Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Germany - Jena, Social

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A.P.S. el Modernista, operante all’interno degli spazi Artepassante della stazione di Porta
Vittoria, presenta un weekend di laboratori artistico-esperienziali per adulti e bambini.
Di seguito, il programma delle due giornate:
Sabato 26 Novembre ore 15.00-18.00
Laboratorio artistico-esperienziale per scoprire insieme il diritto all'identità
Ente promotore: el Modernista APS
.collapse">Dove e quando Data dell'evento: Sab, 11/26/2016 to Dom, 11/27/2016
Orario dell'evento: 15.00 - 18.00
Luogo dell'evento: Spazio el Modernista - Stazione Vittoria del Passante Ferroviario di
Milano Viale Molise 69
Milano , MI
.collapse">Recapiti per informazioni Telefono segreteria organizzativa: 3279071249
Email segreteria organizzativa: [email protected]
IDENTITA'_Weekend 26-27_elmo.jpg
Mercatino benefico Natale
Le proposte del catalogo 2016 "A Natale fai regali buoni" contengono tante idee per un Natale
solidale: panettone di alta pasticceria,riso, selezione di vini, miele, thè e infusi, due nuovi gioielli
esclusivi "Siamo tessere dello stesso puzzle", strenne e biglietti augurali per privati e aziende
Ente promotore: Associazione Luisa Berardi
.collapse">Dove e quando Data dell'evento: Sab, 11/19/2016
Orario dell'evento: sabato 19: 15-19; domenica 20: 9-13; 15-19
Luogo dell'evento: c/o parrocchia S. Pio V Via Lattanzio 60
20137 Milano , MI
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.collapse">Recapiti per informazioni Telefono segreteria organizzativa: 3286241767
Email segreteria organizzativa: [email protected]
Leggi tutto su Mercatino benefico Natale
Donazione di mobili d'ufficio a titolo gratuito
AXA, in seguito alla ristrutturazione di alcuni uffici, dona ad associazioni a titolo gratuito, del
Hanno bisogno di liberare gli uffici entro venerdì 2 dicembre e il trasporto sarebbe a carico
di chi ritirerà il materiale.
Per qualsiasi chiarimento potete rivolgervi a Alice Biella: tel. 02 58299043 - email:
[email protected]
Ente promotore: AXA
.collapse">Dove e quando
Data dell'evento: Mer, 11/30/2016
.collapse">Recapiti per informazioni Telefono segreteria organizzativa: 02 58299043
Email segreteria organizzativa: [email protected]
Leggi tutto su Donazione di mobili d'ufficio a titolo gratuito
Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Götzis, Austria
Inviato da rapizza_2825 il 16-11-2016
The Lebenshilfe Vorarlberg is an organization founded in 1967.
Loackerhuus is a subsidiary institution which was opened in March 2011 in Götzis, near
Dornbirn. Our general principle is "people need people" no matter whether you have a disability
or not. Our work focuses on the uniqueness of every human being and in the belief that society
depends on every individual person and every individual person depends on the society.
Termine di presentazione delle domande/Deadline: Lun, 03/06/2017
Località/Location: Götzis, Austria
Data inizio progetto/Start: Lun, 09/04/2017
Data fine progetto/End: Lun, 09/03/2018
Compiti/Tasks :
The volunteer will work five days a week, 34 hours a week including German course.
The role of the EVS volunteers will be to work along with our employees and people with
intellectual disabilities and behaviour problems, mainly in one of our three working areas (Café,
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Kitchen and Creative workshop).
The volunteer will be encouraged and accompanied to support people to tackle a task for
themselves, not to do things for them, in order for them to realize their potential and abilities.
The work of the volunteer will be guided by our professional employees. Also there is free space
to create and implement own ideas.
We are welcoming new and creative ideas, which we believe adds new perspectives to our
Some typical daily activities from each group:
Café - The volunteer has the possibility to learn how to welcome the guests, serve meals and
beverages, work at the bar and make preparations for the days work, etc.
Kitchen - Helps with the production of cakes and biscuits, supports and instructs individuals with
disabilities with everyday domestic activities, etc.
Creative group - Supports and instructs individuals with disabilities using creative work e. g.
painting, papermaché objects, felt objects, etc.
Every group has a trained employee who is responsible for the complete organization and
needs of the group. This employee is also responsible for the support of the volunteer, for
answering any questions that arise and for instructing the volunteer in the given activities.
Criteri/Criteria :
The volunteer that we are looking for should be first of all an open minded person, open for new
S/He should have the will to work with people with disabilities with patience. We would also be
happy to have a person who can integrate good in a new working team and who is also able to
share with us her/his cultural background.
Procedure/Procedure :
Please write a mail with your CV (incl. picture of you, date of birth,...) and motivation letter to the
following address:
[email protected]
After the application deadline we will have selection rounds with the staff! During those selection
rounds it’s possible that we will contact you for further information through mail, phone calls or
Skype! Don’t forget to add the name of the project when you apply for it!
Leggi tutto su Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Götzis, Austria
Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in France, Grenoble - Language and
Cultural Activities
Inviato da rapizza_2825 il 16-11-2016
The IUT2 is an independent institute, part of the Grenoble Alpes University. We offer both
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professional skills and a high-quality theoretical teaching. We offer education mainly in the field
of services.
In our IUT there is special room dedicated to languages and foreign cultures.
Termine di presentazione delle domande/Deadline: Mer, 01/04/2017
Località/Location: Grenoble, France
Data inizio progetto/Start: Ven, 09/01/2017
Data fine progetto/End: Gio, 05/31/2018
Compiti/Tasks :
The volunteer will work there and he/she will:
• Organize conversation classes in English to IUT2 students, but also teachers and staff
• Set up events on foreign cultures (festive events, debates, projection of films, food)
• Make students feel like going abroad by giving them information on studying and European
• Generally creating a friendly atmosphere in the room so that it becomes a really attractive
place for students. To this end the volunteer will get in touch with student unions
• If this is in the range of his/ her skills the volunteer will set up societies like those that exist at
universities in English-speaking countries (Drama, Debating Society etc.)
Criteri/Criteria :
A young and dynamic volunteer who is keen to share his/her love of languages and different
cultures enthusiastically.
We need someone with good written and spoken English. Knowledge of one other European
language (Italian, Spanish or German) would be appreciated. Energy and enthusiasm and
qualities that we seek in the volunteer as well as the ability to work independently.
The volunteer will have to deal with students (18-23) so very young candidates (below 21) will
not feel comfortable in this position.
We need somebody creative, who feels confortable socially
Procedure/Procedure :
Send us a CV and Cover Letter by email to:
[email protected]
Grenoble is a very sporty middle-sized town of 400K inhabitants.
It is set in the heart of the Alps, and offers magnificent views of mountains at the end of every
street. You can choose from a wide variety of sports, at whatever levelt. You can get away from
the city in 30 mn and find yourself in nature.
It is a very studenty town with 60,000 students, of whom 6,000 are International. There are
many clubs and bars, cinemas, restaurants, a great Modern Art Museum, a national concert
hall, etc.
According to a recent survey it is the N°1 place to study in France.
Leggi tutto su Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in France, Grenoble - Language and Cultural
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Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Brno, Czech Republic - Lipka school
facility for environmental education
Inviato da rapizza_2825 il 16-11-2016
Rozmarýnek is the second oldest training facility of Lipka. It designs and implements natural
science and environmental education programmes for primary and secondary schools, mostly
outdoors and afternoon courses and camps, especially for kids. A lot of their activities are
connected with animals.
The unique garden with permaculture elements, which is open to all visitors also enables
Rozmarýnek to run courses on permaculture for professional public, pedagogues and
enthusiasts from afar.
Termine di presentazione delle domande/Deadline: Dom, 12/04/2016
Località/Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Data inizio progetto/Start: Dom, 10/01/2017
Data fine progetto/End: Dom, 09/30/2018
Compiti/Tasks :
In Rozmarýnek the volunteer tasks will be mostly participation on children clubs, help with
permaculture garden and taking care for animals.
In Jezírko volunteer’s mainly tasks will be preparation and implementation of educational
programmes for children, clubs and camps and public events.
The volunteer will be encouraged to participate also in other activities. Previous experience with
permaculture gardens and/or teaching would be an advantage (ability to bring new ideas, views,
and methods) but is not a condition.
Procedure/Procedure :
Please send us your CV, motivation letter and completed questions (section additional
information) to :
[email protected]
In the subject of the e-mail write name of the "EVS placement". If you will be chosen to the
second round of selection, be ready for a Skype interview in December. The results will be
known after 16.12.
Additional information to send
Reply to these questions:
1. Are you interested in environmental education or natural sciences?
2. Please describe your experiences, if you have any, with pedagogical work (age of the
children, form of activities, lenght of your experience).
3. Are you interested or experienced in working in the garden/forest/orchard manually (take care
about animals, do seasonal work in orchard – picking up apples, gardening)?
4. What would you like to gain from your EVS?
5. In what area are you good and you would like to share your knowledge and experience with
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Leggi tutto su Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Brno, Czech Republic - Lipka school facility
for environmental education
Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Germany - Jena, Social Work with
Children and Teenagers
Inviato da rapizza_2825 il 15-11-2016
KLEX is an institution of the the "KOMME e.V." which is a non-profit association. The main parts
of the association are the work with children and teenagers, cultureprojects and the support of
the residents in lobeda.
KLEX is a child- and youthcentre in Lobeda a district of Jena. We are an open house for
children and teeangers between the age of 10-14 years and their parents.
We offer rooms for exploration inside and outside of our building. Our team works together with
all visitors and we have a look at and support the competences of the childeren and teeanagers.
Termine di presentazione delle domande/Deadline: Dom, 12/04/2016
Località/Location: Jena, Germany
Data inizio progetto/Start: Ven, 09/01/2017
Data fine progetto/End: Ven, 08/31/2018
Compiti/Tasks :
The volunteer will support the educational work with children and youth.
The main principle of our pedagogical and educational work are:
"GUT DRAUF"-Guidelines
Low-threshold service and vouluntariness
flexibel and continuous with the view on the sozial demand
Gender Work
A view on the living environment / nonformal and informal education
critical partiality and political Interesst
For alle children and teenagers between 10-14 year we offern an open und informal learnplace
to spent their freetime. Our visitors find her posibilities to learn and be active in different ways. It
is also a secure place to explore. With a look at the social backround of the district lobeda we
consider the special need of socially deprived persons. We want to offer alternative leisure
activities instead of the commercial options. It is also important for us to take care of people with
special needs and disabilities.
We work together with different social institution and workgroups in Jena.
Criteri/Criteria :
We are looking for an open-minded Volunteer who is motiviated to do social work with children
and teenagers.
Procedure/Procedure :
Please fill out this application doc (here attached too) from our Coordinating organisation and
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send it to the following E-Mail
[email protected]
This organisation has a physical environment suitable for young people with physical, sensory
or other disabilities (such as wheelchair access and similar.)
application form - Jena.doc
Leggi tutto su Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Germany - Jena, Social Work with Children
and Teenagers
Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Germany - Sport and health oriented
Inviato da rapizza_2825 il 15-11-2016
The Kindergarten “Wasserläufer” is a child care institution opened in Potsdam in 2010. The
Kindergarten is situated in the western part of Potsdam near to the historical Old City center and
has the capacity of 130 children aged between 1-6 years, who in their development are
accompanied by 16 educators/teachers, movement coordinator and other support persons like
trainees and volunteers. The Kindergarten has activity rooms on 4 floors that are occupied
based on the themes and age categories of children, Kneipp room and ca 1200 qm big
playground and garden for outdoor activities.
Termine di presentazione delle domande/Deadline: Ven, 12/16/2016
Località/Location: Potsdam, Germany
Data inizio progetto/Start: Lun, 07/03/2017
Data fine progetto/End: Lun, 07/02/2018
Compiti/Tasks :
We are searching for 1 EVS volunteer for our Kindergarten “Wasserläufer” for a 12 month
project starting 3rd July 2017. Volunteer will be integrated in the "on the move and health
oriented" program of Kindergarten by supporting the pedagogues in their daily activities.
Sport, movement and healthy lifestyle are the key words in the daily work at the Kindergarten.
Volunteer will help pedagogues with on the move exercises, communicate with children and
lead them to the better consciousness for the health. Also, volunteer will have opportunity to
organize his own projects, e.g. about his own country, culture, traditions.
Possible fields of activity:
- Involvement whilst looking after 1 to 5 year old children
- Assistance whilst practicing aged-based movement exercises in a playful way
- Accompanying children in their daily activities
- Support by the planning of activities, thematical w
Criteri/Criteria :
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- be interested in work with young children
- be interested in sport orientated work
- be interested in the conception and implementation of sport orientated events and projects
with children
- dedicated commitment and creativity (music, sport, games, dance etc.)
- sociable, friendly, patient and open-minded
- willing to learn new skills
- curious and be interested in German culture and language
- body hygiene
Procedure/Procedure :
In order to apply, please send us your CV and motivation letter to Vita Ozolina-Vani,
[email protected]
Leggi tutto su Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Germany - Sport and health oriented
Presentazione del libro “Il Bambino Magico” e dibattito sul tema "Tratta
di esseri umani"
LULE ONLUS e Associazione Cuore di Donna in collaborazione con le amministrazioni
comunali di Magenta e Abbiategrasso segnalano la presentazione del libro IL BAMBINO
MAGICO di Maria Paola Colombo
Progetto Donna
Dalla lotta contro la violenza sulle donne alla prevenzione sanitaria, un filo rosso di iniziative tra
Magenta e Abbiategrasso
Ente promotore: Lule Onlus
.collapse">Dove e quando Data dell'evento: Ven, 11/18/2016
Orario dell'evento: 21:00
Luogo dell'evento: Sala Giacobbe Via IV Giugno 80
Magenta , MI
.collapse">Recapiti per informazioni Telefono segreteria organizzativa: 3281481701
Email segreteria organizzativa: [email protected]
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Manifesto iniziativa presentazione libro Il bambino magico di M.G. Colombo e
dibattito sul tema tratta
Leggi tutto su Presentazione del libro “Il Bambino Magico” e dibattito sul tema "Tratta di
esseri umani"
Cantando il Natale
Nella serata di domenica 18 dicembre in occasione del Santo Natale Fondazione Rosangela
D'Ambrosio Onlus organizzerà un concerto a sostegno dei progetti della Fondazione stessa in
aiuto a tanti bambini bisognosi di cure ed amore.
Nella splendida cornice della Chiesa di San Silvestro in Milano si sibirà il piccolo coro Santa
Maria Ausiliatrice che ci allieterà la serata con canti di gioia ed amore.
Una serata solidale da non perdere tanto più che l'ingresso è con offerta libera.
Ente promotore: Fondazione Rosangela D'Ambrosio Onlus
.collapse">Dove e quando Data dell'evento: Dom, 12/18/2016
Orario dell'evento: 20.45 - 23.30
Luogo dell'evento: Parrocchia San Silvestro Via Lodovico il Moro 173
20091 Milano
.collapse">Recapiti per informazioni Telefono segreteria
organizzativa: 3474132840/3351464940
Email segreteria organizzativa: [email protected]
Leggi tutto su Cantando il Natale
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