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For Internal Use Only
31 August 197
Honeywell Informat ion Systems -
Large Information Systems Division
Quackenboss receives 'best presentation' award
Harry Quackenbos.s, a senior product menaQlll' In Marketing (MSISD),
recently received an award for tile best
technical presentation at a greater
"!ew York reg!onal conterence on
daubases for the ACM (Aaeoclatlon
for Computl!lg Machinery). Harry and
Oris Friesen In Mullica Engineering
jointly prepeted ttle presentation on
the Mfirst Implementation of a relational data base manager by a har'dwara vendor".
Harry. who gave the presentation,
attributed his success to one simple
fact: "I had the best product to
present." Warren Martin, Multics
Marntlno manager added, MHarrv's
exceptional performance In this Industry forum adds to Honeywell's
1111 ... - - - .._. ___, _
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image In general, contributes slgnlflcantly to Mullice' image o f excellence
and strengthens our overall Multics
Marketing ellor1s."
John Adams, ACM director of
operations, sald, "Conoratulallona for
a job well done. The overal I quality of
Vendor Pmsen~ons was extmmely
high and ii is very much to your credit
that you haw been awarded this
prize.. ''
David W. C leary, Sr. , national
branch manager In Westfield, New
Jersey adde<:t: "We ln Ille Communications Branen feel your oPllOftunltY to
present Honeywell's Multics Relational
Data Base at the Association for
Computing Machinery Data BBBe
seminar has had a significant and
~----- Orts Friesen
poslUYe Impact on the many CUlltOI
era and prollpects In attendance. T
ract t hat you r presentation w.
selected es the beat techn ical sy11tE
from among
the nume,otJs vend
data base systems clearly polnts
the su perlor features Inherent In c
Mu ltics Product and our h lgt
professional product mar1tetlng peop
..Speaking for my sell and the mt
NOPS management, we are very
to have 1pon1ored this Honey\\
presentation and iook forward lo
Ing Honeywell's free full page ad
Mullica Re lallonal Data Base
'Communications of lha ACM'."