Tibco Spotfire iRAVE 2010

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Transcript Tibco Spotfire iRAVE 2010

2010 TIBCO Spotfire Energy Forum
March 25, 2010
iRAVE: integrated
Reservoir Analysis
& Viz Environment
Project Collaborators:
© Chevron 2008
Jeff Mathews, Chevron
Perry Dobson, Chevron
John Pederson, Chevron
Troy Ruths, Chevron Contractor
 What is iRAVE?
 Demo Project Overview
 How iRAVE is used by Chevron NOJV Team
for :
 Pre Drill well package review/approval
 Post Drill analysis
 Current Year Drill Well Results
 Reservoir Surveillance and Management
 Summary
 Conclusions
 Lessons Learned
 Best Practices
 Future Work
© Chevron 2009
What is iRAVE?
 Is an acronym for integrated Reservoir Analysis &
Visualization Environment
 Created in the Spotfire environment
© Chevron 2009
iRAVE Data Sources
 Files from Operator
Current focus is
reservoir and
production data
(no financials)
 Monthly via DVD
 Oil Field Manager (MS Access) – production & downtime
 WellView (MS Access) – well schematics and activities
 Sporadic
 Completion Schematics (Adobe PDF)
 Production Logging (MS Word)
 MDT Runs (MS Excel)
 Proposed Drill Production Forecasts (MS Excel)
 Weekly Well Test Report (MS Excel)
 Files We Generate (as needed)
 Well table including proposed drills and other well-specific
data not supplied by Operator
 Log images (Petrel workflow)
© Chevron 2009
iRAVE Data Upload
 MS Access-based data
uploading tool
 Can specify which
data to be updated
(reduces wait time)
 Full upload takes
~30 minutes
 Data is copied to SQL
Server, and new
tables are created for
use in Spotfire
 All done by our Geo
© Chevron 2009
Mars Oilfield Development
50 Km
3D Seismic Survey
Aram Project
Lake Basin
3D Seismic 2099
1st oil
NOJV project
Operator: DXP
(Delta Exploration
There may not be Life
on Mars but there is
Oil. Who Knew?
Mars Oilfield Development
Aram Project
Lake Basin
Mars Oilfield
Aram Project
Lake Basin Fields
Similar to Earth
Sand Shale Sequence
Large Lake Basin
Lacustrine Oil
Y series –Yogi
M series – Mars
A series - Ares
SW Bebob, Aram
Requesting approval for 6 wells in SW Bebob
Field: Be303, Be304, Be305, Be441, Be445
and Be447.
SW Bebob Surface Map
SW Bebob Development
• Currently 23 producers , 4 injectors
• Oil Recovery thru YE 2117 = 10.2 MMBO
• Estimated current SW Bebob EUR (decline
curve) = 21.14 MMBO
• Forecasted incremental capture reserves from
MDP-422 wells = 6.1 MMBO
Planned Development (18 acre pattern infill)
Multiple YO sands in area
All wells to have M1-10 perfs
All wells to have M1-20 perfs
Tie in to Manifold Be152
Mars Confidential
New Wells
How Does the Chevron
Team use iRAVE?
The Chevron Team uses iRAVE for :
 Pre Drill well package review/approval
 Post Drill analysis & Current Year Results
© Chevron 2009
Before we go live…
 We use the library function as opposed to WebEx
or InfoLinks
 It can be easily saved on a laptop for portability at
offsite meetings
 We will now go through the basic screens to show
how we use iRAVE
© Chevron 2009
Go Live
© Chevron 2009
Well Package Proposal
Example (MDP-422)
© Chevron 2009
Are well locations acceptable?
Completion intervals okay?
 iRAVE is an emerging technology which enables us to keep
up with Operator.
• Six rigs total
• 100+ new completions per year
• ~1,000 stims per year
• $500 MM - $1,000 MM annual Capex and Opex budget
• Only one geo and one engineer on Chevron team!
 Team activities in 2009 generated over $50 MM in NPV
utilizing iRAVE and independent mapping to identify
project opportunities
 iRAVE can be applied to other assets with minimal effort
© Chevron 2009
Lessons Learned
 Integrated platform allows improved decisionmaking, in some cases, better than the Operator
 Splitting the process to compile data to a central
server separate from the application allows easier
adoption to other assets and easily integrate new
 This process has helped us influence the Operator
by challenging their analysis methods (i.e., IP
rates were always optimistic)
 Plan for due diligence, that is, data clean-up, and
influence Operator to improve data sources
© Chevron 2009
Best Practices
 2009 Drilling Results plot – recognized by Chevron’s
Internal Reserves Advisory Committee as best practice
(type curves and comparison to actual new drills)
 MDP post-drill analysis – has helped to influence
Operator to review their proposals in more detail
Mid 2117 Package
© Chevron 2009
Early 2118 Package
Future Work
 Integrating other data elements
• Stimulation Results
• Pump Replacements
• Production Attribute Background Maps
• Well Pay Summaries
• Simulation History-Match Data
 Application windows
• Stimulation Uplift Tracker & Predictor
• Areal Bubble Maps
• Waterflood Analysis
• After-Before Compare (ABC) Plots
• Downtime Analysis
• Artificial Lift Analysis
© Chevron 2009
• Front-end to Business Plan and Reserves
Thank You!
© Chevron 2009
© Chevron 2009
(integrated Reservoir and
Visualization Environment)
Mars Rock Names*
 Rock Name
Mars Pathfinder
Mars Pathfinder
Mars Pathfinder
Mars Rover Spirit
Mars Rover Spirit
Mars Rover Spirit
Mars Rover Opportunity
* from Wikepedia
Mars Rock Names*
 Rock Name
 Yogi
Mars Pathfinder