Advanced mixer training in waste water treatment

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Advanced mixer training in waste water treatment Corso avanzato sulle tecniche di miscelazione nella depurazione delle acque reflue (Corso in lingua Inglese)

Martedì, 13 Settembre 2016 UNIVERSITA’ DI BOLOGNA Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura Aula TA08 Via Terracini, 28 40131 – Bologna


Ore 9:45

Saluti introduttivi

Ore 10,00

Fahlgren, Magnus

Xylem Water Solutions Italia 1. Establish contact and credibility 1.1. Why large tanks in the process? Mixing needed to make the best use of the tanks. 1.2. Flygt pioneered mixing in WWT starting in the 80s with the submersible mixer. 1.3. With more than 250.000 mixers sold and a continually ongoing development in mixing technology, Flygt is second to none what concerns experience and engineering expertise. 1.4. We hope to demonstrate some of our expertise during this seminar. 2. Mixing basics. We need to understand the basic physics of propeller induced jet mixing 2.1. The speed boat analogy. How does a jet create mixing? Demonstration in a small tank with colored dye(?) 2.2. The thrust is the most significant descriptor of a propeller mixer. 2.3. Thrust per power is what one shall look for when comparing different mixers. ISO 21630. 3. What do we need to achieve with the mixing effort? 3.1. Mixing is the process whereby liquids, solids and gases are brought into intimate contact to promote chemical, biological or physical reactions. 3.2. Bringing into contact include suspension of solids, distribution of incoming liquid streams, distribution of chemical additives and distribution of gas bubbles. 3.3. Demonstration of the race track where distribution of solids, gas bubbles and additives are shown. Hopefully I can develop a nice oxygen gas transfer demonstration using CO2 and pH indicator. Velocity with and without air etc. Ore 13,00

Colazione di lavoro

Ore 14,00

Fahlgren, Magnus

Xylem Water Solutions Italia 4. Knowledge development and experience gathering. 4.1. CFD in mixing 4.2. Show CFD of the demonstration tank and discuss. 4.3. CFD of a real tank vs. measurements. Pictures from the measurement campaign in Belgium. 4.4. Some successful applications in Italy where the expertise and commitment of Flygt proved to be the decisive factor. Perhaps some bad experiences as well to show that we learn from mistakes. 5. The newest mixing technology, 4320 and variable speed mixing. 5.1. Connect back to the variable speed capability of the model mixer and how changing the speed can solve an issue without need to replace the mixer. ore 16,00

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Incontro sul tema:

Advanced mixer training in waste water treatment

Martedì, 13 Settembre 2016 UNIVERSITA’ DI BOLOGNA Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura Aula TA08 Via Terracini, 28 40131 – Bologna

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