A Spring of Languages_2017.pub

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A Spring of Languages
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Responsabile del progetto:
Competences: What They Mean to Your Classroom
Dott.ssa Patrizia Graziani
In light of the recent ministerial guidelines, this practical seminar will address the following key questions: What are
competences? An in-depth look at the 8 key competences and how they compare to the profile delle competenze that we
will be asked to assess. What do the ministerial guidelines mean for English teachers?
Dirigente Ufficio III - AT di Bergamo
Seminar with Mark Thompson,
Thompson Educational Consultant, Pearson
19 gennaio - ore 16.30 - 18.30
Ideazione, progettazione e
coordinamento scientifico:
Prof.ssa Noemi Ciceroni
ITS “G. Quarenghi”, Via Europa 27 Bergamo
Integrating Life Skills in Secondary Schools
Referente Provinciale per le Lingue
We are living in times of unprecedented change, complexity and competition. Advances in technology , globalisation and
changes in economics and social dynamics are presenting us all with challenges never experienced before. So what will
give students the advantage to thrive in the future ? The answer is Life Skills.
M.C. Bonomelli
N. Ciceroni
M.G. Serra
Seminar with Christopher Morley,
Morley Educational Consultant, Oxford University Press
Hanno collaborato:
Anderson House
Cambridge English Language
Cambridge University Press
De Agostini Scuola
ELI Publishing
Macmillan Education
Mondadori Education
Oxford University Press
Pearson Lang
ITS “G. Quarenghi”
S.A.S. di Bergamo
Si ringraziano:
Agenzia Editoriale Ranica
Agenzia Expo Libri Srl
Agenzia Libraria Camatini
Agenzia Libraria Redolfi
Murelli Libri
Scuola e Didattica
16 febbraio - ore 16.30 - 18.30
ITS “G. Quarenghi”, Via Europa 27 Bergamo
Reading: Motivation, Inclusion and Competences
Reading may be a receptive skill, but as Scott Thornbury points out “the fact that it is receptive does not mean that it is
passive: reading is an active, even interactive, process”. This seminar looks at how we teach reading from three different
perspectives: how we can use pre-reading tasks to motivate students; How we can use reading to promote an inclusive
classroom environment; How we can encourage our students to develop their competences through post-reading activities
and research.
Seminar with Mark Thompson,
Thompson Educational Consultant, Pearson
9 marzo - ore 16.30 - 18.30
ITS “G. Quarenghi”, Via Europa 27 Bergamo
Vocabulary and Pronunciation in Action
An investigation into the role of vocabulary and pronunciation in language learning and communication, on its importance
and challenges! How to best teach and learn vocabulary at different levels using a variety of learning styles. We will also
look at how to teach students the difference between key sounds in English, different stress types and patterns.
Seminar with Marcus Tubby,
Tubby Educational Consultant, Cambridge University Press
23 marzo - ore 16.30 - 18.30
ITS “G. Quarenghi”, Via Europa 27 Bergamo
Aprender una segunda lengua mediante vídeos
Los vídeos pueden ser una herramienta excelente para motivar a los estudiantes más jóvenes, ya que, como bien
sabemos, la mayoría de ellos están acostumbrados a aprender a través de las imágenes. De cualquier manera, el uso de
vídeos puede incluir diferentes estilos de aprendizaje sin limitarse exclusivamente al visual. En el taller se explicará por
qué y cómo.
Seminario con G. Claudia Macedo Abregú,
Abregú examinadora DELE, asesora Pedagógica de Edinumen Madrid - Rizzoli
Languages Italia
6 aprile - ore 16.30 - 18.30
ITS “G. Quarenghi”, Via Europa 27 Bergamo
Iscrizione agli eventi:
Challenging Students
On-line: www.crtlinguebergamo.it
Sometimes a class full of language learners is a bit like The Little Shop Of Horrors: you give your students (plants)
everything normal and yet your students still do not comprehend (grow). Something different is needed; perhaps a flash of
inspiration. This talk will discuss different ways of assisting your students to be enlightened. Topics such as managing
different learning styles and abilities as well as pronunciation will be discussed.
For further information:
[email protected]
Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Lombardia
Ufficio III – Ambito Territoriale di Bergamo
Area D - Supporto Scuole - Lingue Straniere
Seminar with Tracey Sinclair,
Sinclair Area Manager Eli Edizioni and teacher trainer
20 aprile - ore 16.30 - 18.30
ITS “G. Quarenghi”, Via Europa 27 Bergamo
Per il calendario dei film in lingua originale Original Is Better 2017, si veda apposito
programma scaricabile dal sito www.crtlinguebergamo.it.
www.crtlinguebergamo.it Si ricorda che i film sono
preceduti da una presentazione in lingua.