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Transcript Aug2014_Clinton_WPCC_Public_Mtg_Pres

2014 Public Information Session
Town of Clinton, CT
Water Pollution
Control Commission
August 26, 2014
Introductions and WPCC Mission
• Introductions of Town and Project Personnel
– First Selectman William W. Fritz Jr, and the Board of
– Water Pollution Control Commission
– CT River Area Health District – Jim Monopoli
– CT Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection – Carlos Esguerra and Dennis Greci
– Consulting Engineer CDM Smith – Kristie Wagner
• N.L. Jacobson & Associates – Wade Thomas
– Consultant – Mary Jane Engle
• Mission of the WPCC
• Overview of CRAHD Responsibilities and Activities
• Ongoing WPCC Activities:
– Pumpout Ordinance
• Facilities Planning Project Background and Necessity
per DEEP
• Ongoing Facilities Planning Work:
– Refining Areas of Concern
– Evaluating Treatment Alternatives
– Analyzing Sites for Groundwater Discharge
CRAHD – We are your local health department
• Regulate On-Site Systems < 2000 gallons per day
– Including site evaluations, plan review, permits to install,
inspections, permits to discharge
• On-Site Sewage Disposal Program Activities
– Regulate repairs and system malfunctions/failures, property
improvement projects under Reg 19-13-b100a
– Provide education and training
– Approve well construction and determine potability
– In fiscal year 2013: 72 repairs, in FY2014: 67 repairs
• CRAHD and the WPCC
– Helped facilitate regional POB: Cedar Is. Marina
– Will work cooperatively to blend responsibilities as this project
moves forward
What is being reported about Clinton
• NRDC: “The beaches with the highest percent exceedance
rates of the BAV in 2013 were Town Beach (Clinton) in
Middlesex County (27%)” 2014 Testing the Waters report
• CT Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture: There
can be no recreational shellfishing program in Clinton until
the water quality improves and a plan is in place to address
and eliminate sub-standard sewage disposal systems along
Clinton’s shoreline. Paraphrase of DA/BA to shellfish
• CT DEEP: “The Clinton Estuary includes one segment
impaired for commercial shellfish harvesting and four
segments impaired for direct shellfish harvesting due to
elevated bacteria levels.” 2013 TMDL report
Ongoing WPCC Activities – Pumpout Ordinance
• Requires septic pump-out and inspection by a
Licensed Septic Tank Cleaner at least every five years
• Cleaner must be registered with WPCC and submit
report to WPCC electronically (Carmody)
• Administered by WPCC Clerk, Shirley Mickens
• Approximately 5,559 septic systems in town
– Every owner has been notified of pump-out requirement at
least once (some on 2nd and 3rd notice)
– Currently approximately 470 non-compliant
CT DEEP - Project History and Background
Clinton has conducted
numerous wastewater
studies since the 1970s
which recommended townwide or regional solutions
Focus of current study has
evolved to looking at more
localized solutions
DEEP providing grants
covering 55% of cost of
current study
Ongoing Activities –
Completion of Wastewater Facilities Plan
• Wastewater Facilities Plan Goals:
– Develop a comprehensive plan for wastewater management in
– Refine Areas of Concern and need for off-site treatment
– Find sites for groundwater discharge of treated wastewater
(River not preferred by Town)
– Evaluate treatment alternatives
– Balance Need with available capacity of subsurface disposal sites
– Monitor and improve individual on-site systems where
• Find the most economical and effective solutions for each
area of Town
Ongoing Activities – Refining Areas of Concern
• Areas of Concern total approximately 600,000 gallons
per day of wastewater (based on existing use), but
nature and degree of problems vary
• Manual File Search
– Reviewing historical paper files at Town Hall and CRAHD
– Looking for information on soil testing, depth to
groundwater, septic failures, and anecdotal information
from past site activities
– Goal is to reach educated, substantiated conclusions
regarding off-site solutions or on-site improvements
Ongoing Activities – Refining Areas of Concern
• Rocky Ledge area – unique, potential public water
• Long Hill – majority off-site
• Coastal – mix of on- and off-site; refining boundaries
• Manufactured Mobile Home Communities – responsibility
of community owner
• Downtown, Route 1 Corridor, Boulder Lake –
– Final phases of evaluation and prioritization
– likely a mixture of solutions
• Prioritization is an iterative, comparative process
Rocky Ledge Needs Area- water sampling and
file search project
• Historical concern regarding small lots, presence of ledge
and groundwater making septic system functioning difficult,
and dependency of wells for drinking water
• Historical water testing info also showed water quality issues
• 48 of 122 (39%) properties had wells sampled by WPCC and
CRAHD since 2011
• All property files searched for available info on water/septic
• All properties studied for potential to upgrade septic on site
to current health code standards if wells were not present.
– 99% of the properties can meet this criteria
Rocky Ledge Needs Area-Results by Street
Street and # of
Of sample set,
Of all parcels,
# (%)
# (%) known
# (%) sampled contaminated
health code
(Coliform or
nitrates only)
Total # (%)
Happy Acres (23)
10 (43%)
4 (40%)
8 (35%)
12 (52%)
Tpke. (19)
7 (37%)
3 (43%)
11 (58%)
11 (58%)
Margo La. (8)
1 (13%)
0 (0%)
3 (38%)
3 (38%)
Oakwood La.
8 (53%)
4 (50%)
7 (47%)
10 (67%)
Rocky Ledge Dr.
16 (46%)
14 (88%)
7 (20%)
19 (54%)
Woodland Dr.
6 (30%)
2 (33%)
7 (35%)
9 (45%)
Total (122)
48 (39%)
27 (56%)
43 (35%)
64 (52%)
Ongoing Activities – Evaluating Treatment
• Community Treatment and
Disposal Facilities, and Individual
On-Site Improvements
Ongoing Activities – Finding Sites for Groundwater
Discharge of Treated Wastewater
• Looking for favorable geology
• Desktop screening, site walks,
subsurface exploration,
hydraulic load testing
Ongoing Activities – Finding Sites for Groundwater
Discharge of Treated Wastewater
• Working with property owners since 2010
– Walked or tested dozens of parcels
– 2013-2014: completed study phase testing
• “Top Four” Parcels:
Carter Hill Rd – 50-60,000 GPD
Ninety Rod Rd – 75-90,000 GPD
Pleasant Valley Rd – 150-300,000 GPD
Old Post Rd – 100-120,000 GPD
• Total 375,000 to 570,000 GPD, assuming
all can be acquired and utilized
“Pulling It All Together” –
Range of Solutions for Different Areas
• Sewers to community treatment facilities and disposal
– Refining areas most in need of off-site solutions and balancing
with off-site disposal capacity
– Treatment facilities will provide high level of treatment
including disinfection and nutrient removal
Enhancement of on-site systems
Inspection and monitoring of on-site systems
Rocky Ledge – possible public water extension
Continuation of Pumpout Ordinance
Schedule for Facilities Planning
• Subsurface Disposal sites – study phase testing
• Refinement of Areas of Concern– through end of 2014
• Facilities Plan – Draft end of 2014, Finalize in 2015
• Public Outreach and Approvals – through 2015
– *Town Residents*
– Board of Selectmen
– Board of Finance
• Commence Conceptual Design – 2016, focusing on
highest-priority areas first
Thank you all for your
interest and for attending!