gereguleerde genen
betrekking hebben op biologische processen aangaande “immuun response op een
externe stimulus” (b.v., Axl, CD63, Egr2 en Lgals3), “cel beweeglijkheid” (b.v., Ccl3, Ccl4,
Cxcr4 en Sdc3), “differentiatie” en “systeem ontwikkeling” (b.v., St14, Trpm1 en Spp1).
Onze resultaten wijzen uit dat microglia rondom Aβ-plaques een pro-inflammatoir
fenotype bezitten.
Toename van inflammatie in de witte stof van hersenen van ouderen en
patiënten met de ziekte van Alzheimer
Uit MRI studies komt naar voren dat de witte stof in de hersenen gevoelig is voor zijn
verouderende omgeving. Aantasting van de witte stof is ook beschreven in juveniele
Alzheimer patiënten en manifesteert zich zelfs eerder dan de beschadiging in de grijze
stof. In hoofdstuk 3 onderzochten we de fenotypische en functionele veranderingen
van witte stof microglia in de context van het ouder wordende brein en in AD. Microglia
uit witte stof van oude muizen brengen specifieke ‘fagocytose genen’ tot expressie
(b.v., Mac-2, Axl, CD16/32, Dectin1, CD11c en CD36). Bij een vergelijking van
microglia uit witte en grijze stof bleek dat de RNA expressie van facocytose- en activatie
markers (b.v., Axl, CD36, Clec7a, LgalS3 en ApoE) significant hoger waren in witte
stof microglia van oude muizen. In humane post mortem hersenmonsters worden
de eerste symptomen van microglia activatie al gezien vanaf middelbare leeftijd en vindt
dit voornamelijk plaats in de witte stof en in juveniele Alzheimer patiënten. Microglia
activatie in de witte stof kan in de toekomst mogelijk een prognostische waarde
hebben met betrekking tot de signalering van de aanzet van het ouder wordende brein
en neurodegeneratie.
Onderdrukking van ontstekingsprocessen in de oudere hersenen door
een dieet met laag vetgehalte in combinatie met calorische restrictie.
Het is bekend dat diermodellen voor het bestuderen van veroudering en obesitas
worden gekarakteriseerd door ontstekingen in bepaalde hersengebieden, waaronder
de hypothalamus. In hoofdstuk 4 onderzochten we microglia fenotypes in
de verschillende hersengebieden van muizen met een dieet met een hoog - (HFD)
en laag vetgehalte (LFD). Een HFD zorgt voor een toename van het aantal microglia en
een toename van het oppervlak van het microglia cellichaam in de cortex, hypothalamus
en cerebellum. We zagen geen verschil in expressie profielen van genen die betrekking
hebben op de immuunrespons, fagocytose en metabolisme tussen microglia afkomstig
uit de hypothalamus van jonge HFD en LFD muizen. De expressie van fagocytose
genen was daarentegen aanzienlijk gedaald in LFD muizen met calorische restrictie,
wat duidt op een beschermende rol van calorische restrictie gedurende veroudering.
Concluderend, calorische restrictie is een niet-genetische interventie met een positief
effect op de verouderende brein.
Wij hebben onderzoek gedaan naar de fenotypische en functionele veranderingen van
microglia in relatie tot verouderings-gerelateerde ziektes. Gebaseerd op dit onderzoek
kunnen we speculeren dat verkeerd gevouwen eiwitten, specifieke omgevingsfactoren
van de hersenen en dieet veranderingen een effect kunnen hebben op het fenotype
van microglia in de context van veroudering en neurodegeneratie. Wij stellen dat
hyperreactive microglia rondom Aβ-plaques en de toename van microglia activatie
in de witte stof van de ouder wordende hersenen en AD hersenen een potentiele
rol kunnen spelen bij het onderzoek naar diagnostische en therapeutische targets.
Calorische restrictie lijkt effectief als bescherming tegen de ouder wordende brein,
aangezien een dieet met een laag vetgehalte in combinatie met calorische restrictie
voor ‘rustiger microglia’ in de witte stof zorgt.
Doing a Ph.D. is an important and necessary training for creative thinking, independent
research, and scientific perspective. I feel extremely grateful and lucky that I could
pursue my Ph.D. degree in Department of Neuroscience, UMCG. Although there
were several tough times, with all the help and support, I learned knowledge, obtained
various experiences, and managed to finalize the thesis. The life in the Netherlands also
gives me valuable experiences. Here, I would love to express my sincere gratitude to
all those who helped and supported me over the years, because you build the beautiful
memories for me.
First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge my promotor Prof. Dr. Erik Boddeke
and co-promotor Dr. Bart Eggen. Dear Erik, when I was still in China, I had the dream
to become a neurologist and to do valuable research in future. Thank you for initiating
the wonderful journey for me, which took me from the city besides Yangtze River
to Groningen. Because of your patience and trust, I could learn fast and practice
a lot without any stress. I still remember the trip that you drove me to Antwerp. You
told me that I could go further, which has motivated me up till now. Thank you for
letting me go to Antwerp, Goettingen, and Munich for collaborative work, where I
learned a lot from international collaborators and obtained wonderful experiences.
Under your supervision, I learned knowledge, experience, and scientific perspectives.
You are always working very hard. Sending and receiving working emails with you in
the midnight let me see your dedicated attitude towards science. The suggestions you
give me about my future taught me to have a big picture and make wise decisions. Of
course, it is also very nice to talk about music, the eight sheep and naughty chicken
with you. Thank you for everything. I will go further and further. You are always my
super boss.
Dear Bart, I am truly inspired by your wonderful tastes on research and your fruitful
ideas. Thank you for your wise suggestions on the experimental design and scientific
writing. I admire your practical way of thinking about the research. Your office
door is always open for scientific discussion. I am also inspired by your everlasting
enthusiasm on the cutting-edge research. Thank you for your constant encouragement
during these years. You are always humorous and optimistic. Talking with you and
listening to your nice jokes bring me relief. Let us keep in touch and look forward to
continuing collaborations.
I would like to thank China Scholarship Council for the financial support and her
collaboration with the University of Groningen, which gives me the chance to pursue
the scientific training.
Dear Jon, I always enjoy the scientific discussions with you, and I am inspired by your
theoretical perspectives. Your support for the project of HFD/LFD animals taught
me a lot, e.g., making a practical plan, summarizing from each discussion, making
constructive items for the draft. Thank you for your advice on the experimental design
and writing. Especially, you spent quite some personal time on helping the Ph.D.
students improve our presentation skills. This is very important for the academic
development of young researchers. Thank you for your everlasting support and
encouragement. Hope to keep in touch with you and to have further collaborations.
I would like to acknowledge the members of the assessment committee: Prof. Dr.
Thomas Bayer, Prof. Dr. Peter P. De Deyn, and Prof. Dr. Sophia de Rooij for carefully
reading and approving my thesis.
I would love to thank our collaborators from University of Antwerp, Belgium: Prof.
Dr. Peter P. De Deyn, Dr. Debby van Dam, and Femke Valkenburg. Dear Prof. De
Deyn, I am very lucky to have the opportunity to work in your lab. These transgenic
animal models and human post-mortem samples from IBB are very valuable for
the projects. The collaborative atmosphere in your lab also gives me a lot of support
during the years. Without your help, these projects can’t happen. Every time when I
present our data, you always kindly and patiently give feedback, which encourages me
a lot. If I could follow you to do nice clinical work and valuable research, that will be
fantastic. Hope to keep in touch with you and I wish this may come true in future. Dear
Debby, thank you for all your help in Antwerp. Every time I went to Antwerp, it took
you a lot of energy to organize and prepare the mice. Thank you for providing valuable
suggestions for designing the experiments and writing the paper. I feel very happy that
our hard work ends up with the data in chapter 2, 3, and 5. Dear Femke, it is very nice
to work with you for the Tau mice project. You are precise, efficient, energetic, and very
helpful. I am very happy that the paper got accepted. Wish you all the best in the future.
I also want to thank the collaborators from University Medical Center Goettingen,
Germany: Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer, Prof. Dr. Uwe-Karsten Hanisch and Dr. Nasrin
Saiepour. Dear Prof. Bayer, thank you for being my reading committee and kindly
sharing the animal samples of 5XFAD mice. I hope we can continue collaborating in
the future. Dear Uwe, thank you for providing me the opportunity to let me work
in your group. Thank you for all the suggestions and encouragement you gave me.
Although you couldn’t see this thesis any more, I will always remember this. Dear
Nasrin, you are such a kind, helpful, and considerate girl. It was very nice to meet
you and working together in Goettingen. Thank you for letting me stay in your place
and showing me around. Do you remember the nice shop for wedding dresses? It was
a very special moment for us. Hope we could keep in touch, welcome to China and
hope to meet you again.
I would love to thank the collaborators from the Department of cell biology, UMCG,
Prof. Dr. Fulvio Reggiori, Dr. Muriel Mari, and Xingdong Zhou. The generated
data were described in chapter 5. Dear Fulvio, thank you for nicely allowing
the collaborations with us. Dear Muriel, I learned a lot from your attitude and your
expertise. Hope that we could collaborate in future. Dear Xingdong, thank you for
your patience and effort. I wish all the best for you in future.
I would love to thank the collaborators, Prof. Dr. Elly Hol and Dr. Willem Kamphuis.
Dear Prof. Hol and Willem, thank you for kindly providing the animal samples of
APP/PS1 mice.
Many thanks to the collaborators from Lundbeck, USA, Dr. Thomas Möller, Dr. Joseph
Tamm, and Aicha Abdourahman. It was a pleasant international collaboration. I am
very happy that the generated data was part of chapter 2.
My appreciation for the collaborators for the project on HFD/LFD animals: Dr. Roel
van der Heiden, Aaffien C. Reijne, Dr. Jill Moser, Prof. Dr. Peter Heeringa, Dr.
Chunxia Yi, and Prof. Dr. Gertjan van Dijk. Dear Chunxia, thank you for providing
the opportunity to let me and Divya work in Munich. It was unforgettable experience.
Dear Yuanqing, thank you for your help and it was very nice to visit the center of
Munich with you. Best wishes with everything!
My thanks also go to the collaborators, Prof. Dr. Sandra Amor, Marjolein Breur
and Dr. Janine Doorduin, for the project on white matter. Dear Sandra, thank you
for giving me the opportunity to perform the experiments in your lab and thanks for
your advice on my writing. Dear Marjolein, it was nice to perform the experiment in
Amsterdam with you. Thank you for your nice and clear explanations. Dear Janine, it
was fun to have the neuroanatomy course with you. Best wishes with everything and
hope for continuing collaborations.
I would love to thank Dr. Wilfred Den Dunnen. in the beginning of this paragraph.
Dear Wilfred, for the white matter project and tau project, you spent your time kindly
on discussing these projects with me and helping me arrange the samples. During
our discussion, thanks for your patient explanation, I learned to look at the research
question with a clearer and more straightforward perspective, then to look for solutions
focusing on the research question. Thank you for all the help. Hope to keep in touch
and look forward to continuing collaborations.
Dear Nieske, during the past years, I have learned a lot from your way of making
practical plans, looking for solutions, and thinking positively. At the beginning of my
Ph.D., you taught me patiently and trained me with techniques. Then I am inspired
by your dedicated and passionate attitude towards work. I will always remember our
trips to Antwerp, Den Haag, and Amsterdam. I still can recall the scenes that we were
sweating in an Antwerp bus stop with a lot of experimental materials under the sun, or
we cycled happily to the center of Antwerp. It was nice that you explained the Victory
Boogie Woogie to me. They are all wonderful parts of my Ph.D. journey. When my
mother came to Groningen, thank you and Jan for inviting us to your place for a nice
dinner. You are warm-hearted and considerate for the international students. Jan and
you organize the nice party for New Year’s Eve when all the international students
gathered in your place. Thank you for a lot of encouragement when I face the failures
of the experiments. The photo that you took for me in Amsterdam is very sweet and is
always standing in my parents’ house. Sometimes I feel that you support and treat me
like a mother, which warms me and gives me a lot of strength. I feel so blessed to meet
you in Groningen. Words are not enough for me to express my gratitude. Best wishes
for all your family. Welcome to China, hope to see you again, and let us keep in touch.
Dear Sjef, you are a wise, critical, and humorous scientist. I learned a lot from you
during the scientific discussions in the work meetings. Thank you for your suggestions
when we talked about the project of tau mice. Best wishes for your family and wish you
to enjoy a great retirement.
Dear Amagan, I always admire your professional achievement, kindness, happiness,
and balanced life. Your beautiful smiles and thoughtful words could cure a lot of things.
As a female and a scientist, you are really great! Best wishes for your family!
Dear Rob, you are very wise, kind, and patient. It is interesting to talk about some
educational or political topics with you. Thank you for organizing the skating course
for the foreign students of the lab. I believe in future I could skate . Dear Inge, I
learned a lot from the discussion with you about the statistical problems. Thank you
for the nice and clear explanations. Best wishes with everything!
Dear Knut, you are very wise, kind and have a wonderful taste on research. Thank
you for your suggestions on the project of plaque-associated microglia. Best wishes
for everything!
I would like to acknowledge our secretary Trix. Thank you for arranging documents
and solving problems during these years. With your help, my life here becomes
much easier.
Dear Ietje, thank you for all your help in the immunohistochemistry. In order to help
me, you adjust your working time or prolong your working hours. You are always
patient and so experienced in immunohistochemistry. It is also full of fun to speak
Dutch with you and talk about your lovely grandchildren. I appreciate that you love
your life a lot, like yoga, gardening, children… Hope you could always keep young, be
happy with family life and enjoy the wonderful life.
Dear Eef, you are organized, warm-hearted, and sweet. During the past years, I saw
you falling in love, getting married, and having wonderful babies. Great achievements!
Especially, I could see how happy you are now. I feel so happy for you. Best wishes for
your family, especially Hugo and Liek .
Dear Hilmar, thank you for your nice explanations for the Sholl analysis and all
the suggestions for the figures and the thesis cover. Dear Suus, I am always willing
to listen to your opinions during the scientific discussions. You are very talented
and professional. It is also nice to talk about the babies with you, which I am still at
the preliminary/theoretical stage . Best wishes for you, Hilmar, and two lovely girls.
Dear Michel, thank you for helping me with the microscopy. It is very impressive to see
the films that you made for the work and also from nature. Best wishes for everything.
Enjoy the love !
Dear Tjalling, thank you for all the technique support during all these years. When I
was the paranymph of Inge, thank you for helping me making the song for Inge.
I would also love to thank a lot of colleagues in the section of Medical Physiology,
Harry Moes, Henk Heidekamp, Dr. Hiske van Duinen, Dr. Wieb Patberg, Annelies
van de molen. Dear Henk and Harry, thank you for arranging several documents and
solving problems for me.
Dear Mingsan, it was nice to be your office mate. You were very busy and worked hard,
I would love to acknowledge Klaas Sjollema for the technique support for microscopy.
I would love to acknowledge the support in the FACS facility: Geert Mesander, Roelof
Jan van der Lei, and Henk Moes in UMCG, and Dr. Natalie Cools in the University
of Antwerp.
Dear Ilia, you helped me in many ways. Thank you so much for your suggestions
I would also like to thank Ph.D. and postdocs who worked before or are now working
in the department: Xiaoming Zhang, Divya Raj, Clarissa Haas, Inge Holtman, Ilia
Vainchtein, Marissa Dubbelaar, Wandert Schaafsma, Ria Wolkorte, Koen van
Zomeren, Duco Schriemer, Claudio Tiecher, Arun Thiruvalluvan, Leroy Schreuder,
Javier Gustavo Villamil Ortiz, Malte Borggrewe, Laura Kracht, Roeland Prak,
Kumar Balasubramaniyan, Susanne Kooistra, Corien Grit, Rianne van der Pijl,
Suping Peng, Zhilin Luan, Yang Heng, Thaiany Quevido Melo, Thais Galatro.
but you always tried to help others. Thank you for sending the DVD “the gifted hand”
to me as a present. Maybe that is a dream for every doctor. I have a lot of fun in boardgame evenings with you, Suping, Liwen, Betty, and Ilia.
for the experiments. I admire your way of organizing and arranging. You are very
important in the glia group and could be the model for the junior Ph.D. student. You
have a very nice nature and are warm-hearted. It is always nice to talk with you and
to have dinner and game night within our board game group. I hope you could go on
developing your curiosity in both science and the wonderful life. Best wishes for your
future and let us keep in touch!
Dear Inge, I admire in many traits of you. You are smart, brave, straightforward,
and efficient. You are also considerate and willing to help others. Having dinner and
going to party with you are the wonderful parts of my Ph.D. period. It was also a nice
experience to be your paranymph. I miss you these days. Best wishes for you in the US.
Dear Xiaoming, you are always kind, helpful, reliable, and tough. It is lucky to become
Chinese allies with you . You have got great achievement during the past four years
and I believe you will have a fruitful Ph.D. Thank you for your help in the designing
and doing experiments. It is always nice to work with you together. Good luck with
everything and all the best for you, Ping, Zidong, and Hengrui in future. Let us keep in
touch and hope to see you again!
Let us keep in touch and hope to meet you again.
Dear Divya, I still remember the first day I met you. You explained and showed
brain tissues for me. How time flies! You are very smart, creative, warm-hearted, and
have a nice nature. We worked very hard together in Antwerp and Munich. It was
encouraging to discuss scientific questions with you. Thank you for the Indian dinners
that you prepared for me. They were nice and delicious. Thank you for all the help
during my Ph.D. Best wishes for your family and enjoy being a happy mother .
a Ph.D. student. Thank you for helping the cover designing and hope you to explore
Dear Duco, it is nice to be your desk mate for three years. You are patient and always
willing to help. You also live a life of self-discipline, which I admire a lot. In most cases,
you were very calm . Thank you for patiently answering my questions when I learned
Dutch. By the way, your skills of making furniture are fantastic! Best wishes to you
with everything.
make great achievements when you finish your Ph.D.
Dear Claudio, you are a considerate and nice guy. In most cases, you are relaxed.
Talking with you could bring me a lot of relief. Hope to talk with you when you come
back from Japan. It must be a lot of fun!
Dear Yang, it is and will still be a wonderful journey for you in Groningen as
more interests (e.g., guitar) in the coming years and enjoy the life here. Good luck
with everything!
Dear Corien, you are sweet, honest, and warm-hearted. I feel really relaxed every time
that I talk with you. It was a nice memory to go to Goettingen with you, Rianne, and
Doortje. Best wishes for everything. Hope all your projects go well. I believe you will
Dear Rianne, you are a warm, nice and pretty girl. The cake that you made for us is not
only delicious, but also with your heart. Every cloud has a silver line. Believe yourself!
All the best for your future.
Dear Roeland, it is lucky to have you as my office mate. You are very smart and focused.
It is nice to discuss the experience of studying medicine and doing research with you. I
could find nice common points with you. Good luck with your project and best wishes
with everything.
Dear Doortje, you are always sweet, patient, and warm-hearted. It was nice to work
with you for immunohistochemistry. Thank you for the chocolate. It was a big and nice
surprise for me J.
I would also acknowledge my student, Betty Hornix. Dear Betty, it was nice to work
Dear Laura, you are calm, beautiful, and joyful. I feel peaceful and happy every time
when I talk with you. Good luck with everything and have a wonderful life!
Dear Arun, we worked four years in the same office. You are really good and precise
in doing experiments. It is nice to discuss scientific questions with you. You love and
enjoy the life, e.g., sports, traveling, and organizing parties. Thank you for inviting us
to the Diwali event and to experience the Indian culture. Best wishes to you.
Dear Malte, you always look calm and peaceful. You bring a lot of fun to our group.
Best wishes and good luck with everything!
Dear Wandert, you have a very nice nature. You are smart, optimistic, and relaxing.
Thank you for all the help. I am happy to work with you for the HFD project and hope
it will go well. Best wishes for your life in Spain and good luck for the wine business.
Dear Koen, you are really a generous and brave guy. The winter Marathon in Apeldoorn
with Michel, Duco, Sabrina, and Inge will always in my memory. A lot of thanks for
your parents for the nice dinner that your mother cooked. Dear Sabrina, you are sweet,
energetic, and nice. Your smile is very warm and pure. We kept together to run to
the end of the Marathon. I will always remember that. All the best wishes for you and
Koen. Welcome to China and hope to travel together.
Dear Alain, you are very smart and dedicated. You show a strong motivation in
the research of Down syndrome, which is very impressive. You are also humorous,
knowledgeable, and warm-hearted. We had several interesting talks. I hope you could
become a great scientist in future and hope for continuing collaborations.
with you. You are considerate, dedicated, and creative. Thank you very much for your
help with the tau mice project, and now it nicely becomes a paper. A lot of thanks for
answering many questions about the Dutch language from me J. Wish you to have
a happy and wonderful life as a Ph.D. and all the best for your future.
Special thanks to my paranymphs: Clarissa Hass and Marissa Dubbelaar. It is a great
pleasure to have you as my paranymphs. Dear Clarissa, you are very sweet, pure, and
thoughtful. You are one of the persons I like to turn when I want to talk. I am impressed
by the delicious Brazilian food that you made. I enjoy the time that we spent together
during the lunch time. Now the Ph.D. life may be a bit tough for you. But I believe you
will get through it soon. Best wishes with everything. Dear Marissa, you are smart,
collaborative, and efficient. Every time I talk with you, I could feel the optimism and
happiness from you. Now it is very nice of you to organize colleagues for a lunch walk.
Thank you two for your help and I wish I can have the chance to show you some parts
of China. Welcome to China!
I would love to thank all the Chinese friends who I met during my Ph.D. study in
the Netherlands: Qi Wang, Liwen Zhang, Bing Han & Haoxiao Zuo, Ting Zhao & Yi
Jiang, Zhe Sun & Jing Qin, Xiaoming Zhang & Ping Xu, Yuanze Wang & Jingjing
Deng, Tao Zhang & WenJuan Wang, Zhuozhao Zhan, Zhilin Luan, Suping Peng, Yang
Heng, Yixian Li, Yingying Cong, Xingdong Zhou, Peng Wang, Rui Yan, Ye Yuan, Qi
Cao, Jun Li, Qi Xu, Chengtao Ji, Xiaohong Han, Xingchen Yan, Shengcheng Ren,
Yuzhen Qin, Yehan Tao, Han Guo, Bin Liu, Huala Wu, Haigeng Fu, Mingming Shi,
Jiacong Wei, Yuan He, Yuan Wang, Cuifeng Wang, Rui Wu, Juan Song, Peng Sun,
Hefeng Zhou, Ming Li, Xiang Zeng, and many others who I may forget to mention
here. All of you are one important part in my life in the Netherlands. Dear Qi and
Dear Javier, you are kind, humorous, and friendly. The research that you are doing are
also interesting. Good luck with everything and enjoy the wonderful life here.
Liwen, my nice roommates, every time when I come back from hard work, cooking
Dear Eline, it was nice to be your desk mate, although the time is not long. Thank you
very much for spending your time on adjusting my Dutch pronunciations. Best wishes
with everything!
life and good luck with everything. Dear Ting, it is nice to talk with you and thank you.
food and chatting together with you would comfort me a lot. Thank you for letting me
feel like at home. Look forward to meeting you in future. I also hope you to enjoy your
Enjoy your sweet life. Best wishes for your family! Dear Bin and Haoxiao, I feel so lucky
to meet you guys here and thank you for all the help in Groningen and Goettingen.
she studied clinical medicine (7‐year successive program) at Tongji Medical Coll
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum vitae
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan. In 2009, she obtained
Best wishes to you! Dear Zhilin, I will always remember the days we travelled together.
They are colorful days in my life. It is nice that we could defend in the same day. Hope
that we could visit each other in future and best wishes to your family!
Bachelor degree in Clinical Medicine. Subsequently, she performed her medical internshi
Zhuoran Yin was born on January the 22nd, 1987 in Wuhu, Anhui Province, China.
Tongji Medical College affiliated Tongji Hospital. In 2010‐2011, she did her master resea
She completed her secondary education in Wuhu No. 1 Middle School. In the year
2004-2011, she studied clinical medicine (7-year successive program) at Tongji Medical
Department of Neurology, under supervision of Prof. Suiqiang Zhu. During her medical stu
College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan. In 2009,
shereceived obtained her
in Clinical
she several honors including the Medicine.
National Subsequently,
Scholarship she
of performed
China, 1ST scholarshi
her medical internship in Tongji Medical College affiliated Tongji Hospital. In 2010HUST, Outstanding Graduate Award of HUST. Upon obtaining her Master degree in Clin
2011, she did her master research project “Impact of lesions in MRI examination on
the surgical outcome of epilepsy” in Department of Neurology, under supervision of
Medicine, Zhuoran worked as a resident in Tongji Hospital for 1 year. Then Zhuoran sta
Prof. Suiqiang Zhu. During her medical study, she received several honors including
her PhD study in Department of Neuroscience at University Medical Center Groningen un
the National Scholarship of China, 1ST scholarship of HUST, Outstanding Graduate
the supervision Prof. Dr. H.W.G.M. (Erik) Boddeke and Dr. Bart J.L. Eggen. Here Award
of HUST. of Upon
her Master
in Clinical
worked as a resident in Tongji Hospital for 1 year. Then Zhuoran started her PhD
worked on microglia phenotypes in animal models and human samples for healthy ag
study in Department of Neuroscience at University Medical Center Groningen under
Alzheimer’s disease, tauopathies, and obesity. The results of her PhD study are presente
the supervision of Prof. Dr. H.W.G.M. (Erik) Boddeke and Dr. Bart J.L. Eggen. Here
she worked on microglia phenotypes in animal models and human samples for healthy
this thesis. aging, Alzheimer’s disease, tauopathies, and obesity. The results of her PhD study are
presented in this thesis.
project “Impact of lesions in MRI examination on the surgical outcome of epilepsy
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