Download Report


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गुरुवार, 8 दिसंबर 2016
114, Fatehpur Sikri Road, near Sadar Bazar, Agra Cantt
Invitation of E-Tenders (Dual Bid System)
Electronic Bids from eligible enlisted contractors of Cantonment Board Agra or
eligible enlisted/registered contractors in any Central/State Govt. department or
Semi Govt, departments of Central/State Govt. or Public Sector undertakings of
Central Govt. meeting eligibility criteria, are invited by Cantonment Board Agra for
the undermentioned work to be executed during the year 2016-17 on dual bid
system i.e. Technical Bid (cover-1) and Financial Bid (cover-2) Manual bids/offers
will not be accepted. Cost of tender is Rs. 1000/= each and period for completion of
contract is up to 31.3.2017. The interested contractors/firms may look up the website, Contractors not enlisted with Cantonment Board Agra
are required to enclose necessary documents to prove eligibility as mentioned in the
NIT and the tender document. The successful tenderer/bidder has to get himself
registered with the Cantonment Board Agra, if he is not already registered, failing
which his tender will be cancelled and fresh tenders will be invited. No conditional
tenders will be accepted. The Board reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the
tenders without any notice and the Board’s decision in this regard will be final.
Terms/conditions, eligibility criteria and connected details may be seen in the office
during working hours.
Sl. Name of work
cost (Rs.)
1. Annual repair/maintenance of Cantt. 1,00,00,000/= 2,00,000/= 5,00,000/=
Fund Road (2) by Hot Mix Paver
Finisher System during the year
2. Annual repair/maintenance of
Cantt. Fund Nullahs during the
year 2016-17
Critical dates are as under;
1. Date of Publication
2. Online document download start date
1300 hours.
3. Bid submission start date (cover-1&2)
1600 hours
4. Document download end date
1600 hours.
5. Bid submission end date (Cover-1 & 2)
1600 hours.
6. Bid opening date (cover-1) Technical Bid
1600 hours.
Note:1. Tender applications not accompanied by requisite cost of tender will be
treated as rejected. Cost of tender need not to be deposited by such
applicants/tenderers who have already participated in the tender action,
during the current finical year, in respect of a particular contract/tender.
However, such applicant shall be required to attach proof of submission
of cost of tender in respect of the same tender, submitted in Cant Board
office during the year 2016-17. The tender cost is non refundable.
2. Date of opening of Cover-2 (Financial Bid) will be informed online and
the same will be opened only in respect of qualified and eligible
contractors who fulfill eligibility criteria according to their bid submitted
in Cover-1 (Technical Bid).
3. Uploading of bid does not constitute any guarantee for opening of
Financial Bid (cover-2) of the tenderer.
4. For submission of e-tender, the bidders are required to get themselves
registered with website alongwith class II/III digital
signatures certificates issued by authorized CA under IT Act 2003.
5. Any change/modification in the Tender Inquiry/NIT will be intimated
through abovesaid website only. Bidders are requested to visit our
website regularly to keep themselves updated.
No. T/25-26/TC/Tender/16-17/CE/2016
(M. Venkat Narsimha Reddy)
Chief Executive Officer , Agra