tech italy 2012 “l`innovazione industriale quale motore della

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DAY I – Conference
Brussels, 29th November 2016
European Parliament
14:30 – 15:00 Registration
15:00 – 15:20 Welcome address
• Antonio TAJANI - Vicepresident of the EU Parliament
• Ambassador Vincenzo GRASSI - Ambassador of Italy to Belgium
• Michele SCANNAVINI - President of the Italian Trade Agency
15:20 – 16:30 Roundtable
The EU circular economy package: the debate between EU and Italian institutions and stakeholders
Moderator: Adriana CERRETELLI (Il Sole 24 Ore – Brussels)
• Simona BONAFÈ - Member of European Parliament; Rapporteur in the European Parliament on
the legislative proposals on waste
• Francesco LA CAMERA - Director General, Department for Sustainable Development, Environmental Damage, European Union and International Affairs Ministry for the Environment, Land
and Sea of Italy
• Daniel CALLEJA CRESPO – Director General for Environment, DG Environment, European Commission
• Dominique RISTORI - Director General for Energy, DG Energy, European Commission
• Federico TESTA - President of ENEA
• Institutional representatives of CNR (tbd)
Claudio GEMME - President of the group of experts “Industria e Ambiente” by Confindustria
16:30 – 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 – 17:30 Roundtable
Towards a circular economy in Italy: national and regional experiences and best practices.
Moderator: Enrico Tibuzzi (ANSA - Brussels)
• Emmanuela PETTINAO - Expert on Waste in Circular Economy Division, Sustainable Development Foundation
• Technical Statement by a representative of the CNR (tbd)
• Roberto MORABITO - Director of the Department Sustainability of Production and Territorial
systems (SSPT) at ENEA
• Marco CODOGNOLA - Director of Procurement, Business Development & Environmental Division, VISCOLUBE
• Guido FABIANI - Councillor, Council Office for economic development, Latium Region
17:30 – 17:50 Q&A
17:50 – 18:00 Closing remarks
• Ambassador Giovanni PUGLIESE - Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU
DAY II - Workshop and B2B Meetings
Brussels, 30th November 2016
Espace Monte Paschi Belgio
09:00 – 09:30 : Registration
09:30 – 10:10 SESSION 1: Belgian Opportunities in the Circular Economy
Moderator: Fabrizio DI CLEMENTE - Director, Italian Trade Agency Brussels office
• Patricia FOSCOLO - Manager of Brussels Greentech Network at
• Lieze CLOOTS - Head of the International Policy Team at Public Waste Agency of Flanders
(OVAM) - Flanders' Materials Programme
• Marc NOEL - Senior Sustainable Development Expert at AWEX
10:10 – 11:10 SESSION 2: Italian and Belgian best-practices on circular economy
• CNR - Presentation of a best practice (tbd)
• Roberto MONETA - Head of Technical Unit Energy Efficiency (Utee) – ENEA Presentation of the
projects “Preliminary Energy Audit” for SME’S
• Giuseppe CIOFFI - President of the SPRING chemical cluster, Umbria Region
• Prof. Angelo CORALLO – Salento University in the Apulia Region. The GE aVio aero case study for
repair and remanufacturing.
• Roberto VALDINOCI - General Director, Mauro Saviola Group. Italian best practice in wood sector
• Inovin S.A. – Italo – Belgian best practice in chemical sector (tbc)
11:10 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:10 SESSION 3: The EU funding programs in support of circular economy:
• Vincenzo GENTE – Senior Project Adviser – EASME - Horizon 2020 Environment and Re-
sources Unit
Angelo SALSI – Manager of LIFE and Eco-Innovation Unit - EASME
Representative of APRE (tbd)
Representative of the European Investment Bank (EIB) (tbd)
12:10 – 12:30 Presentation of the Participating Italian companies
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 16:30 SESSION 4: B2B meeting